Qin An's mood has been changing, from shocked to indifferent.

Is the master Su Zi talking about the same woman as the three sisters of the Wuma clan and the four Luna girls?

If so, are they also Wranglers? And is Luna No. 1?

The reason why Qin An guessed this way was mainly because Su Zi said that their master disappeared ten years ago, and in Luna, the three sisters and four women of the Wuma clan, the mysterious woman seemed to have disappeared ten years ago. !

So who the mysterious woman is, Qin An knows that even if she wants to break her mind, she can't guess it, let alone why she treats herself like this.

An alien should also be one of the sword gods, or maybe one of the nine main gods.

She can't have any relationship with herself?

But she actually came to find herself when the last days just broke out, and since then, she seems to have made a lot of arrangements!

She should also have the same ability as the Apocalypse Sword God, that is to predict the future, obviously she is stronger than the Apocalypse Sword God, because it seems that everything is already in her expectation and control!

No matter what the bureau she set up, it still revolves around herself!

I have left the Qin League for 22 years, and the Qin League has not disintegrated. There is still such a reason.

That woman unexpectedly inserted hundreds of Upgraders into the Seven Cities without knowing it. This kind of scheming is not comparable to that of Lan Yue and Guo Shuai.

Perhaps, Guo Shuai actually knew something, but he didn't tell him clearly!

Hey, Qin An took out a cigarette from the Interspatial Ring, took a deep breath after lighting it, and looked into the distance outside the window.

"Su Zi, I don't know if I should trust you."

Su Zi's face became a little pale, she knelt on one leg and cupped fist said:

"When my master left that year, he told me that these people from No. 1 to No. 10 are very powerful and have absolute loyalty to you. If I want to betray you, I will definitely kill my Nine Clan! I really don’t know who is yours and why these arrangements are made for you. But if the master thinks I cannot be trusted, he can take my life at any time. I only ask you to spare Liu Jun and my daughter Liu Danna. ."

Qin An said lightly:

"Get up, I won't kill you for no reason. Since the owner of the Wrangler has handed you over to me, I naturally accept it, because her arrangement has indeed helped me a little bit now. I just want to unify the Qin League to control the real power. From now on, all the Wranglers must come in front of me to let me know your true identities, and then follow me to leave Jiulong Mountain and fought to fight against the enemy. Su Zi, you report what I said, and let me get 1 within ten days. Come to see me, otherwise I will think that he is not really willing to obey my orders. At that time, I will find and punish all the Wranglers without mercy! I hope you don’t underestimate my ability, no matter what you hide How secretive it is, I can find you out of the darkness!"

Su Zi was stunned.

In fact, she had always been very curious about Qin An. After this meeting, Qin An seemed to her to be nothing more than a lucky superpower.

How much can a leader who loves beauty and does not love Jiangshan do?

Twenty-two years after Qin An left Qincheng, Su Zi had subconsciously looked down upon this young and handsome man outside.

However, Su Zi was shocked by Qin An's momentum at this moment.

In fact, Qin An's tone was really plain, as if he was saying something inconsequential to a strange passerby.

However, Su Zi absolutely believes that if No. 1 does not appear within ten days, Qin An should really kill all the Wranglers as he said.

There must be a devil inside this man! Otherwise, he can't seem harmless, yet he can still bring such a lot of pressure to people.

"Yes, Qin An Dage, I will definitely report your order as soon as possible! Also, from then on, can I call you master in private?"

"Well, it doesn’t need to be in private. Anyway, the Wrangler will eventually be exposed. You are not completely mine. I will mix you with the Hussar Camp, disrupt it and reorganize it into an Iron Riding Camp, and then come with me. Kowloon is connected to the city. Maybe you are worthy of trust, but if I don’t know who that woman is, I still can’t trust you!"

"Master, listen to your tone, you seem to know something about our previous master?"

"Know some...well, Su Zi, since you contacted me first, then this matter is left to you. Within ten days, let No. 1 bring the list of all the Wranglers. Find me! I am really curious about his current status in Qin City!"

After speaking, Qin An turned and left, ignoring Su Zi, who was still kneeling on the ground.

Su Zi stayed in a daze for a long time before leaving the tenth floor to the lobby on the first floor.

At this time, Liu Jun was waiting in the lobby and saw Su Zi rushing over.

"My wife, Dage... is he angry with me?"

Su Zi smiled comfortingly at Liu Jun and said:

"Don't worry, after a short contact, I feel that this Qin Dage is not as simple as it seems. He may be a good leader! And how can a leader delve into it because of the careful thoughts you have occasionally produced before? Well! As the saying goes, a soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier. He wasn’t in the Qin League before. I don’t think he would mind all your thoughts and practices. As for the future...husband, we are at ease with him. It’s fine to do things! By the way, maybe I will leave here soon!"

Liu Jun's face turned pale suddenly, and he trembled:

"Leave? What are you going to do?"

"Qin An said that he will go out after the construction of the Kowloon System is almost completed, and wipe out all the evil forces in the country. I don't think he will bring many people there. There should be about three hundred Wranglers now, Xuanjian City Guo Xiaomei's. There are also two hundred people in the Hussar Camp, so if these five hundred upgraded players are mixed into one team, the strength is very powerful, and they can definitely fight a small group of zombies. Qin An intends to merge the two teams together. It’s an iron cavalry camp."

After listening, Liu Jun nodded and said:

"Nowadays, we have been doing things like taking the initiative. It's just that the status of the upgraded person is high, and the relationship between the seven cities has always been very complicated, so the Qin League can't mobilize so many upgraded people to act together on weekdays, hope Dage can successfully take over the rule of Seven Cities!"

Su Zi smiled slightly and leaned into Liu Jun's arms and said softly:

"Okay, husband, let's not think about it anymore! If I really leave with Qin An, but I won’t be able to see you for a long time! Why don’t we stay in this hotel tonight and have a good experience How about Life? Anyway, isn't that girl Dana now also arranged to live in a hotel? If the child doesn't go home, it doesn't make much sense for us to go back, don't you?"

Liu Jun is also an open-minded person. After laughing, he opened his heart and took Su Zi's hand to the elevator, preparing to live in the guest room he often lived in.


In Qin An's room on the tenth floor of the hotel, Qin An lay motionless on the big round bed after returning, frowning and closing his eyes in deep thought.

Now it seems that the forty-nine sword gods, the star of sword spirit, came to the earth, and they have something to do with him!

This is really outrageous!

Qin An's recollection of his many years of experience before the end of the world was very ordinary, and there was no surprise at all.

If you have to find something special, it is...

"Bad guy, what's wrong with you? What did that Suzi say to you?"

Liu Xia's personality is a little more free and easy than Lan Yue. She was also entangled in the three people going to have sex, but seeing that Qin An's mental state seemed to be very poor after returning, she put aside her reserve and took the initiative to ask.

Without opening his eyes, Qin An stretched out his hand to pull Liu Xia onto the bed, then hugged him into his arms and lay down together. Naturally, Liu Xia would not struggle to refuse.

As Lan Yue watched the fire, she saw Qin An stretch out her other hand, and then said, "Xiao Yueyue, come and lie down with me. I want to tell you a story, a story that I have hidden in my heart. For more than 40 years, nothing has been mentioned to anyone!"

Lan Yue froze for a moment, then subconsciously walked to the bed, climbed onto the bed and lay in Qin An's arms!

A piece of past that has been hidden in Qin An's heart for more than forty years and has not been mentioned to anyone?

This is too tempting! Therefore, Lan Yue is willing to temporarily let go of all the unhappiness in her heart and listen to Qin An's story obediently.

Qin Anyi hugged his two wives on the left and right, and finally slowly opened his eyes, then sighed a long sigh, and began to tell the secrets that he had hidden in his heart for many years.

"Before the end of the world, I was a very inactive person. I didn't like fighting or grabbing. I was very content with the status quo.

This is mainly related to my growth experience.

Our family was very poor when I was young, my father was frail and sickly, and my mother worked around alone, so there was basically no savings in the family.

So the house we live in is also very small.

A slightly larger bedroom with a large bed and a curtain in the middle. I live in the left side and my parents live in the right side.

I usually sleep relatively deadly, usually after falling asleep until dawn, but one night I woke up more than two o'clock in the middle of the night.

I wanted to get up and go easily, but when I heard my parents talking quietly, I resisted it and went to eavesdrop on what they were talking about.

It was because of what I overheard that night that changed my personality.

Before the age of twelve, I was also a naughty bad boy. After twelve, I became withdrawn.

I don't show my own inner heart, and I have less contact with my classmates. I often forget people and things around me because of thinking about things, and looks silly and stunned.

Haha, because of this, when Li Na gave me the nickname Qin Fool, everyone will call me Qin Fool in the future! "

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