During this period of time, Qin An often had similar dreams.

In his dream, he saw Weng Lan gave him quadruplets, three of whom were male and one female, all lovely.

Qin An had never seen the appearance of those children, but he still felt that the dream was very real, because he could clearly see the appearance of Weng Lan! She turned out to be the same as before, without any change at all!

This is of course impossible.

The Ecstasy Sword God skill has a distance range limitation. Even if Weng Lan really loves Qin An, she must be close to Qin An after Qin An acquires the Sword God skill to be affected by the power of the Sword God. So if Weng Lan is still alive, she should be fifty-three years old! How could it be so young and have just given birth to quadruplets?

So although Qin An feels strange that he always has such continuous dreams, he stubbornly believes that his own mood is causing trouble.

He knew that he should put Weng Lan down, even if he didn't forget, he couldn't always think about it, because he needed to have a new life, otherwise his life would be really wasted.

Therefore, when Lan Yue and Liu Xia proposed a wedding, Qin An gladly accepted it without hesitation.

Now, Qin An has traveled through the body of this stranger, and saw the little girl smiling at him in his arms, suddenly there was a trace of trance!

He seems to have known this little girl before!

Moreover, this little girl is so pretty and so cute!

Looks like her is just not long after the full moon, right? Why do you laugh when you are kidnapped by a stranger? What a silly girl!

Qin An couldn't help showing a smile, but his hand did not stop. After the first knife pierced the blood wolf's heart, he stabbed the second, third, fourth... ...Until it doesn't breathe anymore!

At this time, Qin Qicai was already dumbfounded!

Under what circumstances, aren't these two people in the same group?

Why did that seemingly timid guy kill the bad guy who threatened Little Sister?

Frozen for half a minute, Qin Qicai finally woke up when he saw that the guy who fell on the ground had been completely killed and the own Little Sister was still being held by another person!

this is a good chance!

He quickly raised his hand, and a huge red leaf shot out directly, taking Qin An's head straight!

At this time, Qin An occupies the body of an ordinary person and has no power at all, so he does not know that the crisis has arrived behind him.

Just when the huge red leaf was about to cut Qin An's neck, Qi Rou suddenly made a move, and a mass of red flame enveloped the huge red leaf, finally turning it into invisible!

"Qi Rou, what are you doing?"

Qin Qicai shouted angrily, wondering what this woman was going crazy!

At this time, Qin An was finally awakened by the hot temperature behind him. He hurriedly stood up from the body occupied by the blood wolf and looked at Qin Qicai and Qi Rou cautiously.

There are still two minutes, two minutes before he can return to his body!

Before the fifth-level skill, the soul can only make the soul drift out for more than ten seconds. Now the sixth-level skill time has increased a lot. This of course left more time for killing the enemy, but it also brought more risks to Qin An invisibly. If he could not return to his body smoothly, his soul would not be able to return! At that time, neither the immortal ability of the Fragrant Bone Sword God, nor the immortal body of the Pudu Sword God, or the returning blood spirit of the Nine Sons Sword God, will not be able to save his lost soul! In the end, he died of death!

I looked at the boy nervously. Did he attack himself just now? Yes, I am a robber!

Thinking of this, Qin An immediately said:

"You two, I might think it's weird to say this! I am not the master of this body, just a soul. You wait for me for two minutes. After two minutes, I will return this child to you without any conditions. If you want to kill me at this time, then I can only threaten you with this kid for self-protection!"

While talking, Qin An stuck the short knife on the little girl, but he was extremely reluctant. Such a cute little girl, he really didn't want to use her as a shield, but he couldn't help it.

Qin Qicai was extremely depressed, very angry with Qi Rou.

But Qi Rou walked towards Qin An slowly at this time, and stopped until only two meters away from Qin An.

She frowned and looked into Qin An's eyes.

Qin An was a little flustered by the beautiful woman in red. He secretly looked around. At this time, many people were already surrounded! Obviously it should be a city that is not small in scale. Looking at the city’s architecture, and the main composition of the nearby ethnic group, it seems that there are many people from United States. Is this United States?

Thinking of this, Qin An spoke to Qin Qicai again in English.

As soon as his voice fell, Qi Rou spoke softly: "Who are you?"

Qin An was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes fell on Qi Rou again.


"What I want to ask is the soul in this body! Who are you? Where are you from? Why did you come from?" Qi Rou interrupted Qin An, saying every word.

Qin An was shocked, who is this woman in red? She actually believes that she is a soul traverser? Is she the host of a certain sword god? Otherwise, how could you believe in yourself? Want to know that ordinary people will never believe in the soul?

Qin Qicai also calmed down at this time, because he also found that things were a little strange, and the gangster who kidnapped Little Sister seemed to have changed a little bit.

Will he let Little Sister back to himself in two minutes? Almost forty seconds have passed now, so why not just wait for a while?

At this moment, the little girl Qin Xiangming didn't know how to make it. She blew her saliva out of a big bubble. After that, the bubble exploded and her saliva burst her face. She actually giggled.

Qin Qicai's heartbeat, his favorite among the quadruplets is actually Qin Xiangming. This little girl is exceptionally different. She will laugh after the full moon. Her three silly Big Brothers still only know how to eat. , And sleep after eating.

Qin An was also attracted by the little girl's behavior, and when he looked down, he couldn't help showing an unconscious smile again.

The little guy is so cute. What if he could have such a daughter? I don't know if Qin Wenxin is so cute after being born!

"I'm asking you, who is your soul? Where does it come from?"

Qi Rou furrowed her brows tighter, and her heart became more and more uneasy, feeling that the person in front of her seemed to disappear soon.

Qin An looked at Qi Rou. Since the other party spoke Chinese, Qin An also said in Chinese:

"Listen, I really don't have any malice, I just passed by temporarily! And this person who was just killed by me, I also have a reason to kill him! Now your child is safe, I will definitely return her when the time comes. !"

"Don't talk nonsense, I ask where you are from! Do you know King Qin? What is your name!"

Qin An looked at Qi Rou again and wondered, who is this woman? Why is she so interested in herself?

"I am from China's Jiulong Liancheng, and I don't know the King Qin you mentioned. As for my name..."

Qin An had been counting the time in his heart, knowing that the time had come soon, and there were still a few seconds left.

So, he walked quickly to Qin Qicai's side and reached out and handed the little girl over.

Qin Qicai hurriedly turned to Little Sister and hugged him tightly.

"My name is Qin An! You are welcome to come to China when you have time! I am leaving. The owner of this body is the one who kidnapped your children. You can take care of it yourself!"

After saying this, Qin An's soul quickly receded from his body, and then returned to his body far away in China.

It's a pity that he didn't have any abilities after the soul passed, and he couldn't feel that one of the nine blood spirits was looking at the sky in the villa courtyard a few hundred meters away from here! He also missed the woman who had been searching for more than twenty years!

At this time, it was Qin Qicai's turn to petrify! Just...what did the man in front of you say? He actually said his name is Qin An? Say he is from China?

Lanint regained his own sanity after Qin An's soul had left. He looked around stupidly, and saw that his companion who had fallen in a pool of blood was dead, he was so scared that he knelt on the ground.

"What's the matter? What's the matter, don't kill me! Don't kill me, it's not that I want to snatch the child!"

Qin Qicai took a step, holding Qin Xiangming tightly with one hand, and grasping the collar of Lanint's collar with the other hand!

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you just speak Chinese? Why are you talking about English now? Who are you? Did you just say your name is Qin An?"

Lanint had been frightened by the death of his companions, and now he was caught by Qin Qicai, only begging for mercy in English, and at the same time shouting God.

Qi Rou came over, pinched Lanint's face with her hand, forced him to open his mouth, and then shot a ball of flame into his mouth.

Lanint let out a few painful howls, then fell to the ground and died directly!

"You crazy woman, what are you doing? I have to ask him something!"

Qin Qicai's voice was a bit violent.

Qi Rou shook her head and looked at Qin Qicai and said:

"That Qin An is gone! It was just his soul that took over this body just now! Oh... by the way, I heard that your father is also called Qin An? The fathers of the four little guys too Qin An, right? It seems that the problem lies with him! I really feel that your five brothers and sisters have an inseparable relationship with me! Now that I have seen Qin An’s soul, I am even more convinced! This person must be me. The reason for this time and space! Qin Qicai, I plan to send you to Seven Sword City first, and then I will go to the place called China to find this Qin An! Then I will figure out all the mysteries!"

Qin Qicai looked at Qi Rou blankly, and said with some trembling:

"You mean, this person's body and soul were suddenly taken over by my father? How do you know that soul belongs to my father?"

Qi Rou nodded and said:

"It should not be wrong, I have felt a kind of blood power of the same race in his soul and in your body!"

After a slight pause, Qi Rou spoke again:

"The strangest thing is that I think your bloodline is connected to me! This is impossible. You are the descendants of people on earth, and I come from an alien planet in another time and space! I look like a human on the outside, but But with a body structure different from that of human beings, how can you have the same bloodline power as yours? Strange, really strange!"

Qin Qicai didn't hear Qi Rou's words at all, because he was so stupid that he couldn't say a word for a long time, until Qin Xiangming in his arms cried like thunder...

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