Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 920 Delicate Skin

Jingyi is a very extraordinary girl.

Her parents were court officials and were falsely accused of tragic death because they offended the powerful. In order to avenge her family, 10-year-old Jingyi went north to the capital to file a court case. There was a story of "one step at a time, a knife sees blood".

If you want to sue officials in front of the emperor, the civilians who filed the complaint will also be tortured. The elder of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is honest and caring. After telling the little girl the pros and cons, he intends to let him return.

Of course Jingyi didn't want to give up. In order to be able to face her complaint, Jingyi applied for her willingness to bear the pain of the knife!

She stripped off her own shirt in the lobby, and then used a very short knife to make a cut on her body. Without taking a step, she drew a knife on her body.

After 38 knives, there are already 38 blood mouths on her body, and the blood is all over her body!

You know, she was just a ten-year-old child at the time!

Jingyi's actions moved the elder of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The official helped Jingyi write a memorial and handed it over to the Queen Mother Cian of the East Palace who was listening to politics.

Ci'an met Jingyi, and liked Jingyi's good-looking appearance, and also liked her blood-cutting spirit, so she took her to be a handmaid by her side.

The unforgettable hatred in Jingyi’s heart is nothing but a fart to the Queen Mother. She didn’t ask anyone to do anything publicly, but only asked people to collect various crimes from the official in private. Bai Ling was rewarded for letting their family commit suicide.

Jingyi got revenge and was naturally happy, so in the past few years she became the empress dowager, Ci'an's most loyal servant. She could die in place of Ci'an, and she could also take the humiliation on her behalf.

After being caught by Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang and the other one from left to right, Xiao Lizi was caught, looking at the fierce light in the other's eyes, Jingyi's heart was scared, and her body began to tremble, but there was a smile on her face!

"Lee... Grandpa Li, I'll take care of you! The queen mother is ill, can you send her back to the bed for training? Jingyi gave you a discount."

After saying these words, Jingyi broke free from the shackles of the Wang family brothers and knelt on the ground to Xiao Lizi.

Little Lizi and Wang Brothers laughed at Jingyi's humble appearance.

Without Xiao Lizi's command, the boss Wang stepped forward and used a knife to cut the rope that bound Jingyi, and then vigorously tore apart Jingyi's clothes. After ten seconds, Jingyi's upper body had been stripped and only one red was left. Dudou, the bulge in front of his chest pushed the dudou out of the two peaks. Watching Boss Wang's eyes fired, watching Wang's second heart beat faster, and Xiao Lizi's eyes were straight. He had never seen such a graceful and beautiful one. The body has never seen such a strong chest!

By this time Jingyi already knew her own destiny. She knew that resisting would not help. She knew that she could only accept her destiny!

The fate of women in the palace was originally tragic. In the past few years, the imperial court has always been the queen mother of the two palaces and the east and the west.

There is no man in Noda's harem that can frighten the Quartet, it can only become misty!

Those guards who are favored in front of the dowager, those powerful and powerful officials in the court, they can all make trouble in the harem!

The little palace ladies in the harem are occasionally raped by a few guards and high-ranking officials in secret rooms. This is a common occurrence.

Even those concubines occasionally called a few guards into the palace to serve, saying that it was to explore fitness martial arts, but in fact it was nothing more than a secret to the ruggedness.

The Queen Mother is not clean. Jingyi often hears about some scandals about the Queen Mother of the West. She is smarter than the Queen Mother of the East in that she didn't get pregnant.

This is the helplessness in the emperor’s harem without a principal. The women here are just a group of resentful wives trapped in the wall. Even if they are raped by men, they can only admit their lives, and most women are raped. After the violence He even got in love with the bad guy directly, and became a pair of wild mandarin ducks in the deep palace!

So at this time, although Jingyi's heart was bleeding, she did not resist strongly!

Tears flowed in her eyes, and let the Wang family brothers pinch her shoulders to make her hurt without screaming. This is the suffering she should endure. She never thought about enjoying the blessing the day she followed the Queen Mother of Donggong.

Behind the bedroom of the Empress Dowager Ci'an, Qin An looked at all this and shook his head slightly.

At this time, on Ci'an's body, he was wearing a nine-phoenix cloud robe.

The appearance of this robe is different from the one held by Li Guisan, it looks more primitive, and there is no fur decoration on the cuffs and neckline.

But Qin An recognized at a glance that this dress should have been worn by Ci'an when he died, and it has been circulated for a hundred years and finally arrived in Li Guisan's hands.

Then if it is destroyed, the bones of Li Guisan's Divine Sword will be destroyed in half.

Thinking of this, Qin An took four steps and walked slowly from the backyard to the front yard.

Since the mysterious woman said that the few days here were a few seconds in her own time-space world, then Qin An really didn't worry about going back.

Putting aside other things, it’s rare to be able to travel back to the Qing Dynasty with the power of a mysterious woman. Qin An feels that he should adjust his mentality. It is best to have a chance to contact and communicate with a mysterious woman. After all, only from her. Learn more secrets.

After arriving in the front yard, Qin An's eyes swept across everyone in the yard.

The few eunuchs and palace ladies tied up on the ground all had tears on their faces. One of the eunuchs seemed to be so scared to pee his pants, and his crotch was damp.

The Empress Dowager Ci'an was plump, her face was pale at this time, and her eyes were already covered with red silk.

According to historical records, the Empress Dowager Ci'an was a weak woman, so she was finally in power by the Empress Dowager Cixi.

However, the real Ci'an was not like this. Before her pregnancy, her power was definitely much greater than that of Cixi!

As the real queen of Xianfeng, Ci'an has a stronger natal background, and there are more ministers who support her in the court.

It's a pity that a misstep became an eternal hatred. After more than 20 years of being a widow, the Empress Dowager Ci'an finally failed to escape the word love.

I accidentally fell in love with a handsome court guard, not only secretly staying with him, but also a child!

Originally, Ci'an didn't want to give birth to a child, but hesitated and hesitated and finally made his belly bigger and bigger. After being found threatened by the Empress Dowager Cixi, it ended up where he is today.

At this time, Ci An's thoughts were all useless. Seeing her closest little palace lady being abused, she could only watch and couldn't do anything.

Qin An finally turned his gaze to Jingyi's body.

This girl is not tall or short, about one meter six, she is only wearing a red bellyband at this time, and her white and smooth back is exposed. It is so delicate and indescribable.

There are many beauties around Qin An, Liu Ru, Shi Lida, and Liu Xia are all peerless beauties.

Compared with them, Jingyi looks a little worse, but the condition of her skin is better than that of Liu Ru!

Qin An has not been tempted, and now the most indispensable person around him is a woman.

However, Qin An didn't mind coming to a temporary hero to save the United States, after all, he was a "good guy".

Walking forward slowly, Qin An was already behind the Wang brothers and Jingyi when no one paid attention to him.

He gently stretched out his hand to embrace Jingyi’s waist, and when his fingers touched the skin on Jingyi’s waist, he frowned slightly, and said in his heart:

"With this touch, how can human skin be so smooth and gentle?"

While thinking about it, Qin An already pulled Jingyi into his arms with all his strength, and then retreated to the side to Ci An's side!

At this moment, the Wang brothers and Xiao Lizi finally discovered the existence of Qin An.

Qin An wasn't greedy for the beauty of Jingyi's body, so he let her go directly beside Ci An, and then stood with a smile on his face, shaking his head and looking at the surrounding scenery.

The blue sky in ancient times is really blue, so blue that makes people feel refreshed!

The city of Beijing in April is when the spring flowers are blooming, and the high sun is hanging in the sky, and Qin An seems to be in a dream! He could actually feel the breath of spring, the scent of grass in the breeze, and the laziness in the sun, which made Qin An really want to get a bed in the yard, and then stayed on it comfortably. Get some sleep!

During these days, busy with the construction of Xuanjian City, Qin An's body and mind was really exhausted.

It was only then that the little girl realized that she had been rescued and separated from the two brothers of the Wang family.

She quickly turned around to look at it, and then was stunned!

Is this man... a beggar? But why do beggars appear in the harem?

It's no wonder that the little girl has such a guess, at this time Qin An's dress really looks extremely embarrassed.

He was attacked by Li Gui's 38th regiment dragon robe. The internal organs that had been squeezed in his body exploded, and the blood had already soaked the tight black short sleeves of the upper body and the trousers of the lower body! Moreover, the clothes were deformed under the squeeze, and several holes were broken, and they looked dirty, didn't they look like a beggar?

It was just for a while, the little girl suddenly reacted, and after yelling "Ah", she pulled the Queen Mother Ci'an back to the bedroom and ran.

Now she is wearing a bellyband, how can she see people in her clothes?

Moreover, the yard was obviously very dangerous. She was unable to protect Ci'an at all. The only way she could think of was to go to the bedroom and hide, and then move the heavy objects in the house to block the doors and windows!

Qin An ignored Jingyi and Cian who ran away, still feeling the fresh and unusual world.

"Who...Who are you! Boss Wang, Lao Er Wang, go and take him down!"

Xiao Lizi was a little frustrated, and his voice was hoarse and sharp, making Qin An frowned slightly.

Qin An has never seen a creature like the eunuch before. This is a major feature of ancient times. If this crossing is really a trip, Qin An wouldn't mind seeing the eunuch. Qin An also visited the Zhongcui Palace in Beijing before the last days. The ancient palace was obviously more majestic and accompanied by real ancient people, which is really unique.

After receiving Xiao Lizi's order, the Wang brothers didn't think much, drew his saber from his waist, and viciously rushed towards Qin An's location!

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