Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 887-Breakthrough Ethics

Now it is March, and the Jiangnan region is already blooming in spring.

Qin An walked in the night with a sense of spirit.

The words with Ling'er finally made Qin An clarify the path he was going to take in the next few years, and finally made many questions that have been troubled for a long time become clearer and clearer.

Yes, he can really die! Because Death is not terrible, but he must know what he needs to do before he dies!

Now, he knows it all!

Walking in the big city, everyone around will greet Qin An initiatively.

They like this leader because he is not arrogant at all, and is very close to the people, very amazing!

"Boss Boss, my name is Li Guangshun! I belong to the third battalion of the War Armored Corps, and I am helping the civilians to pave the sports square here!"

"Hello boss, my name is Wang Ai'ai, I belong to the Leopard Legion, hehe, is there any excitement after hearing my name!"

"An baby, my aunt's name is Wei Shufen, come and eat a cucumber, this is my son bought from Qin Lan City! Let's Xuanjian City own cucumber I don't know when I can eat it..."

Qin An smiled and nodded to everyone.

The reason why they burst out their names when they saw Own is because Qin An can remember everyone who has had a relationship with him!

This is the magic of Qin An in the eyes of the people!

Is there any leader in a big city that can do what Qin An does?

At this time, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, and Qin An walked to the multimedia screen on the side of the street and said:

"Maya, get me a car, too lazy to run!"

The multimedia screen lights up at once, and the image of Maya appears inside.

"Okay, now the transportation system in our city is basically complete, but the number of cars is not many. To produce so many things at the same time in two months is really exhausting for me and Linger! Boss Qin needs to look back. Reward us!"

Qin An laughed and said:

"It's good for Ling'er to say, the big deal is that I tricked her into bed that day, let her enjoy my male sex. You are in trouble, and you don't have a physical body, how do you want to reward it!"

Maya stared at Qin An with a very humane expression, and then said unhappy:

"Don't open which pot or mention which pot! Boss, I'm asking Ling'er to make a humanoid robot. Then I will make a beautiful woman who looks exactly like me. Don't run away when you take off your clothes and come in front of you!"

Qin An was stunned for a moment, but Maya laughed.

In a short while, the self-driving suspended car drove up quickly and stopped by Qin An.

Qin Angang wanted to say goodbye to Maya and got into the car, but Wuma Siqi suddenly got out of the car.

"How did you come?"

Qin An is now familiar with the three sisters. Among them, the feelings for Wu Ma Siqi are the best. After all, this little girl has no intentions. Although she is a fan of herself, she does not always want to get herself into bed like her two Big sis. .

Wuma Siqi did not blush ashamedly when seeing Qin An as before, but said anxiously:

"Msang-gong, go to Tianju with me, you must go and meet someone!"

"Go to Tianju? Isn't this a conspiracy?"

"Of course not! Xianggong, hurry up, she will die if you don't go!"

Seeing that Wuma Siqi's expression was not fake, Qin An did not hesitate. After reaching out and shook Wuma Siqi, the two disappeared into the real space together, using Wuma Siqi's Tongtian Road skills to return directly to the heavenly space!

This is actually the first time Qin An has entered the Tianju. The sky is already dark outside, and at this moment the sky inside the Tianju turns out to be faint pink.

In the pink sky, there are some blue stars hanging, twinkle and twinkle seem to be very close to the ground!

Everywhere in Tianjuli there are spinning and flying peach blossoms, making it look like a fairy tale world.

Sure enough, it is a good place. It seems that Wu Ma Siqi should be able to change the landscape in the Tianju at will according to her own mind.

Wu Ma Siqi didn't speak, and took Qin An's hand and ran into the room where they lived. Qin An was stupid as soon as he entered the room because he saw the woman with a big belly lying on the bed.

"...Xiao Ru!"

In the room, Wuma Tienan and Wuma Danxin were also there.

After seeing Qin An, Wu Ma Danxin hurried forward and said:

"Qin An, just now my sisters and I were wandering around in the city, and we met this woman who fell on the ground with weak breathing.

We felt the sword god energy carried on her body, so we took her into the center of the sky!

She is really dying. She has been calling your name before, saying that only you can save her, so I asked the little girl to find you. Go and have a look! Her belly is getting bigger and bigger, as if she wants to burst her body! "

Qin An hurried to the bed, first looked at Liu Ru's somewhat exaggerated belly, and then took her hand and spoke softly.

"Liu Ru, open your eyes, I am Qin An, look at me!"

Qin An was really excited at this moment, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

He had known from Lan Yue two months ago that Liu Ru lived nearby. He also tried to find Liu Ru, but in the end there was no result.

No matter what, Liu Ru is also a special existence for Qin An, because she took Qin An's child with her at the beginning! So now, who owns the child in her belly?

Liu Ru was already groggy at this time, and only after hearing Qin An's voice did she wake up a bit.

She opened her eyes hard, and then squeezed out a smile.

His lips opened, but he couldn't make a sound, and he was obviously extremely weak.

Qin An's Spiritual Sense is different from ordinary people, so even if Liu Ru can't speak, he can tell what she is talking about from the shape of her mouth.

"Qin An! I'm dying. Actually, I wanted to find you a long time ago, but...

Let me tell you a secret, I am actually the host of the Super Body Sword God, Liu Ruyan is Liu Ru, and Liu Ru is Xiaoru!

Qin An, do you remember Xiaoru?

That's the girl you met at the beach. You fled the Blue Ocean City together, watched the beautiful scenery of the blue ocean, and were trapped in Dongding Island to spend the New Year together, and then ride the wind and waves on the back of a huge whale together!

Qin An, do you remember? "

Seeing Liu Ru so weak, Qin An's heart was really sad!

He quickly used the power of Pudu sentient beings to make Liu Ru better.

However, what surprised Qin An was that the ability to save sentient beings actually failed against Liu Ru! Could it be that the reason why this woman is doing this at this time is also affected by the Sword God's ability? So Purdue doesn't work at all?

Liu Ru's face was still pale, but her smile was sweeter.

"Qin An, I committed a crime!

On Dongding Island the night you were drunk, Xiaoru...that is, I had a relationship with you! I didn't even know that you were the man of Blue Moon! If you know, I will never touch you!

Hey, the bigger sin is that I became pregnant later! With your flesh and blood!

Do you see the belly? He has lived in my stomach and for more than 20 years, he is your flesh and blood, and is also the product of the energy gathering of the Son of the Super Body, the fourth skill of the Super Body Sword God!

Qin An, what should I do? After more than 20 years, I still cannot give birth to our child, because he has to absorb the essence of your life time and time again in order to grow normally in my stomach!

do you understand me?

I can't give birth to him by myself...I need to have sex with you again, again and again! He will take shape and come to this world!

Qin An, what should I do? Can you tell me?

I want our children, but I dare not tell you!

Now, he has entered a period of energy expansion, and he is about to expand me.

Do you want me to live, or let me die? "

Liu Ru didn't make a sound from start to finish, just a statement with his mouth closed.

Speaking of this, she cried, and fainted gorgeously after tears flooded, but in the coma, her tears did not stop!

Qin An was completely stupid. He knelt by Liu Ru's bed and couldn't believe what he saw from Liu Ru's mouth.

Even after killing Qin An, the child in Liu Ru's stomach was still his!

Son of Super Body, is this also a sword god ability?

Well, Qin An has to scold his mother, the fourth ability of this group of sword gods is always so abnormal that people hate...and love?

Yes, Qin An cannot be angry because he is going to be a father again! Still the child in Liu Ru's belly.

He thought that after Liu Ru left with Wang Khan, he would lose this child forever!

People are cowardly. Qin An was cowardly more than 20 years ago. He not only gave up many women who loved him, but also his own flesh and blood.

Qin An doesn't like to think of these things, because every time he thinks of him, he will look down on himself!

Now, since God has given him the opportunity to make up, how could he not cherish it?

"Wuma Danxin, can you leave room for me and this poor woman?"

Qin An asked in suicide.

Wuma Danxin didn't know what Liu Ru had said to Qin An just now, but she realized that the relationship between the two must not be simple.

Hey, what an annoying father-in-law!

Wu Madan smiled bitterly and shook his head, and left the room with his own two Little Sisters.

Since Qin An was their destiny that they couldn't escape, they were willing to confess their fate.

In the room, only Liu Ru and Qin An were left.

Qin An remembered what Lan Yue had said before, no wonder Liu Ru wanted to break away from the so-called mother-daughter relationship with Lan Yue!

But they didn't have any blood relationship at first!

More than twenty years ago, Qin An might still be a little taboo about this, but now Qin An doesn't treat it as the same thing.

Liu Ru is about to die, even if she and Lan Yue are biological mothers and daughters?


"Haha, this movie is so beautiful, what's it called?" Cheng Jiayao is rarely so happy.

"Various Star Lord! The filming by Zhou Xingchi was probably in 1988, which is more than 50 years old now! Hey, I don't know how the Lord Star lived in the last days and whether he became a zombie!" As a fan of Zhou Xingchi, Qin Xiaoyan expressed her concern for Xing Ye!

At this time, the ten-story building of the Golden Fort is very lively.

This is Lu Ya's boudoir. Lu Ya only wore a pair of sexy huge black shorts and was lying naked on the bed.

All the women living on the 7th, 8th, and 9th floors gathered here. They were all sitting on Lu Ya's body, and what they were watching was the huge TV in Lu Ya's room!

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