Qin An frowned and looked at Su Zi for a while, then said after a long time:

"You don't want to tell me that someone has predicted where I will go? And those weapons were originally intended for me?"

Su Zi smiled charmingly, then nodded and said:

"Dage guessed pretty much.

I'll go on, so that you can know the truth of the matter.

In the year when many small forces fought to grab resources, the many heavy weapons in the super prison made us not afraid of any forces even without superpowers!

Both Lu Haichuan and Fang Lei were heroes and fighters. Under their leadership, it took only a year for Qin Cheng to subdue all the nearby forces and become a leader within a few hundred kilometers of Fang Yuan. The strongest existence.

I was still an insignificant woman from beginning to end, but she became more enchanting with age.

However, good-looking women are useless in the last days. If there is no man to rely on, they will eventually become a tool for more men to find happiness, even in the sphere of influence of the Qin League.

In order not to let myself fall into that fate, I signed up to join the army and joined Liu Gang's escort.

There are no large groups of corpses near Qincheng, but small groups of mobile zombies will occasionally appear.

At that time, the three major armies of Firewing, Hawkeye, and Guard would basically not act together.

Therefore, after Liu Gang moved into Qin County City, the guards originally responsible for protecting Qin City also needed to leave the protection of the city wall to perform tasks of collecting materials, cleaning zombies or dangerous upgraded beasts a little further away.

At that time, 13 people in our team encountered a small group of zombies in the mountainous area 60 kilometers away from Qinjun City, including a D3 level jumping zombie!

Needless to say, of course, our team was wiped out. Only I survived. After being bitten by a zombie, I became a T virus carrier.

To be precise, I couldn't survive originally. Just when I was about to be eaten by a dozen zombies, a very beautiful woman suddenly walked out of the void. She easily rescued me and then took me away. In a cave in the hinterland of Jiulong Mountain!

There were already 23 people there when I went, 15 of them were women and 8 were men!

From then on, I started my life in the cave, where there is like a sealed enchantment, so we can’t escape even if we want to escape.

After contacting you, I learned a few things.

The beautiful woman has never said her own name. The old people in the cave call her her master, and all of us were rescued by our master in different places in China! The owner is amazing, as if she already knew in advance who would become a T virus carrier. We walked out of the void to kill the zombies and save people after we were bitten by the zombies.

The owner does not often come to the cave, and every time he comes, he will bring a new T virus carrier.

Although we are trapped in the cave, we are satisfied with the life of the cave, because there is a sealed enchantment space over there, we can't go out, nor can the danger outside come in. When the host arrives, he will prepare enough food for us.

Over time, we gradually became acquainted with the master, and the master began to make demands on us.

She said that as long as we can awaken and become upgraded, we can and must leave this cave.

Then our place is Qin Meng.

I didn't know the reason at the beginning until the day of awakening.

I lived in the cave for two years before awakening. After awakening, I went to Qin County with my master.

The master’s methods are very clever, she helped me get the right to live in a second-class citizen when she first arrived in Qincheng, and then she also helped me get a house to live in.

A few days later we started our first action. The target of the action was Liu Jun, the lord of Qinjun City, and the purpose was to seduce him!

I don't know why the master would let me do such a thing, but she is my savior, and her strength is super strong, so I can only follow her arrangements.

The host will look for various opportunities for me to meet Liu Jun by chance, such as at a banquet held by high-level leaders in the city, for example in front of Liu Jun’s city lord’s mansion, for example during training in a military camp.

Gradually, Liu Jun was attracted to me, and I was already an upgrader, which was actually attractive to Liu Jun.

In short, Liu Jun began to pursue me, and I got into his bed in just a few days, and then married him as his wife.

On the night of the wedding, Liu Jun drank a lot of wine and fell asleep after a toss on me.

After he fell asleep, the master walked out of the void, and she gently waved her hand to make Liu Jun fall asleep so hard that she wouldn't wake up even if someone spoke.

After that, the master began to tell me the reason and purpose of her saving me.

She said that she was an alien. She had reached the earth on the first day of the outbreak of the last days. Later, she intercepted the equipment of an army and transported them to the super prison warehouse in Qincheng. She was also temporarily in Qincheng Prison. Live down.

When the prison just broke out in the last days, almost hundreds of prisoners turned into zombies, so all the living people ran away, and the zombies were like ants to the owner, she didn't care at all.

The host stayed in the prison for two full months. She wanted to find someone, and according to her, that person was you, Dage Qin An!

Later, when you accidentally went to Qincheng Prison, she was actually looking at you in a secluded corner.

When the host talked to me about this, his face was very weird, he seemed a little happy, and a little sad.

Those heavy weapons and equipment are indeed reserved for Dage, but she never thought that you would take the initiative to go to Qincheng Prison. This is a kind of fate!

So let’s get back to business. After I married Liu Gang, the master arranged for me to have two tasks. The first is to monitor Liu Gang to see if he wants to betray you. , Guo Shuai and others are neither alienated, but also able to draw boundaries.

The master said that as long as the many forces of the Qin League are in a state of autonomy and are not separated, no one can truly control the Qin League. Then when you return to Dage, you will have the opportunity to become the master of Qin City again. The team can cope with the coming crisis in the future.

After that, other people in the cave also gradually awakened to become upgraded, and the owner would bring them, and then use the same method to arrange them in the management team of the cities of the Qin League.

Dage will not forget that Li Zichuan was the deputy city lord of Qin City back then?

But now his rights are very small, it can only be regarded as a state of idleness, and he is paid for nothing.

This is because his wife is also ours. After learning that Li Zichuan had the intention of rebelling against you, he reported the incident.

So we squeezed him out through some means, and finally made him into his current state of idleness.

Nowadays, his son gave him twin grandsons. He doesn’t have much thoughts anymore. He just wants to spend his old age, so Dage doesn’t need to be taboo against him. After all, his wife is also our sister. Let them live quietly, do you think?

In short, in the first few years, there were almost 300 upgraded people who were arranged by the master to enter the seven cities of the Qin League.

There are some people I know, and more people I haven't met. They were all rescued by the master before or after I entered the cave.

Our organization is basically a one-line connection. There is a manager above me, the one who awakens and leaves the cave in front of me, and there is also a subordinate below me, the one who awakens and leaves the cave behind me.

In reality, my name is Su Zi, but in our organization I am No. 37.

Then my superior No. 36 is called Li Kuilan, the concubine of Eagle Eye City Lord Lu Haichuan, and my downline No. 37 is called He Baonan, who is Liu Jun's personal guard.

The owner disappeared ten years ago and never appeared again.

Now, it is No. 1 who controls us in the Qin League! But we don't know if she is a man or a woman, or whether she is young or old!

Oh, by the way, I think the Lady of the Night Witch should also be a member of our organization.

Because the master had disappeared, some people in the organization wanted to leave in the past few years, and they were eventually killed by the girl of the night demon.

All I know are No. 42 and No. 51. These two people have been in the cave at the same time as me, so I know them.

Haha, Qin An Dage, don't you feel surprised?

The reason I tell you this today is because of the order issued by Li Kuilan on the 36th, and according to her, the order was issued by the 1st.

In general, the meaning of our organization's existence is to monitor the movements and attitudes of all Qinmeng managers before you come back, then after you return, we will serve you wholeheartedly!

Qin An Dage, there are our people in the seven cities. They may be the women of the city lord's back house, the guards around the city lord, or the leaders of the military headquarters of each city.

So if you want to unify the seven cities of the Qin League, it is not difficult, because we have been preparing for these things over the years.

Hey, time is really a terrible thing.

In fact, Liu Jun once thought about leaving the Qin League and becoming a king.

I had a deep connection with him, and I really didn't want to see him killed by the Girl of the Shadowless Night Stalker, so I told him everything.

After he heard it, I was shocked. I told him that I cannot escape my destiny. If he really chooses to betray you, then I am willing to die with him!

After that, his thoughts changed, he no longer wanted to leave, but concentrated on managing the affairs of Qin Juncheng, waiting for your return.

Before today's banquet, he knew that I wanted to tell you everything, because he had a rebellious heart against you, so he was not ashamed to tell you these things with me, so he left me and let me On behalf of him to express his guilt to you!

People’s minds are originally complicated. Dage has been away from Qin City for so long. I don’t know how many people have coveted the position of the leader of the Qin League. There are latecomers that Dage doesn’t know, and naturally there will be people familiar to Dage. However, These are not important now, because you have returned!

Well, that's all I have to say.

Our organization is called Wrangler.

Qin An Dage, now No. 37 Wrangler Su Zi has reported to you, and I am willing to follow your dispatch at any time from now on! Please understand that all the Wranglers are upgraded, so in the Qin League, we have a strong strength, and after more than 20 years of testing, our sincerity to you must be beyond doubt!

The Wrangler will be a fierce snake hidden underground, willing to be your minion, and also willing to act as a pioneer for you to die!

This is our destiny, and it is also the vow that all the Wranglers made to their masters! If there is any violation, the sky will thunder! "

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