Qin An frowned and looked at the old woman lying on the ground. She was estimated to be 70 or 80 years old, with gray hair and short stature. Although she was in a coma, her breathing was steady and her circulatory system was normal. Obviously there is nothing serious about work.

Seeing that the four children were about to fight, Qin An planned to come forward to stop him, but Liu Xia stopped him as soon as he left.

"Now that you have become a woman, do you want to fight? Don't be afraid to let the children laugh at you! Turning back, they went back and said to Vajra Ba Tianyi, Vajra is okay, but Ba Tian doesn't know how to arrange you anymore! At that time he was telling Cheng Gang about this. Cheng Gang will definitely laugh at you for a month!"

Qin An thought so, and then began to feel irritable. How could he become brothers with his rival Cheng Gang? This world is really hard to understand!

Lan Yue agreed with Liu Xia's statement. Of course, she didn't want to see her husband appearing as a woman in front of Junior, so she felt that Qin An was messing around and vowed to teach her husband well when there was no one at night!

In the eyes of a wife, her husband is actually a child who needs training.

After making the decision, Lan Yue temporarily put the plan in her heart, and then pushed away the crowd and walked out alone.

When she reached the four children, she smiled very kindly and said:

"You little guys, you can get together to fight if you don't live in the same city. It's really energetic.

Dana, these three people are all children of your father's friend's house, and you should be friends too.

So if you have something to tell me, let me make a comment. If anyone is wrong, I will apologize sincerely. There is no need to do it! You are all upgraded. Although you won't get hurt easily when you start, it will disturb the people around you! "

The people who watched the excitement around were all attracted by the beautiful blue moon, but no one knew what she was.

Liu Danna and Lan Yue are very familiar, because Qin Lancheng and Qin Juncheng are not far away, and Liu Dana's father Liu Gang and Lan Yue have been friends for many years.

Therefore, seeing the appearance of Blue Moon, Liu Danna immediately opened her mouth and said:

"Auntie Lan, why did you come to Qin County, does my dad know?"

Lan Yue smiled and shook her head and said, "He didn't know it, I just passed by Qinjun City, going to Huoyi and Yingyan to see you Lu Uncle and Uncle Fang."

The two Jinbao Jindou boys immediately became cautious when they saw Lan Yue, and Qi Qi was also called Aunt Lan.

Shi Lida will watch TV with Lan Yue on the Golden Fort during this time, so she is also familiar with Lan Yue.

She put down the queen's shelf just now, and even ran to Lan Yue's side, hugging Lan Yue's arm and said: "Yue Big sis, they all call you old! You can see that you are so young that you look so young. One or two years older than me, so I still call you Big sis instead of Blue Aunt, okay?"

Older women are most afraid of others saying that they are old, so Shi Lida is called Lanyue Big sis, and Lanyue feels that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Okay, okay, don't be cute. Jinbao Jindou, go and see the old woman's injury. If there is no problem, get some water for her to drink.

Dana, Lida, who of you two talk to me, what is going on? "

Just as Liu Danna was about to speak, Shi Lida immediately said:

"Yue Big sis, let me tell you first, she doesn't even understand what happened!

Humph, this is how it happened.

In recent days, our big city construction work has almost been completed, so the two Jinbao Jindou guys have been idle. They had always been helping on the construction site before.

In order to reward them for their hard work and at the same time let me relax, so I took them out, wanting to walk around and see what the city of the end of the world looks like in Jiulong Mountain!

So, the three of us are here at this time.

About ten minutes ago, we were wandering around to see if there were any good things, and we planned to buy them back to honor our parents.

Suddenly the old woman appeared! She seemed crazy, she went up and hugged someone, shouting to save her family!

The people nearby didn't know, so she should think she was really a lunatic, so they evaded one after another.

Jinbao Jindou and I saw this situation and naturally wanted to go up and ask what happened.

But as soon as I walked to my mother-in-law's side, she hugged me, and... and grabbed my chest with her hands.

Although she is an old woman, I am a little girl after all. I was very nervous after being attacked, so I gave her a little bit harder!

The old woman may be too weak. After being pushed by me, she didn't bump into any place, but she fainted!

Just when I was going to check on the injury of the old woman, this little Nizi came. She saw that we were upgraded and thought we were bullying the people, so she wanted to come out!

In fact, if she had a better attitude, I would explain it to her.

But this little Nizi has a bad temper, and she blames us without any explanation. Let us apologize to the old woman and show us our ID.

Ben Miss is naturally not afraid of her being like this, so she doesn't bother to pay attention to her.

Jinbao Jindou knows my temper and knows that facing someone as arrogant as me, I won't be subdued at all, so they explained to her instead of me.

However, she didn't listen at all. As she said that, both of us became angry, so this was the time to do it! I can only say that you are here in time for Big sis! Organized a bloody incident. "

Liu Danna blushed a little at this time. She knew that she had some faults in this matter. She should care more about the situation of the old woman instead of opposing Shi Lida.

However, Shi Lida's arrogant queen was really annoying to Liu Danna, and she was not able to deal with it calmly.

After listening to Shi Lida's narration, Lan Yue nodded slightly, and felt that there was no right or wrong in this matter, and there was no need to pursue it at all. It was a trivial matter. The key issue was the old woman! What happened to her? Why do you hold passers-by and ask for the rescue of the whole family? What happened to her family?

Thinking of this, Lan Yue's gaze moved to the old woman again.

This person is actually very well-dressed, which means that the family conditions should be very good.

The two Jinbao Jindou boys have lifted up the old woman and are feeding her water.

The old woman first moved her eyelids after drinking the water, then slowly opened her eyes and woke up.

Lan Yue stepped forward and was about to ask, when a cell phone in the old woman's hand suddenly rang.

Today, the entire Qin League has covered the 4G network. This technology is left over from before the end of the world. Ten years after the end of the world, the Qin League has become stronger and stronger, with more and more people gathered, and more and more materials available. So some people who know 4G network mobile technology in the last days restored the coverage of 4G network in Qinmeng area.

The old woman, who looked very weak, sat up abruptly after hearing the phone ringing, her face was completely bloodless. She turned on the phone with trembling hands. It was a video call.

After seeing it, the old woman covered her mouth and cried bitterly, her eyes filled with fear.

At this time, the surrounding people gathered around. They were very interested in the old woman's mobile phone, and they didn't know what content made her so abnormal.

Qin An and Liu Xia were caught in the crowd, and quickly walked behind the old woman. When everyone saw the content displayed on the mobile phone, they all cried out in shock. Some courageous women ran away in shock. NS.

Lanyue and Liu Xia are courageous as women, because they are both sword gods and have some confidence in themselves. However, his face turned blue after seeing the phone screen.

Qin An was still calm, but he was also very frightened.

The screen background of the mobile phone should be a relatively large living room, with a dozen people all stripped and tied up.

Everyone was frightened because at this time, in the front of the screen, a young man in his twenties was eating the arm of a middle-aged man in his fifties.

The middle-aged man was tied to a stool. His legs are gone. Judging from the uneven fracture, he should have been eaten. Although the two upper leg bones are still connected to the pelvis, they have been toothed. Crushed and covered with blood! Perhaps because of excessive bleeding, the middle-aged person at this time has passed out,

The young man's face was facing the camera over there, he sat naked on the ground, and then grew his mouth to bite the musculoskeletal part of the middle-aged man's arm into his mouth.

There was a weird smile on his face, covered with blood, and his eyes were also blood red. It was not because blood got into the eyes, but because it was blood red.

"My son! My son!"

The old woman cried bitterly, with blood dripping out of her eyes! In the end, she fainted again, and after it fainted, the video call was also hung up.

Qin An seems to understand a little bit. It seems that this old woman's family must have been kidnapped!

But what is that strange boy with red eyes? The awakened? Probably not, his skin is not as gray as the Awakened. The killer shouldn't be either. Qin An has never heard of a killer who can maintain a human form.

No matter what it is, Qin An feels that he is definitely not an ordinary human being.

"Hurry up and take someone to the police station. Since the call is from the other party, I think the police station should be able to track and locate the other party, right?"

Qin An spoke softly in Lan Yue's ear, Lan Yue nodded, first let Jinbao Jindou support the super mother-in-law, and then let Liu Danna take everyone to the nearest police station quickly.

Liu Danna is the daughter of Liu Gang, the lord of Qin County. She grew up in Qin County and is naturally very familiar with it.

She called two taxis, and then let Lan Yue, Shi Lida and others get in the car. As for the idlers and others, they were naturally driven away.

The beauty of Qin An's transformation and Liu Xia will naturally follow in the car.

Lan Yue didn't care a lot at this time. After all, there was a cannibalistic murder case. She only introduced Qin An to other people as her friends, but did not reveal their identity.

Everyone didn't pay attention, but Shi Lida looked at Qin An more, and then a somewhat puzzled expression appeared in his eyes, wondering if he could see Qin An's true identity.

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