Early in the morning, Qin An knocked on the door of the bedroom where Cheng Jiayao's five women lived.

Lu Lu wore a pink pajamas and opened the door. After seeing Qin An, she was stunned for a while, then let out a scream that resounded across the floor, and quickly closed the door and disappeared.

Qin An's heart really jumped a few times. He was not afraid of others, mainly because he was afraid that Cheng Gang would bump into it.

After a full five minutes, the door opened again, but Cheng Jiayao came out. The little girl was already neatly dressed, with a touch of makeup on her face.

"Qin An, is this the sun coming out from the west? You actually knocked on our door?"

Qin An frowned at Cheng Jiayao:

"Didn't your dad tell you? You want to call me Qin Uncle, don't be big or small!

Also, I am looking for Shangguan Feiyan. To be precise, I am looking for Shangguan Yeying. You should know that her last life was the Little Sister of my wife Weng Lan! "

Cheng Jiayao glared at Qin An, then slammed the door shut.

Three minutes later, the wolf girl finally came out.

Qin An glanced at her and said with a smile: "When I heard Shangguan Yeying said that she had a single number, she was occupying the body. Today is a double number. Are you Shangguan Feiyan? Can I borrow your time to let me and Shangguan Ye Ying meet? I want to find her for something!"

Shangguan Feiyan blinked, then nodded reluctantly, and slowly closed his eyes.

Ten seconds later, the wolf girl opened her eyes again, and Shangguan Yeying replaced Shangguan Feiyan and became the master of her body.

"Qin An? What are you coming to do with me? I said, I never want to be with you again..."

Qin An quickly reached out and took out a big cake from the Interspatial Ring.

Seeing Shangguan Yeying's surprised expression, Qin An smiled and said:

"It's really not easy to see you, and you have to go through five stages and kill six generals!

I remember when I was in Ruyan City, a woman named Li Ying wanted to kill the entire city as her own birthday present!

She is so terrible, it makes me stand up hair every time I think about it!

Today is April 4th, 2040. It is the anniversary of the end of the world. It is also the birthday of my wife Weng Lan and her twin Little Sister.

Weng Lan is no longer there, and her twin Little Sister is also dead. This makes me very sad, but I still want to give you a birthday cake!

Shangguan Yeying, I'm glad you are still alive!

From then on, I will forget the name Li Ying, and everyone should redeem each other.

I am willing to accept you now, and then forget Li Ying's fault, so that I can explain to Weng Lan, after all, your soul is one of the few closest people in the world to her, and she loved you so much before! So, we don’t need to hurt each other anymore! "

The wolf girl looked at Qin An in a daze, her body trembling a little.

Qin An smiled slightly, put the cake in the hands of the wolf girl and turned away. After a few steps, he didn’t turn his head and said directly, “I made the cake by myself! Weng Lan likes to eat cheesecake. I don’t know if your taste is the same as hers! I think it should be the same. You replace the one that Weng Lan accompanied me. For three years, I will make you cheesecake every birthday. I remember you can eat it all!"

After saying this, Qin An went away.

The wolf girl stood there for a long time, and finally shed tears of happiness.

She knew that she could really start her life again, because she had been forgiven by Qin An! In the last life, she didn't know if she was crazy, but she always wanted to kill Qin An! Now everything is gone, when all the knots are opened, she can be so comfortable and calm!

After Qin An did what he wanted most, he left Xuanjian City with Liu Xia and Lan Yue.

Yesterday he had organized a meeting for the management staff. He is about to start wandering around, allowing other forces to join the system of Jiulong Liancheng sincerely!

Now that everything in Xuanjian City is on track, the administration is managed by Mengdie, the military is controlled by Dong Junwei, and Linger can be fully responsible for engineering construction, and Qin An can completely be the shopkeeper.

Of course, Qin An’s current job is actually very important, and that is outreach!

After Qin An came back, he kept ignoring other forces, he just wanted to look for them after the construction of Xuanjian City was completed.

Ling'er has copied all the information about Xuanjian City to all the forces, and Qin An doesn't believe that they are not tempted by such a city!

However, in the future, Jiulongliancheng must form a joint defense mechanism, so Qin An can allow the various forces to have independent political management. He must be unified in the military, otherwise he, the self-appointed commander-in-chief of Kowloonliancheng, would not be a joke.


The seven major cities in the Qin League are Qin Lan, Qin County, Fire Wing, Eagle Eye, Mountain Trace, Peak Peak and Common People County.

At this time, on the lively streets of Qinjun City, three young women were walking and watching.

They are Lan Yue, Liu Xia and...Qin An!

"Are you a little psychopathic? Why have you changed into a woman?" Lan Yue disliked Qin An's changes all the time. The most important thing was that this woman turned out to be a beauty of the same level as Liu Ru!

"He was originally a bad guy, I don't know what to use his brains again!" Liu Xia finally formed a united front with Lan Yue, despising Qin An together.

A faint smile hung on Qin An's face, which made him look a little charming.

"Of course there is no problem in my heart, but don't you think that people should experience more different feelings when living in the world?

Although Lan Yue is now reconciled with Qin An, she still can't let go of the more than two decades of betrayal and parting, so she usually has a good face to Qin An only when she is in bed at night, and she usually hits on the most.

"Experience different feelings? Huh, don’t you have enough experience? Look at you, the triplets, the teacher of the year, the daughter of a brother, the wife of a friend, my sister-in-law, so many women around you, you What different experience do you want?"

Old Qin An blushed, and he looked even more charming.

"Lan Yue, I've been very honest lately! Even Rongrong I haven't touched her!"

"You mean I still have to praise you? Dead stallion!"

Facing his wife's ruthless attack on Own, Qin An could only be speechless.

After all, he did become a stallion, so it would be good to let Blue Moon complain about it. In fact, this kind of thing is not a big deal!

Nowadays, in the last days, it is not a big deal for a man to marry several women. It is already a social ethos, and it is not unusual for a woman to marry several men at the same time!

Liu Xia suddenly interjected: "Lan Yue, aren't you the lord of Qin Lan City? Why do you look like people around you don't know you?"

"I basically don't expose my own appearance in public! This is what Guo Shuai said, because we are the sword god body, it is inevitable that some people will watch the sword god in our body, so it is very important not to expose the appearance. Qin An, although There are statues of you all over the seven cities of the Qin League, but now your appearance and those statues are actually somewhat changed, so I don’t think common people can recognize you, you don’t need to be a woman at all, you really think you’re a celebrity. ?"

Qin An smiled awkwardly at Lan Yue, and then said, "You two sisters don't take me with you when chatting!"

Lan Yue and Liu Xia snorted coldly at the same time, obviously they didn't think they were sisters to each other! They are enemies for thousands of years! Only when facing other women in Qin An will a temporary united front be formed.

The three of them were walking forward, and the front suddenly became confused.

"Hurry up, it's the Upgrader!"

"Oh my God, I'm so lucky to meet the Upgrader!"

"I know this adult, her name is Liu Danna!"

"Liu Danna? Is it the daughter of the lord of the city?

Qin An was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

When Qin An first settled in Qincheng Prison, he rescued 22 people from the small supermarket.

Among them, Liu Ming, Sun Dehai, Wang Zhiyuan, Liu Wenjuan, and Liu Gang were familiar people to Qin An. At that time, they were also the first batch of managers of Qin Cheng.

Liu Gang was once a soldier, and now he is the city lord of Qin County. The two cities of Qin County and Qin Lan in the seven cities have accepted Qin'an’s Nine Dragon City Plan and will install Maya city defense system. Once this system is installed, it is equivalent to The city defense was handed over to Qin An. In addition, the two cities will each transfer 100,000 regular troops to Qin An to break up and rebuild the army. As the guards of the entire city defense system in the future, they will only be dispatched according to Qin An's orders.

After Qin An came back this time, Liu Gang and others have visited Qin An one after another. They were naturally very happy to see each other. What moved Qin An was that none of them had grown old, although they did not have the imagination of reverse growth. It can also show that they have some sincere feelings for own, so the ability of selfless symbiosis played a little role for them.

When Liu Gang came to look at himself, he seemed to have indeed said that he married a wife who was an upgraded and had a child named Liu Danna. She is 18 years old this year, so she should be the girl who was surrounded by the crowd at this time!

What surprised Qin An was that at this time, in addition to Liu Danna, Jin Bao, Jin Dou, and Shi Dali were also in the crowd. Why did they come to Qin County from Xuanjian City? Is it coming out to play?

Just thinking about it, I heard the pretty little girl Liu Danna speak in a cold voice:

"I don't care where you are from. I apologize to this old woman right away, otherwise you don't want to leave here! Humph, the three small second-generation upgrades want to make trouble in Qinjun City, really daunting! "

Jin Bao, Jin Dou, the two black boys have turned purple, exactly the same as Vajra.

This wasn't because of anger, it was mostly shameful blushes, but their faces were originally very dark, so they turned purple after being red.

Jin Bao said in a very soft voice: "If it weren't for this old lady holding my big Miss, the big Miss wouldn't overthrow her to the ground and let her faint when she touched a rock!"

Jin Dou echoed: "Yes, yes, although my eldest Miss has a bad temper, be careful not to bully the old woman!"

Shi Dali's face was very calm at this time. She looked at Liu Danna coldly and whispered: "Little girl, I just don't apologize. Do you still want to fight with me?"

Liu Danna has the same queen temperament as Shi Dali, and she is very arrogant and said: "Okay! It is estimated that you will not be bullied by more depending on your appearance, but I advise you to take your two dog legs together, otherwise It's possible to be slapped in the face by me!"

As they spoke, the two of them were already at a stretch, and they were ready to go!

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