Every social physique cannot guarantee that people will live an absolutely fair life. Every city in the last days, even if the manager is doing something, can't let the people in the city get the same rights. Some people will live well, and some people will live badly!

Skard and Lanint are a pair of difficult brothers who have had a bad life.

They are poor and lazy.

I haven't found a job in Jusen City. Without a source of income, I can only rely on scams and abductions.

However, this income method with unstable sources cannot allow him to live a very good life.

Finally, the smarter Skard had a notice.

"Rainte! Did you see the group of people who came into the city to live in the villa area the other day? They seem to be very rich! I saw them with four children, and you said if we stole theirs Children, can you get a lot of money? These people are just here after all, I think it should be easier to get started, right?

"But, I think those people seem to be very powerful. Will there be any supernatural beings among them?"

"Laint, why are you so courageous? I ask you, have you ever seen a supernatural person?"

"Isn't this, how can we people who eat and drink on the street see the supernatural beings? I understand what you mean, you are trying to tell me that there are actually very few supernatural beings! However, that's a villa. This is the place where the wealthy people in the giant forest live. Maybe there will be some supernatural players in the villa as thugs!"

"Even if there are people with supernatural powers there? We are not looking for them to fight! Just steal the children! Don't forget, stealing is our specialty! Let's do this in the afternoon, and their anti-counterfeiting must be very lax at that time! After we succeed, we will go out of the city, and let them send the ransom! I have a relative who is in Rambo Castle now, and it’s pretty good. There is the gangster alliance. As long as we have money, we can let me there. Relatives will help us buy a house to live in, and we can also go to the tavern to find some women!"


Lanint was persuaded. In this way, they sneaked into the huge villa where Weng Lan and others lived at noon today, and found a chance to snatch Qin Xiangming from Catalina's hand shortly after the full moon.

Naturally, Catalina was going to chase immediately, but thought that she was a woman, and she might not be able to get her child back. So she started looking for someone and saw Qin Qicai sitting in the garden in the backyard. The child's arrest was told.

Qin Qicai heard that own Little Sister had been arrested, and hurriedly asked for the direction to catch up.

Qi Rou had been sitting all the time. After hearing the whole story, she frowned slightly, then stood up suddenly!

what happened? Why does her heartbeat become so fast? It was as if she was about to meet some special person!

Seeing Qin Qicai had run away, Qi Rou raised her palm, and the flame immediately rose from her palm, then burned all over her body, and finally the flame disappeared with Qi Rou's figure.

Eight hundred meters south of the villa area, a homeless man was trying to light a cigarette with a lighter.

As soon as the lighter ignited a flame, a red figure stepped out of the small flame.

The tramp was completely stunned. He looked at the woman in red who appeared in front of him. After a long time, he slowly backed away while trembling in his mouth: "God! Is this a witch? A witch who can control flames!"

The next moment, the tramp turned around and ran away, not daring to stay at all.

Qi Rou stood there, and soon saw two men running towards this side with a crying baby! And Qin Qicai had already chased more than fifty meters behind them.

In the end, Qi Rou and Qin Qicai sandwiched Skard and Lanint between them, leaving them nowhere to escape.

Qin Qicai's face was gloomy at this time. He first looked at Qi Rou and nodded slightly to express his gratitude, then coldly said to the two western men, "Give me the baby and let you go!"

At this time, Lanint had scared his legs to weaken.

Skard's character is a bit more fierce, since the meat has already been obtained, how is he willing to give up?

Putting the dagger that he had been holding on Qin Xiangming's chest, Skard shouted out loudly: "You all stay away from me! Hurry up, or I will kill the kid!"

As he spoke, his hand pressed downwards, and the tip of the knife had pierced the little quilt that wrapped Qin Xiangming and touched her weak skin.

Qin Xiangming was originally looking at the sky curiously with his eyes that had just been opened for a few days, but suddenly felt the pain, and immediately cried out.

Murderous intent appeared in Qin Qicai's eyes! However, at this time he really didn't dare to approach and could only retreat, after all, Little Sister was in the hands of others.

Qin Qicai was also calculating whether he could shoot a big red leaf to kill the opponent in seconds.

But in the end he could only sigh secretly, because he didn't have the confidence to kill the other party without guaranteeing that Little Sister was unharmed.

Qi Rou also frowned slightly. Although she had various powerful fire abilities, she couldn't guarantee that the little girl would not be harmed when she shot herself.

The situation fell into a deadlock for a while.

Qin Qicai symbolically took a few steps to retreated, mainly to relieve the other's tension, and then whispered:

"Who are you guys? What do you want to do?"

Sweat dripped on Skard's forehead. Although he hadn't seen how Qi Rou appeared in front to stop them, he saw Qin Qicai's running speed!

It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary person to run as fast as Qin Qicai. In other words, this black-haired Oriental boy should be a supernatural person!


Skard cursed, and then spoke to Qin Qicai again:

"We don't want this child's life, we just need money! Now that things have happened, this is really unfortunate, both for you and for us!

You need to know, we can’t let this kid go before we get to an absolutely safe place!

Humph, are you a mutant? Don't want to lie to me, I have seen it! So I am very nervous now, so you must not try to stimulate me! Because in order to protect myself, I will use this sharp knife to pierce the child's heart as soon as possible! "

Qin Qicai looked at Skard's eyes, her heart was full of irritability, his luck was really bad, this seemingly vulgar tramp with a beard turned out to be a very calm guy!

The other person's eyes told Qin Qicai that he had never lied. If he acted rashly, he might really die and pierce the knife into Little Sister's heart.

But can you let them go? If they leave, even if they get the ransom in the end, most of them will eventually tear the ticket. If the people in the last days are faithful, then the pigs will really climb the tree!

Just when Qin Qicai was hesitant, a change he didn't know had already happened quietly.


Qin An's first feeling was that his heart was beating non-stop, and then he felt that his legs were shaking, and there was a trace of fear in his heart.

After that, all kinds of memories came to my heart.

The host was called Lanint, and he was kidnapping a little girl with one of his companions.

His sight quickly changed from blurry to sober, what Qin An first saw was a teenager standing ten meters away.

He has a very square face, profound features, and clear brows.

I don't know why, Qin An was stunned for a moment, thinking that this young man looked a little like himself!

However, he didn't care too much, because the ability of the soul to lead the line allowed him to see that the soul of the snow wolf was not on the boy's body.

Turning his head to the side, Qin An looked at the companion named Skard, after which a heart beat faster!

it's him! The soul of the blood wolf has penetrated into his body!

Qin An doesn't have much time, and now the sixth-level skill of Soul Leading can give him almost three minutes of soul travel time. After three minutes, whether he can kill the blood wolf soul host or not, he will return to his own body!

Therefore, he must complete the mission of killing the blood wolf host within three minutes!

Damn it! He has no weapons on his body, but Skard has a knife in his hand!

At this time, the blood wolf's soul was slowly awakening in Skard's body.

He has no idea what is going on, where is he? Who is the young boy on the opposite side? Who is the crying little girl in his arms?

Just between his doubts, Qin An has already rushed forward! He snatched the little girl into his arms with one hand, and then used the other hand to grab the knife in Skard's hand!

Because Skard didn't know what was going on, his thoughts were very unfocused, and the child and the knife were snatched by Qin An in an instant!

Although Qin An has no abilities now, he has a life experience of hundreds of people and knows all kinds of close combat skills!

He grabbed the knife and kicked it sideways and swept toward Skader's legs.

The blood wolf was too late to dodge and was swept to the ground by Qin An.

Qin An stepped forward quickly, and then knelt down on one knee. The place where the knee finally fell was the blood wolf, that is, Skard's little brother.

The blood wolf didn't have time to dodge, and his roots were attacked. The two eggs were directly broken by Qin An's knees, making a scream like a pig!

Qin An had already stabbed the blood wolf's heart with the knife he had taken from the blood wolf.

Facing the front line of life and death, the potential of the blood wolf to survive was finally stimulated.

Seeing the short knife stab him, he didn't care about the pain between his legs and quickly reversed his upper body, Qin An stabbed the rib of Blood Wolf's right chest.

Although Qin An did not hit the key point, because the knife used all his strength, Qin An was deeply inserted into the blood wolf's chest cavity, and blood poured out directly from the wound, not only getting Qin An's hand, but also a few drops of splashing. To the face of the little girl Qin Xiangming.

Qin Xiangming had been crying all the time, but she didn't know if she was attracted by the roar of the blood wolf at this time, and her crying disappeared. A small face with a few drops of blood was flushed, and his eyes were jet-black with tears open. The little girl looked at Qin An's face for a moment, and finally she smiled stupidly.

Qin An had already retracted the knife, and then once again pierced the knife into the blood wolf's heart. This time the blood wolf finally did not escape. The knife was very sharp, piercing the blood wolf's clothing and piercing deeply into his. On the left chest.

Qin An exhaled a long sigh, swept his gaze into Own's arms inadvertently, and saw the little girl's sweet face...

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