This form of watching movies was invented by Cheng Jiayao.

Cheng Gangru is also busy participating in the construction of the city today, so he has no time to discipline his daughter.

Cheng Jiayao would go to the ninth floor to look for Qin An whenever he had a chance, but it was a pity that Qin An would always hide away when he saw her.

Bored and bored, Cheng Jiayao could only wander around on the ninth floor every day. Suddenly one day she remembered the giantess Lu Ya, so she wanted to visit her room and experience the life of the giant.

Lu Ya's personality has changed a lot from when she was young.

She herself lived alone in Russian caves for so many years, so she cherishes the days of having friends at this moment.

Then Cheng Jiayao can come to her room as a guest, she is naturally full of joy.

Therefore, Cheng Jiayao has come often since then, not only by herself, but also by bringing all her four sisters.

Lu Lu, He Tianyu, Ye Lingxuan, Shangguan Feiyan.

To be precise, it should be five. Now they have known and accepted the existence of Shangguan Yeying. The matter of one pair of Hun and Po is naturally very amazing. What’s even more amazing is that Shangguan Yeying knows several others better than Shangguan Feiyan. Girls, even they remember crying because of something when they were young.

Cheng Jiayao, Lu Lu, He Tianyu, and Ye Lingxuan felt that Shangguan Yeying was very pitiful. She was trapped in Shangguan Feiyan for so long and couldn’t sleep every day. She stayed alone in a dark enclosed space. Very lonely, so they are willing to release their friendship boat.

After the five women, Lan Yue, Liu Xia, Li Na, Qin Xiaoyan, and Rong Rong, discovered the hobbies of Cheng Jiayao’s little girls, they tried to come to Lu Ya’s room to have a look. They didn’t expect the experience of watching a movie here. It turned out to be super cool!

Sitting or lying down on the fleshy body of the giantess, no matter what the posture is very comfortable.

And that huge TV is a high-tech product made by Linger, with very high definition, and it can directly convert the original data into a 5D effect!

They will feel immersive when watching every movie! Gradually, coming to Lu Ya to watch movies every night has become their hobby.

Now Li Na's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and it is estimated that it will not take long to give birth.

So as Qin Anming’s wives, Lan Yue, Liu Xia, and Qin Xiaoyan are naturally taking good care of Li Na, and they simply regard her as a national treasure.

And the reason why Rongrong and the four girls got together was mainly because of Li Na. When she was an old woman, she was most familiar with Li Na.

Of course, there is another reason that Rongrong will take the initiative to get close to women who are close to Qin An.

She stayed with Qin An for too long, and Qin An is both a man and a child to her.

So for the daughter-in-law of her child, Rong Rong naturally hopes to have a good relationship with them.

The reason why the women of Lan Yue accepted Rong Rong was also because she had been with Qin An for a long time, and they could know all the things Qin An had been wandering about over the years through Rong Rong's narration.

Since someone started, someone will naturally follow.

Today, Weng Die, Wang Yunzhi, Wang Hui, Gong Xue, and Qin An's former Chinese teacher Roland have become good friends.

In fact, Gong Xue and Roland became friends first, and Gong Xue spent some time in the Dark Light City. He had a good relationship with Weng Die and others, and naturally everyone became familiar with it.

As the lord of the city, Weng Die is very busy during the day and needs to find something to do at night.

They are all single women, because they have been single for too long, and the familiar men around them have made them uninterested, and they don't know how to contact strange men, so they can only go to the tenth floor to watch romance movies and action movies to relieve their boredom. NS.

In addition, Ling'er will also come, and every time Ling'er comes, she will bring Shi Dali with them, as if they were already sisters.

So many women gathered together will naturally be very lively, but sometimes the atmosphere will become weird.

Before, Soraka from Darklight City was a good sister of Weng Die. As well as Qin Xiaoyan's Little Sister He Ke Liusu and several other women will also come to watch TV, but once He Ke Liusu accidentally mentioned the word Qin An, the atmosphere in the room immediately became weird.

Since then, He Keliusu and Soraka stopped watching TV on the tenth floor because they realized a problem. The women on the tenth floor seemed to have some special feelings for Qin An more or less. The reason why they Gathering together should not be just for watching TV, it may also be a contest, a comparison, a mutual temptation between words!

It just made them wonder why the three people, He Tianyu, Ling'er, and Shi Dali who said they hated Qin An, were still mixed on the tenth floor? Do they already love Qin An because of hatred?

Don't understand, really don't understand?


Qin An didn't know that women were fighting for him, and he didn't even know that his own woman was so good. There were four wives that Mingzhong was married to, and they were still thinking about them.

Overnight, Qin An was very gentle and didn't want Liu Ru to suffer any more harm.

Early in the morning, he woke up slowly and found that Liu Ru's face was ruddy, looking at himself secretly.

Her belly is not so big anymore, she can hardly even see her pregnancy!

Qin An frowned, stretched out his hand to touch Liu Ru's lower abdomen, only slightly bulging as expected.

"How many times does it take him to be born? What a ghost, for this kid, his mother became a balloon, and his father became a pump!"

Liu Ru buried her head deeply in Qin An's arms in shame, unable to say a word.

In any case, Liu Ru is happy at this time. Qin An rescued her and injected new life into the child! This is what she has been hoping for for so many years, isn't it? As for Wang Khan...she can only say a little bit of sorry to him in her mind! After all, Qin An is the only one who makes her truly unforgettable in this life.

Qin An's gaze swept across Liu Ru's body, and a wave of ripples couldn't help but rise in his heart.

She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and she is full of temptations to men. Even if Qin An feels shameless, he can't deny that he really likes the feeling when he embraces Liu Ru!

"Tell me, how many more times do you need? You always want me to be mentally prepared? Ten times? One hundred times? Not a thousand times?"

Liu Ru really wanted to get into the cracks in the ground, but it was a pity that she couldn't escape and could only stay in Qin An's arms.

"I don't know, the Super Body Sword God hasn't told me... Maybe, maybe a dozen times, right?"

Liu Ru's voice trembled a little, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Qin An hugged Liu Ru tighter, and then changed the subject: "What do you plan to do in the future? I mean where you want to live? You should know that I live in the Golden Fort. Do you want to live there?"

Liu Ru's originally ruddy cheeks were mixed with white, and she whispered softly: "I live in a civilian area these days. They arranged a small room for me to live in. I'll go over there..."

"No, you will live in Tianju in the future. I have been in contact with the three Wuma Sisters for two months. They are all good people, and their personalities are considered pure! More importantly, they have no life demands and can be here. It’s their greatest wish to stay with each other until they get old! You won’t be too lonely if you stay with them, and it’s convenient for me to come and see you! Don’t worry, people usually don’t come here, and I will also explain them. ...As for our business, it is better not to let Lan Yue know about it for the time being. If you want to see Lan Yue, you can ask Wu Ma Siqi to take you there. She listens to me very much. Would you like to arrange it like this?"

Liu Ru nodded quickly, she was really willing to hide herself as a tortoise with her head shrunk, because she didn't know how to face Lan Yue at all.

"Xiao Ru, am I considered Jinwu Cangjiao?"

One sentence of Xiao Ru made Liu Ru's body tremble slightly, and his heart was full of emotion, but Qin An's next sentence made Liu Ru almost vomit blood.

"Can I give birth to a child more than a dozen times? Forget it, this period of time is really tiring. Let's come a dozen times today, just as a vacation! I'll see if this kid will come out!"


Too many women is actually an annoying thing, but Qin An has kept his own duty. Except for the four wives and Liu Ru, he has never interacted with other women. Of course, the ambiguity is always constant, after all. He is a soft-hearted man. He can't see Gong Xue and Wang Yunzhi look like a bitter hatred every day. If they can't be satisfied physically, at least give them some spiritual comfort, right?

Gradually, Qin An's performance among women became comfortable. Not only coaxed Lan Yue, took care of Li Na, recounted the old relationship with Liu Xia, let Qin Xiaoyan work hard, and got along well with all other women. At least they established a development and control mode.

This made Liu Yuanchao, Cheng Gang and Liu Yuanchao envious. Both felt that Qin An had the style of picking up girls when they were young!

In a blink of an eye, April entered, and the construction of Xuanjian City was completely completed.

Maya made a documentary about Xuanjian City and sent it to the network of other forces in West Tibet and Jiulong Mountain!

The western part of Tibet was completely dumbfounded. They didn't expect Qin An to build a city within three months, and what was even more unexpected was that Ling'er would wholeheartedly help Qin An to build such a dreamy city, not to say that they were the two of them. Is there a discord between?

The people in western Tibet are all stupid, and the people in the Qin League are even more dizzy. The people in several big cities are already looking forward to living in places like Xuanjian City. The people already have some support for Qin'an. sound.

"Do you think that the leader of Qin Anqin will come to grab the control of the seven cities? Hahaha, they have come to us for a draw! You don't need a daddy in your city, just let me break the ground, and daddy will build the castle by himself! This is stupid. Right? I see what those city lords are going to do. I guess they will eventually return to the leader of the Qin League, but they can't become a direct line anymore!"

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