Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 922 Dark Palace Fight

Just when Jingyi was distressed whether to compromise in front of Qin An’s strength, Qin An had already made a choice for her. He stepped forward and easily lifted Jingyi, opened the window and jumped outside, and then a few more jumps to leave Zhong Cui. palace.

After reaching under the wall of a secluded courtyard, Qin An put Jingyi on the ground and turned on the Spiritual Sense skill. The area around Zhong Cui Palace was chaotic. The guards were running around, saying that they were going to deal with the Rivers and Lakes masters.

Qin An didn't need to think about it, but the Rivers and Lakes master they spoke of was naturally himself.

The little girl Jingyi's face was pale, the feeling that Qin Anti was jumping on her hand just now was too exciting!

Is this guy a human?

The palace wall that I passed by just now has a height of several meters. This person can jump directly over it. Isn't this an exaggeration? Who is he? What are you going to do when you come to the palace?

Is it someone from the Red Flower Club? Or is it from the Boxers?

Qin An lowered his head and smiled at Jingyi.

"Actually, I can find the position of Cixi without you, but I killed someone there, and it is estimated that there will be many officers and soldiers there. Uncle sees you very pleasingly, so I took you out by the way. And it’s always nice to have a guide by your side, now you can take me to find Cixi! Oh, Cixi is the Queen Mother Yehenala, where is she?"

Jingyi finally knew who Cixi was. Seeing Qin An's harmless expression, a strange feeling rose in her heart.

This man looks dirty, but his eyes... why are they so clear and deep? How can a beggar have such a pair of charming eyes?

Moreover, he actually called himself Uncle!

Although Qin An's dress is sloppy, there are not many smudges on his face, so Jingyi can see that his age should be about 20 years old, probably not much older than herself, why should she take advantage of her?

After all, Jingyi was an out-and-out Qing dynasty, so she couldn't understand Qin An's friendly ridicule.

"No! I want to return to the Queen Mother, I can't leave her behind, she is my benefactor!"

"Then you have to listen to me even more! You can't do anything when you go back alone. You can only bury her with her! If you make me happy, maybe I will help you rescue her from distress."

Jingyi didn't doubt Qin An's statement, because she had already seen Qin An's methods.

Yes, the only way to rescue the Queen Mother seems to be to rely on the man in front of you!

How could things turn out to be like this? This man is obviously a sleazy villain, so why should I listen to him?

But she really has no choice if she doesn't listen.

After thinking a little bit in her heart, Jingyi accepted her fate, and her face became extremely bad.

"The Queen Mother usually lives in Lijingxuan in the back hall of Chuxiu Palace. It is now midday, and she should rest in Chuxiu Palace."

Hearing that Jingyi's tone was a little uncomfortable, Qin An didn't mind, grabbing Jingyi's arm again, leading her to move quickly, and ran in the direction of Chu Xiugong.

Qin An naturally knew the location of Chuxiu Palace. He had visited this place before the end of life.

After a short while, Qin An sneaked into the Chuxiu Palace with Jingyi, and finally found the figure of Cixi in an inconspicuous small room near Lijingxuan in the back hall.

Qin An took Jingyi to the window, turned on the perspective ability and scanned the room for a while, but did not find the eight-group dragon-patterned robe he was looking for.

Now that the power of the nine main gods is gradually emerging, Qin An feels that he is no longer a master, but his ability is still strong, because many abilities have made him almost omnipotent. He could see everything in the room instantly with a scanner-like eye across the wall.

Qin An wasn't impatient if he didn't find the target, he didn't plan to return to reality immediately anyway.

At this time, there was more than one person in Cixi's room. Besides her, there was also a strong man who was about 30 years old.

This man is very handsome, more handsome than Cheng Gang, Liu Yuanchao, and Guo Shuai.

But he was handsome and feminine, and his skin was fair and delicate like a woman.

Jingyi was still pale at this time.

There is a distance from Zhongcui Palace to Chuxiu Palace. The two palaces are located in the east and west directions of the harem, but this man dressed like a beggar took her through the harem without much time.

When she was walking, Jingyi could only hear the sound of the wind, her eyes couldn't see anything at all, it was all light and shadow.

Although Jingyi is very smart, her ideology is limited by the times. At this time, she really thought Qin An was a ghost, otherwise how could she run so fast?

There were also many Rivers and Lakes people in the palace of the Qing Dynasty, masters of green forests! However, despite their high abilities, it is impossible for them to run so fast.

This is not a run at all, it's like flying!

Squatting under the back window of the room where Cixi was located, Jingyi gave up her great energy and finally calmed her own breath. Just when the little girl was about to go and take a good look at Qin An, the voice of the dialogue that came out of the room attracted her attention. .

"I told her that I've killed you! I don't want to tell her the truth. After all, our sisters have been fighting for many years, but they have some feelings, so let her simply go."

"The queen mother is kind, Dong Qing is willing to die for the queen mother!"

"Huh, what immortal! You were just an ordinary guard back then. I asked you to seduce the Queen Mother of the East Palace and let her conceive and give birth to a child. You are just a shameless person who relies on the upper rank of the body. The reason why I didn't kill You, it’s just that you look pretty good, and it’s a scene before my eyes! But I will never reuse you, because you are just a vase. I really don’t know if the Queen Mother wants a man to be crazy. I will like someone like you! Oh, by the way, you and her child I named Li Guisan, and let Li Lianying recognize him as the third son. You will not be allowed to see him in the future, if I find that you violated my intentions. Will kill you, understand?"

"Don't worry about the Queen Mother. I have no fate with that child. Everything will be arranged by the Queen Mother!"

"Okay, come here and lie beside me! Let me see how your skill is, why can you conquer my good Big sis?"

The voice fell, and the room was quiet for a while, and then Cixi's deep breathing sounded. It was obvious that they had already begun to do things for men and women!

A smile appeared at the corner of Qin An's mouth.

When watching Gongdou movies before, the concubines were fighting for the emperor, and various dark methods emerged in endlessly.

Now it seems to be true!

It turned out that the guards who had an affair with Ci'an were arranged by Cixi, which is really a good method.

Qin An knew that Ci'an's sudden death was an unsolved case in history. The imperial physician said that Ci'an died of a disease such as cerebral hemorrhage, and the folk legend said that Ci'an was killed by Cixi.

Today, Qin An can be regarded as witnessing history personally!

Ci'an was indeed killed by Cixi, and he still used such nasty and vicious methods!

In fact, we can't blame Cixi, a woman who is full of desire for rights, and does everything in order to get rights. It only shows that Cixi is a real hero.

It's a pity that now the number of great cleansings is exhausted, and foreign powers have opened the door of China!

Cixi was born at an untimely time. If the Closed Door Training lock-up policy hadn’t been so long before, and if the Qing Dynasty was strong enough at this time, perhaps Cixi wouldn’t be the culprit of ethnic sinners, maybe she could become a character like Wu Zetian. , Become a generation queen! China's history will also show other different trajectories.

Turning his gaze, she looked at the little girl Jingyi beside her.

At this time, Jingyi's eyes were round and her face flushed. Obviously she also heard the conversation inside. Given her loyalty to Ci'an, she should be very angry at this time, right?

Qin An's guess was good, Jingyi was about to burst from a blood vessel of Qi!

She knew Dong Qing, but she didn't expect that this gentle-looking man turned out to be the Queen Mother of the West!

Fortunately, the Queen Mother of the East Palace is full of affection for him, it turns out that all this is fake, it turns out that all this is a conspiracy.

The Queen Mother of the East Palace is so pitiful. She gave birth to a child for this shameless man, but lost everything. How could this happen?

Jingyi could no longer suppress the anger in her heart, she suddenly turned her head to look at Qin An, and whispered:

"You...can you help me kill the man named Dong Qing inside? I...me.

Jingyi said two words about me, but she couldn't continue. She didn't know what bargaining chip she had to wait to exchange with Qin An.

"Okay, it's easy!"

As he spoke, Qin An's figure suddenly disappeared, and a woman's exclaimed roar came from the room.

"Who are you? Ah! Come on... Come on, Assassin! Escort, escort!

Jingyi was a little confused. She didn't expect Qin An to agree to her so easily, and she disappeared suddenly. Is he really a god?

At this time, the bedroom window was pushed open, and Qin An jumped out from inside!

He only left for about ten seconds. He had already completed the three things of killing Dong Qing in the room, transporting away the dirt and torn clothes on his body, and then sending new clothes from the Interspatial Ring to his body.

So when Qin An stood in front of Jingyi, the little girl was stupid again.

Qin An was wearing black Italian leather shoes, black slim-fitting trousers, and a pure white long-sleeved shirt.

This outfit made Qin An's figure more upright and slender, and combined with his firm and upright features, it gave him a special temperament.

Jingyi had seen dresses similar to those of Qin An, those foreigners.

It's just that Qin An wears a better look, which seems to be different from what a foreigner wears!

And in such a short time, how could this man change his clothes? Also, it turns out that this man not only has good eyes, but his features are also so handsome? Just now Jingyi only noticed Qin An's torn clothes, and even ignored Qin An's looks.

When Jingyi was in a daze, Qin An had picked her up and whispered:

"Dong Qing was killed by me. The thing I was looking for is not here. Let's go elsewhere!"

Jingyi's body was tightly attached to Qin An, anxious in her heart.

Looking for something? Just go, but why does this pervert hold her tightly? Is that Dong Qing really killed?

Just as Jingyi was puzzled by all kinds of doubts, there was a sound of footsteps nearby.

The cry of the Empress Dowager Cixi alarmed the nearby guards. They were originally outside the courtyard, and they just rushed in and surrounded Qin An!

Qin An exhaled deeply. If killing makes his body easy, he really doesn't mind becoming a death-like executioner in this killing game!

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