Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 917-Li Guisan's Life

There is a small garden behind the bedroom of the East Empress Zhong Cui Gong. Qin An stood stupidly in a corner of the garden, opening his mouth wide and unable to say a word for a long time.

He didn't know what was going on, he didn't know where he was, and he didn't know who the woman in red was next to him, but he heard the conversation between Cixi and Ci'an in the room!

Qin An understands this period of Qing Dynasty history, so when he suddenly heard the names and conversations of these two queen mothers, Qin An was naturally confused!

However, Qin An is not a fool. After a while, he didn't continue to think about the entanglement, and began to think about his own situation.

Qin An also heard what the woman in red said with Lan Yue and Liu Xia before. She said she wanted to help herself make a divine sword against Li Guisan?

Who is this woman? Why do you want to help yourself like this? What is her purpose?

Qin An turned his head, and when he saw the woman in red, he was stunned again!

"It's you?"

Qin An was really surprised.

During the battle with the host of the spirit mirror sword god Blood Wolf, Qin An once traveled to United States with the soul of the blood wolf, and after killing the body occupied by the blood wolf soul, Qin An met a strange woman, she had With long red hair and a red coat, he seemed to know himself at the time! She was in a state of soul traversal, afraid of being hurt, so she had been very cautious after killing people, and returned to her ontology without understanding her identity.

Although it was only a one-sided relationship, Qin An's memory was very good. At a glance, he recognized that this woman's appearance was exactly the same as the woman he met in United States!

The woman looked at Qin An, smiled lightly, and said:

"I’m not the person you met in United States, she’s called Qi Rou...Although we look the same, we have different souls, but maybe one day she will become me, and then you will know All the stories!

As for now, think about Li Guisan!

You should have heard it just now. He is the illegitimate son of the Empress Dowager Ci'an and the court guard.

During the pregnancy of Empress Dowager Ci'an, her belly grew bigger and bigger. Emperor Xianfeng had been dead for more than 20 years, and she was pregnant again. So no matter who the child is, it is a scandal that can shake the world.

After discovering, Cixi began to threaten and control the Empress Dowager Ci'an, and gradually gained power. Now the Empress Dowager Ci'an has lost power, and today is her death date!

Li Guisan will grow up under the support of Li Lianying.

In 1900, the 26th year of Guangxu, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing. Li Lianying followed the Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu to escape from the capital. The 20-year-old Li Guisan was left in the imperial palace. He traitorously sought prosperity and became a running dog for foreigners. , Do evil in the city of Beijing, do all evil.

In 1901, after the Xin Chou Treaty was signed, Li Guisan followed the British to the leased land in Shandong. For the next 20 years, he has been living in the leases of various countries. How many people!

In 1921, when Li Guisan was 40 years old, Sun Zhongshan became the President of the Kuomintang in Guangzhou. In July of the same year, the Communist Party was formally established, and the first representative conference was held in Shanghai. At this time, China is in the midst of storm and rain, and the chaos is abnormal. Li Guisan was in the Northeast this year. He has already become a Japanese citizen, but he still lives as a Chinese. His true identity is actually a spy, preparing intelligence for the Japanese's war of aggression against China.

After the September 18th Incident in 1931, Japanese forces infiltrated and occupied the Northeast. 50-year-old Li Guisan went to Shandong as a businessman to prepare funds for the Japanese army's full-scale invasion of China and continue to collect intelligence! Li Guisan was not born to be rebellious, but at that time, it seemed easier to be a traitor than to be an ordinary Chinese.

In 1933, 52-year-old Li Guisan miraculously met a woman, Qin Lu. At that time, Qin Lu was only 25 years old and was a teacher in a Western-style school run by a British in Jinan. There may always be a love in human life. Li Guisan played with countless women when he was young. The concubine princess in the palace of Moluoqing, the clever wife of the good family on the street, the exotic girl on the dance floor of the concession! However, all of this is just the release of desire. When Li Guisan met Qin Lu and found that he had fallen in love, he fell and followed Qin Lu as a slave voluntarily. This is a fate of abuse, because Qin Lu's true identity is an underground worker planted by the Communist Party in Jinan. Li Guisan soon learned Qin Lu's identity. Of course he wanted to instigate Qin Lu, but in the end he failed.

The Japanese invasion of China broke out in 1937. Li Guisan was 56 years old and Qin Lu was 29 years old. The two have been in contact for many years. Although Li Guisan was older, he was in good physical condition and dressed fashionable. Qin Lu didn't know that he was working for the Japanese, but thought that he was an ordinary businessman, so he treated him fairly well. After all, Li Guisan has a wealth of experience. He has been a traitor for many years, has learned eight foreign languages, and has a lot of knowledge. Qin Lu is a new Western-style woman, and naturally has a good impression of a man with knowledge like Li Guisan. In December of the same year, Jinan fell, and Qin Lu was caught on the street by Japanese soldiers, trying to insult her. Li Guisan rushed to stop, after failing to achieve his goal, angrily killed the Japanese soldiers, and led Qin Lu to escape from Jinan, and the two began desperately.

In 1941, Li Guisan and Qin Lu settled and married in Shanghai. At the age of 33, Qin Lu officially joined the Communist Party and played an important role in the Shanghai underground party organization. The 60-year-old Li Guisan is still strong and vigorous, using his spy experience to help Qin Lu do many major events, and become Qin Lu's absolute hero and good husband.

In 1945, the War of Resistance Against Japan was finally victorious. 64-year-old Li Guisan and 37-year-old Qin Lu left Shanghai, entered the mountains of Kowloon, and lived a life of seclusion. Regardless of merits or demerits, Li Guisan is already a 64-year-old man after all, and what he wants is naturally a peaceful life. In the same year, Qin Lu gave birth to her first child. After 20 years, they have been living in the mountains and forests. Because of the comfort and stability, their life is good, and occasionally they will take in some scavengers. After 20 years, Lijia Village has formally formed. With the scale of hundreds of people.

In 1965, 84-year-old Li Guisan was still in good health, but 57-year-old Qin Lu was dying. Qin Lu gave birth to 3 sons in total to Li Guisan. When she was dying, her only wish was to go back to her hometown in Sichuan. Li Guisan loved his wife deeply, so he took his wife on the road alone. Ten days later, Qin Lu died in Chongqing. Li Guisan was greatly stimulated because of his grief and excessive spirit. From then on, he traveled north and south and wandered for thirty years!

In 1995, when Li Guisan was 115 years old, he finally returned to Lijiacun. His three sons had died accidentally. His grandchildren were all grown up and married, but no one could recognize the old beggar. Li Guisan didn't mind, after all, he was too old to think so much, so he stayed near Lijiacun and waited to die!

In 2015, Li Guisan was already 135 years old. Death seemed to be joking with the old man. He didn't die and lived till the end of the world. While becoming a carrier of the t virus, he also awakened as an upgraded person, his body strength increased a lot. Many of the exhausted organs in the body have regenerated, and he, who would have died of old age, has actually gained new life!

In 2019, Li Guisan and Beiming Sect Leader met. Beiming Sect Leader is a believer of the fifth sword god. He has been instructed by Martial Soul Mental Energy, and he has obtained the sword soul and started the road of cultivation of the sword god. After listening to Li Guisan's story, he was very moved. He felt that it was not easy for a person to live so long, so he accepted him as a disciple to help him condense the soul of the sword.

Well, at the moment when you and Li Guisan worked together, this old man has lived for 160 years.

Qin An, he is now a real master of strong body, with the power of sword soul in his body! The two robes of the east and west palaces are the bones of the divine sword. They can become the divine sword by combining them. Now it just needs an opportunity.

As a strong body master, he already has the ability to help others condense the soul of the sword on the earth, so Li Guisan will have two apprentices.

The Eviscerating Knife fed by Chu Xianghua is an ancient relic, it has killed countless people, and its soul power is very strong. It is suitable for making the bones of the Excalibur!

The hammer used by Chu Qitian is not simple. It is a long-handled hammer used by the general of the Three Kingdoms period, Huzhi Xu Chu, and passed down after several re-forgings.

When I say this, I believe you should already understand that it is difficult to refine ordinary objects into divine swords on the earth, but if you use some ancient artifacts to refine it, you can get twice the result with half the effort!

Qin An, I had expected you to have this catastrophe many years ago, so I sealed my own Cannian and Sword Soul in the body of a dead old woman nearby, and let her wait for your arrival!

Now I have planted the soul of the sword into your body. When the matter here is finished, you can return to the own time and space. At that time, I will help you synthesize your own divine sword, so that you can step onto the sword and become a god. path of!

You don't need to worry, the gap between time and space is huge. We have been here for a few days, and the time and space you are in is only a few seconds in the past!

I didn't bring you back to let you kill, because you can't kill anyone in this space. This is a law-binding force! But you can destroy some dead objects, such as the clothes worn by Cixi and the two empress dowagers when they died! As long as these two things are destroyed, Li Guisan will lose the bone of the divine sword. When you use your divine sword to fight him, you should be able to defeat it! "

After listening to the woman in red, Qin An had fallen into a foolish state.

What kind of monster is this woman?

She actually told the trajectory of Li Guisan's life? Say it's 1881? Could it be said that he traveled through time and space to the Qing Dynasty? How is this possible?

Also, this woman is obviously also very knowledgeable about the Sword God!

The North Ming School of the Fifth Sword God? The Eighth Sword God’s Heavenly Seal Sect!

This should be two of the nine martial arts, right? The nine main gods were not parasitized by humans. At this time, they were still condensing their own bodies, but their believers had begun to secretly build power!

At the beginning, were the five Jiaoyues of the Sky Seal Sect, were they also Sword God Cultivators?

There were so many questions in Qin An's heart that he didn't even know where to ask!

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