Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 918: The Prophecy of the Second Doomsday Coming

"I just want to know who you are now!" Qin An's eyes were like electricity. At this time, the injuries on his body had recovered. Knowing that his own ability was still there, Qin An's mood became much more stable.

"I'm just a traveler. My body has been decayed more than ten years ago, turned into ashes and scattered between the earth and the earth. What you see now is just a trace of my remnant thoughts. After helping you this time, This body of remnant thoughts will also disappear, and I will die completely by then!

But I also have a chance to be resurrected, just waiting for the person who died with me to appear, that is, the person you see in United States who looks exactly like me.

You don't actually need to pay attention to who I am, because I don't know how to explain it to you. If you can, I will come out to see you when the last days just broke out.

I can only tell you that I am the first generation owner of the Wrangler, and the Wrangler organization is the power I help you arrange! The purpose is to help you stabilize Qin City and have a place to stay.

You did a good job and did not fully trust the Wrangler, which shows that your mind is very subjective and mature.

But the Wrangler is trustworthy, time can tell! They may be strong enough now, but when you have super strength to help them condense the sword soul, they will become your most loyal and powerful subordinates! "

Qin An was no longer surprised when he heard the woman in red, because all the secrets in this woman could shock Qin An.

"By the way, I have to tell you something! The nine main gods are not good things. They are just a bunch of bad guys who have an endless life span, are selfish, and like to do things according to their mood. You must be careful, they come The cause of the earth is you!

It's a pity that I can't tell you everything, because my energy is sealed by the curse, so I can't tell!

Now you should have guessed something, some people want you to die, some people want you to live, and some people want you to gain stronger abilities!

Qin An, don't be afraid anyway, just do everything according to your ideas! I must be resurrected again. Even if I can't help you with many things, I will tell you everything!

Hmph, those Sword God skills, you can get them if you want. Now with the Sword Soul, you can better integrate these abilities and transform them into energy that is more in line with the laws of the earth's characteristics. Then you can easily change Get stronger! As a result, the combination of Ascension and Xuantian quickly reached 100% of the breakthrough mortal realm, entered the super body, and then realized step by step the five sword god abilities that truly belonged to you, and finally became the existence of Immortal.

Also remember that as long as you don't absorb the power of the nine main gods, no one can use your body to do bad things!

Xuantian is absolutely trustworthy, and some of the sword gods in the women around you are actually enemies. You can't..."

At this point, the woman in red suddenly closed her mouth and her body trembled.

After a long time, she sighed again:

"I can't say any more, I would like to say that the curse has begun to work, and if I continue to say it, I will immediately disappear! I am just a soul body now, and I can't resist the power of the curse at all!

In the Star of Sword Spirit, the strongest Sword God Cultivator is the Forty-Nine Great Sword God!

However, above the forty-nine sword gods, there are actually stronger existences, they are the behemoths of the law and the curse of the gods!

These two things have different levels, and there are many ways to classify them, and they have different names in different places of the sword spirit star, but there is actually only one level classification method recognized by all sword god cultivators.

I feel that the five sword god abilities can become gods, and after each sword god ability is produced, the cultivator can make the body of the sword god power Ascension, strengthen the body and gain a long lifespan.

When the five souls are gathered together, the sword spirit flies to the sky, and the cultivator can be called the god of sword spirit!

This process is very difficult. There are countless four soul sword god cultivators on the Sword Spirit Star, but there are only forty-nine cultivators who can truly comprehend the Sword God Dao and condense the fifth soul to become a god!

Law behemoths and god punishment spells are also divided into fifth-level, and their expression method is spirit, which is a higher level of existence than soul.

The Five-Spirit Law, a giant beast can make the living die, and the Five-Spirit God's Punishment Curse can make the dead resurrect!

Spells are very rare on the Sword Spirit Star. They come in different types, and they are light spheres formed after the brewing of heaven and earth!

Back then, I obtained a three-spirit spell and kept it by my side. I used it to kill the giant beast of the three-spirit law, Tianhai!

The sky is the sky, and the sea is the sea. There are many creatures in the sea. The law of the sword spirit star restricts the creatures in the sea and prevents them from going to the sky.

My mount Hainu Jiaolong once broke through the power of the four souls, and became a super existence, able to fly to the sky, thus inducing the arrival of the giant beast of the law of three spirits, Tianhai!

I fought with the sea slave dragon and six universes, the sun and the moon, which was equivalent to half a year of earth time. In the end, we couldn't tell the victory or defeat.

In desperation, I can only shoot the Three Spirit God Punishment Curse, which is called Thunder Curse!

In an instant, thunder and lightning rolled over Jiu Xiao Yun Tian! The power of that kind of thunder and lightning is different from the thunder and lightning on the earth, directly smashing the sea and the sky to death!

Qin An, the reason for telling you this, I just want to remind you, because it may not take many years before a new crisis on the earth will come!

The Sword Spirit Star has a great relationship with me and the First Sword God. Now that we have all come to Earth, the Sword Spirit Star will slowly collapse. The Universe time and space points are originally folded and overlapped! The sign of the collapse of the sword spirit star is that some time and space gates will appear on the earth!

When these time-space gates appear, many creatures on the Sword Spirit Star are likely to run to the earth, and that will be another apocalyptic coming! Because the fierce beasts on the Sword Spirit Star are definitely more terrifying than the zombies. As for those who are the sword god cultivation...huh, let me put it this way, there is no morality on the Sword Spirit Star. All the sword god cultivators have blood on their hands almost! As the saying goes!

If the gate of time and space appears, the behemoths of laws and the spells of divine punishment may also pass through, and the earth will be completely changed at that time. It will be a very terrible thing!

The Sword Spirit Star has hundreds of races, and each race has hundreds of different upgraded subspecies. The humans on earth are fragile, and you simply cannot bear the baptism of the war of hundreds of races! "

Qin An could put an egg in with his mouth open, but he couldn't utter a word when he was shocked.

The woman in red smiled when she saw Qin An's expression, and then said:

"Don't worry, there will be me then! I will definitely be resurrected, and I will definitely come alive for you!"

When Qin An's saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, he finally closed his mouth to retrieve his own voice.

"You...are you one of the nine main gods? Otherwise, why would you know so many things? Are you the second sword god? What do you have to do with me?"

The woman in red made a mischievous face at Qin An, and then shook her head with a wry smile:

"I can't say this! The releaser of the curse can prevent me from saying many things according to my own mind. If I still have the body, I may be able to contend. Now it is absolutely impossible!

Alright, Qin An, I am a little tired. In order to be able to spend more time with you, I must enter between the heaven and the earth to absorb the aura of agility. This is a kind of rest.

It shouldn’t be difficult to find the robes of the two queens. Tonight, you can get Ci’an’s Jiufeng Tengyun robes. As for the eight-group dragon-patterned robe that Cixi wore when she died, it should also exist at this time! You just need to find her bedroom and burn all her clothes!

Although you can't kill people in this time and space, you are still a strong man, a god-like existence to them, let go and let go. Before you leave, this will be a world that belongs to you.

Oh, by the way, see if there is any girl you like, if there is, I will take it away for you when I go back! Although I can't bring too many people, I can still bring one or two people back to your world through time and space!

As this kind of experience of traveling through time and space may be all this, even if I am resurrected again, I may not have this kind of ability, because I have lost the godhead, and the sword soul is also given to you!

My sword soul is not much different from ordinary sword souls, the only difference is that it has burned some of my memory, which can let you know how to cultivate the sword god! "

After speaking, the woman in red smiled, her body suddenly burned with red flames, and finally disappeared, leaving Qin An alone standing in a daze, understanding and digesting what she had said, but still unable to extricate herself for a long time!


It was a whole morning, and Qin An was awakened by the sound of crying in the front yard, and his mind returned from an erratic state.

Still the same sentence, if you don't understand something, you really don't need to entangle it, because it doesn't make any sense.

Do you ruin the robes of the two queens? This does not seem to be a bad thing.

After all, he really needs to deal with Li Guisan, and what the woman in red said seems to make sense.

Turning on the perspective ability, Qin An looked at the bedroom in front of him. The Empress Dowager Ci An was lying on the bed and crying quietly. Tears slipped off her cheeks, but there was no sound from her mouth.

This woman is well maintained. Although she is forty-five years old this year, she is not old at all.

But she was a little haggard at this time, because she was a little weak shortly after giving birth, was a little upset because of the deprivation of her rights, and was a little bit sad because she was about to be executed.

Qin An looked at the front courtyard through her boudoir, and saw that it was a few court ladies and eunuchs who were crying. At this time, only the teenage court lady named Jingyi didn't cry because of her stubborn fighting power. Obviously, she had already told everyone about the empress dowager Cixi's thoughts. In the face of Death, few people can be strong.

At this moment, the palace gate was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and an eunuch and two guards walked in...

Qin An was taken aback for a moment, didn't he say that he was dying at night? It's only noon, what do the three want to do?

When Qin An's gaze saw the lewd expressions on the three people's faces, he sighed softly. He had already guessed the purpose of the three people.

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