Ten minutes later, in the VIP room of the Chengnan Police Station, the director Wang Dabiao was enthusiastically flattering Lan Yue and Liu Danna.

"City Lord Blue Moon, Miss Dana, is there really no need to notify the General Administration of this matter? You see, how come the two nobles came at the same time? I am really flattered, flattered!"

Liu Danna said in disgust: "Don't talk nonsense, you just have to find the location of the phone quickly!"

There was some cold sweat on Wang Dabiao's forehead, and he nodded and said yes.

After all, Lan Yue has been a city lord for so long, and she has long understood the majesty and humanity that she should have, so she smiled and said to Wang Dabiao: "Director Wang, you don't need to be too polite. We just passed by and met. Be regarded as a reporter, so you just need to do business, if you need to cooperate, or what transcripts need to be done, we will do it! After all, our Qin League is a place where the rule of law is taught!"

Wang Dabiao nodded and bowed to Lan Yue again, and then inevitably praised his merits.

Qin An snickered while standing behind Lan Yue. He thought of Lan Yue's years. The changes over the years have indeed changed this woman a lot.

At this time, a female police doctor ran out of the nearby lounge and said to everyone: "The old woman is awake!"

When everyone heard that they rushed into the lounge, Wang Dabiao cursed secretly in his heart: Grandma's, the words are better than the singing, and they said they would cooperate well! Who allowed so many people to flood into the lounge! Don’t your officials have great privileges?

I thought so in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it in my mouth.

Seeing that the old lady was still crying, Wang Dabiao hurriedly stepped forward and coughed, first showing his own identity, and then said:

"Old lady, you have to tell the details of how your family was kidnapped first. If you don’t know it clearly or you faint again, no one can save them! You have to know that saving people is like fighting a fire. Time is lost. It's like you sent your family to the edge of Death with your own hands!"

Wang Dabiao's words turned out to be very effective. The old lady stopped crying and began to talk about the passage of time in a trembling voice.

"My name is Li Guihua, and my husband passed away before the end of the world. I have two sons. The eldest son is Wang Kaitai and the younger one is Wang Kailai!

They are all married. The eldest son has three children, and the younger son has two children. You must save them! "

Wang Dabiao interrupted Li Guihua's words: "You'd better just state the important points directly, and talk less useless wasting time!"

Li Guihua nodded hurriedly, and then continued:

"Last night, everything was fine. The eldest of my eldest son's family, that is, my eldest grandson, Wang Haiping, celebrated his birthday.

Therefore, our family gathered together, drank some wine, and then all slept with me, and did not return to their own home.

When I got up this morning, I found that everyone had disappeared!

This makes me very curious. My sons are very filial. If they leave, it is impossible not to tell me!

So I looked for them in the house, but no one really found them.

At this moment, my phone rang, and it turned out to be a video call from my grandson Wang Haiping!

I connected and took a look...Oh my God! My eldest grandson is crazy, he is eating the thigh from my second prince!

He... he's really crazy, that's his pro Uncle, how can he eat pro Uncle's thigh?

Later, I saw other family members all appearing on the screen!

There are my two sons, two daughters-in-law, four other grandchildren, and several babysitters who take care of my Life!

It's horrible. My grandson Wang Haiping ate up both legs of my second child and kept me watching.

Finally, the second child passed out, and he...that grandson of mine said to the phone: Old lady, I want to eat your whole family! ...Then he laughed loudly!

He is not my grandson, because his voice is a woman! It's really scary! My grandson must have been possessed by something! It must be! Otherwise, how could he eat his own family? Her female voice is very harsh, and it is still reverberating in my ears now! Please, save them, save my children, and save my grandson too! "

Li Guihua cried again at this point.

In the room, no one dared to make a sound.

Wang Dabiao took out the towel and wiped his sweat violently. After a long time, he walked to Lan Yue's side and said, "Lan...Lord Lan! Judging from the clues provided by Li Guihua, it should be someone with supernatural powers who committed the crime, you see. Am I going to contact the power bureau? After all, our police station are all ordinary people. If you want to deal with power people, you should be a little reluctant!"

Lan Yue nodded and said: "Okay! This thing is very strange, it seems that the ability game is really going to be shot, you go and contact. Just find out the location of the phone!"

Li Danna whispered: "Aunt Lan, we can go if we find the location, why do we need the power game?"

Lan Yue smiled slightly and said: "This incident is a criminal case in the city after all. We just need to follow to see the situation. If we need to take action, it's not too late to help!"

Li Danna nodded obediently, did not speak any more, but gave Shi Lida a stare.

Shi Lida curled her lips and did not speak.

The two Jinbao Jindou boys took out fans and fanned Shi Lida. They obviously realized that their big Miss was angry.

At this time, a policeman ran in and said in a panic: "The location of the phone has been found. It is in a small village in the northern suburbs of the city, almost 25 kilometers away!"

Qin An was secretly annoyed, no wonder he turned on the enhanced state of super hearing and didn't find anything too unusual happened nearby, it turned out that they were hiding so far away.

Lan Yue said: "Well, now that someone has found it, let's go."

Wang Dabiao hurriedly said: "Okay! I'll arrange the car and call the ability bureau!"

Lan Yue nodded and said: "Well, then take your car and take Li Guihua."

Now that the goal is found, everyone naturally does not need to waste more time here. After leaving the police station, he drove to the scene immediately.

Qin An frowned slightly after getting off the car. The house in front of him was a small three-story western-style building in the center of a small village in the north of Qin County.

Qin An frowned because he discovered that there were a dozen dead people on the first floor and the second floor in the room! Their condition is a bit miserable, their bodies are all torn apart.

Then in the large living room on the third floor, Li Guihua's family are all above, and Lin Haiping, who should have been possessed by some alien species, is also there.

When Qin An's gaze fell on Lin Haiping's back, Lin Haiping suddenly turned his head and stared at Qin An with his blood-red eyes.

Qin An's body trembled slightly, the other party actually knew that he was looking at him? You must know that the distance between them is almost 100 meters, and there is still a wall between them! Could it be that Lin Haiping now has the ability to see through?

At this moment, a black sports car drove up quickly and stopped beside Qin An. Four young people in their twenties walked down from below.

Wang Dabiao hurriedly greeted him when he saw it, but Liu Danna's brows wrinkled.

"Aunt Lan, you may not know this kid, he is Xu Qingfeng, he is a dude! The three people following are all his dog legs!"

"Xu Qingfeng? The son of Xu Tiande, the number one master of Qin Juncheng?" Lan Yue also frowned.

Qin An didn't know who they were talking about, so he gently put his hand on Lan Yue's body and used the power of the Wandering Soul Sword God to communicate with Lan Yue.

Lan Yue said to Qin An in her heart:

"You don't know this Xu Qingfeng, who joined Qin City after you left! The parasitic beast in his body is an earthworm, which can be cloned, has the ability to not die easily, and can also escape from the earth. He is now the director of the Qin Juncheng Supernatural Power Bureau He is not a bad person, but he is an annoying person! He is very arrogant and does not allow outsiders to intervene in the powers of the game! This is his bottom line, even Liu Gang can't help him! Qin Juncheng and Qin Lancheng are nominally one. Yes, but it is also divided and conquered! So I am not very good at managing Qinjuncheng's affairs! After all, the population of each of the seven major cities is more than several million, and the personnel relationships among them are complicated. It must be said that Guo Shuai is capable and sincere enough for you, otherwise you think that after you disappeared for more than 20 years and come back, can Qin Meng still be surnamed Qin?"

Qin An smiled awkwardly, and then said in his heart:

"But now this matter seems to be impossible if we don't intervene. This is a kid who is only a third-level upgraded. I just looked at it with perspective. The guy named Wang Haiping doesn't seem to be very easy to deal with. He should already know that we are coming. But I haven't done anything to deal with the hostages yet. Obviously, I am waiting for us!"

"What the hell do you think he is? He is possessed...Could he be from the ghost race?"

"It should not be. According to the investigation of West Tibet, the ghost clan should only be possessed by undead creatures. Although Wang Haiping has lost himself now, his state does not look like a zombie, except for the blood-red eyes outside, and his body His skin color is no different from ordinary people."

The two were communicating quietly in their hearts, and Wang Dabiao had already brought Xu Qingfeng and four of them over.

Xu Qingfeng's disdainful gaze swept over everyone. When he saw Lan Yue and Liu Dana, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he gave a military salute to Lan Yue: "City Lord Lanyue, how did you come to Qinjun City?"

Lan Yue smiled politely at Xu Qingfeng, and then said: "Are you Xu Qingfeng? My father and I have met several times, but I have never seen you before! Young man, this time I’m afraid it’s a troublesome game. Why don't you let me handle it?"

An embarrassed expression appeared on Xu Qingfeng's face. Of course he knew his father's temper.

But the woman in front of her was the city lord of Qin Lan City, the wife of the Qin League leader, and his status was so different from it, it was really hard to refuse his request.

At this moment, an extremely mad voice remembered next to him: "Don't bother Lanyue City Lord! Since our father and son are the law enforcement officers of the Qin Juncheng Supernatural Power Bureau, we will naturally handle any cases!"

Lan Yue felt depressed for a while, she already knew that when she heard this person speak, it was Xu Tiande who was the most difficult to talk about!

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