Jingyi also saw the three people entering the courtyard.

The eunuch was called Xiao Lizi, and the two court guards were called Boss Wang and Boss Wang. They were brothers.

They are all under the great eunuch Li Lianying, and they often do bad things in the palace.

When Li Gui was crying, his face changed drastically after seeing the three of them, and he got up and roared: "You...what do you want? This is the dormitory of the Queen Mother of the East Palace, how can you break in casually!"

Little Lizi and the Wang brothers looked at each other, then laughed.

As the guards of the palace, the Wang brothers naturally had some skills. They went forward without speaking and beat a few eunuch ladies in the yard. The eunuch Xiaoli had already taken out the ropes from the wing, and the Wang brothers quickly tied up a group of people. After that, everyone's mouths were blocked with rags.

The official rank of the Wang brothers is actually higher than that of Xiao Li, but Xiao Li is a celebrity around Li Lianying, and he often listens to the empress dowager, so his influence in the palace is a bit bigger. The two Wang brothers treat him very much. Respectfully, he was busy taking out the table and chairs and tea from the room, putting it in front of Xiao Lizi, and respectfully asking him to sit on the chair.

"Where is the Queen Mother?" Xiao Lizi asked after taking a sip of tea.

"Master Li, the Queen Mother is lying in the room, we dare not be alarmed!"

"What's not to dare? Our real queen mother let Da Director Li work at night, Da Director Li is kind and can't bear to kill, so we sent the three of you and me to perform the task instead of him. It is noon now. If we kill them at this time, It's against the will of the Queen Mother of her elders! Hey, so, let's have some fun this afternoon, anyway, they are all going to die!

Hey, the miscellaneous family entered the palace at a young age, serving the nobles all his life, and calling it a slave.

Today I also want to be an uncle for a while!

Brother Wang, you go and bring that old bitch out. I want her to bring tea and water in front of my face, undress and undress, and I want her to help me kneel down and beat my back and caress my waist!

Haha, when I first entered the palace, the miscellaneous family was by her side. At that time, I just made a small mistake and she kicked me ten boards and drove me away!

Humph, as the so-called thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, now I have been in this harem, but she has become a bitch! He even gave birth to a sinful kind of fornication with the guards.

Go, pull her off the bed, don't think she is a human being! After today, in this harem, there is no Queen Mother to say it! Ha ha! "

Little plum smiled wildly, and the Wang brothers also had smiles on their faces. Their eyes swept over the maids one by one, and they thought to themselves that they would be in this yard for a while, and they would definitely play a good game with these women. Fan.

If you have a chance to get the old lady of the Queen Mother, you will be more comfortable! She is the queen mother, the woman of the ancestor emperor Xianfeng!

Today’s harem is no better than before. Western powers wandered around the land of the Qing Dynasty. Although the Western thoughts promoted did not make people fully self-aware, the lower class people’s awe of the imperial power was much less. The mind became more active.

While thinking about beautiful things in their hearts, the two brothers of the Wang family entered the Queen Mother's bedroom, took her out of the room by her hair, and threw her into the yard.

At this time, the Queen Mother was very weak, her own child was taken away, and she was about to be killed. How could this make her mental?

However, she is a queen mother after all. After she got free from the control of the Wang brothers, she immediately stood up from the ground and stared at Xiao Lizi and the Wang brothers.

"What do you dog minions want to do?"

Not to mention, this woman's aura is really strong, although her body is extremely weak, but her voice is still very loud.

The king brothers usually had little contact with the queens and concubines in the harem. Seeing the aura of the Queen Mother at this time, they couldn't help but take a step towards retreated.

Although Xiao Lizi is an eunuch, he walks in the harem on weekdays, and he has long understood the truth of the tree falling down and scattered.

Today's Queen Mother can no longer stand up!

In that case, Xiao Lizi doesn't mind rolling it down completely, and feels what it's like to be a master.

So he stood up with a smile, took the tea and walked to the Queen Mother, glanced back and forth on her body for a while, and said in a cold voice:

"Huh! A hairless Phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, don't you know what your situation is now?"

When the words fell, Xiao Lizi poured the tea in his hand onto the Queen Mother's chest, watching the water stain slowly penetrate her clothes, Xiao Li laughed, and ignored the frustrated eyes of the Queen Mother.

In the yard, the little maid Jingyi was tied up with a rag in her mouth.

Seeing that the Queen Mother was humiliated, she desperately wanted to stand up, but because she was tied so strongly, her legs couldn't move at all, and she could only roll around on the ground.

Her movements were a bit too big, attracting the attention of the three of Xiao Lizi.

The Wang brothers' eyes became sharper. They actually found out just now that among all the maids, this girl who looked only 16 or 7 years old was the best looking girl!

Not only does she have good facial features, her figure is even more speechless.

Rolling on the ground at this time, when the body stretched and contracted, the perfect curve was exposed.

That petite and plump butt is really fascinating at the first glance!

Because of the fierce struggle, the belt around the girl’s waist was already opened, and a large piece of her pink gown revealed her chest. You can clearly see the red bellyband inside her, and the white flesh and gully under her neck. The girl seemed to be still He didn't realize that he was gone, and he was still struggling desperately.

Boss Wang swallowed, bending over and crawling to Xiao Lizi's ear and said:

"Master Li, the queen mother doesn't seem to understand Own's situation! Why don't you let me teach her men first? What do you think?"

Xiao Lizi is less than 30 years old this year, tall and face like a white jade, but he is a very handsome man.

It's a pity that he is no longer as a man, but this can't stop his lust.

On weekdays, Xiao Li would often rely on his own power to bully some low-status little maids, get them to own residences and play with them in all kinds of ways.

What he likes most is to let the little maids take off their clothes, kneel and climb on the ground, and then he rides on them and makes them circle around the hall! Otherwise, Ruyi Scepter is a brutal beating!

In fact, in the court, eunuchs often commit domestic violence once they marry a wife, because they cannot vent their desire for women in the manner of men, so they can only go perverted.

After listening to Boss Wang's words, Xiao Lizi understood what he meant, and a wicked smile immediately appeared on his face, and said softly:

"Boss, don't worry, let the miscellaneous family help you see the condition first. Go, bring that little maid over here!"

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