"Close your eyes!"

Qin An's voice was still very soft, Jingyi only hesitated after hearing it, and then quickly closed her eyes.

The next moment, the whistling wind sounded in my ears, followed by the screams of people.

What happened?

Jingyi was very curious, and finally she couldn't help opening her eyes again, and the scene she saw made her tremble all over.

The man holding him raised his hand and waved a knife. The guard on the opposite side raised his knife to block it, but the man's knife suddenly burned with hot flames. With a knife, he cut the knife in the guard's hand in half, and continued to fall. The upper body of the guard was chopped off from the shoulder to the waist, showing a slope!

Jingyi saw the internal organs exposed by the guards. The heart had been chopped in half, and the curved large intestine was also cut open. Mucus and foul-smelling yellow sticky objects flowed out from it. It was really disgusting after people looked at it. I want to throw up!

Splashing blood was everywhere, but he did not touch himself and the man in the slightest. He had already passed the slain and killed several others!

Oh my God, Jingyi was so scared that she had never seen such a scene before! She is just a little palace girl imprisoned in a deep palace by the feudal system!

From then on, Qin An's impression of Devil was established in Jingyi's heart. When Jingyi was by Qin An's side, she would always be quiet, like a timid rabbit!

Qin An's eyes were not idle when he was killing, and he looked around for the traces of the eight groups of dragon-patterned robe. His eyes were capable of burning, and once he saw that robe, he would definitely be able to recognize it!

About three minutes later, Qin An finally found the dress in a warehouse. It was neatly folded and placed in a wooden box. It is probably Cixi’s favorite, otherwise she would not die in many years. When I was wearing this dress, I fell into the soil!

Qin An raised his hand and knocked over two guards, then looked around...

Good guy, it is estimated that more than a hundred people have been killed by himself. All of them were cut in half by their bodies, and their internal organs flowed all over the yard!

I didn't think there was anything when I started killing people just now, but now it seems really disgusting!

Looking down, she saw the little girl bury her head firmly in her arms, her eyes closed, her body trembling, she was obviously frightened.

Qin An smiled slightly, flashed and killed four more people, rushed into the warehouse to light the fire, and the eight groups of dragon-patterned robe were destroyed.

After that, Qin An returned to Zhongcui Palace, took Cian and left the Shengong compound together, and stopped after running five kilometers out of Beijing.

Looking at the wilderness in front of me, it is estimated that this will be the 5th and 6th ring of the capital in the future, but at this time it is still deserted.

"Okay, the matter is over, I plan to stay here for a day or two, looking around the scenery, little girl, your queen mother has been taken out of the palace by me, she can at least escape from the dead, but she will have to do it later. It’s actually not bad for a civilian to continue to live."

While talking, Qin An strolled towards the field. Jingyi and Ci An were both dizzy at this time. Seeing Qin An leaving, they wanted to escape but didn't dare. They all knew that Qin An was amazing, and that he was in the wilderness. , Where do you want to escape?

In desperation, the two of them could only keep up with Qin An's pace, and they didn't know what the fate awaited them was!

In two days, Qin An experienced the life of the Qing Dynasty in a relaxed mind and body, thus releasing all the pressure on his body.

The world is very backward. Qin An has walked through three small villages all the way. There are no too majestic buildings or unique landscapes in the villages, but Qin An still likes to wander among these villages.

He likes the simple and simple villagers here, and he likes the peasant meal made in the villagers' homes!

Qin An ate a chicken in a village called Liujiayao. He never thought that chicken could be so delicious!

Qin An once thought that modern chickens may be different from ancient chickens. They must have been upgraded in some way. Otherwise, how could the taste of meat be so different?

In two days, Qin An forgot what was happening in reality, and sat quietly with a man eating and drinking. The interaction between Jingyi and Ci An became an entertaining stage play!

Jingyi, the little girl who was trapped by the feudal hierarchy, was really respectful when facing Ci'an.

Not only do I have to take care of Ci'an’s daily life, but also cry with Ci’an when he is sad and crying, and accompany her stupidly when Ci’an is in a daze. It is simply an all-purpose accompany mechanical doll, even when she sleeps quietly at night. Yee can't sleep well.

Ci'an's body was extremely weak due to reasons just after giving birth, and her endocrine system should be in a state of disorder.

She usually has to get up four or five times at night.

They lived in ordinary peasant households for the past two days, and the conditions were difficult. The night in the Qing Dynasty was very dark, and there were no street lights and other lighting equipment in the village.

Therefore, the squeamish Ci'an would never go outdoors conveniently. She usually called Jingyi's name after she got up.

Jingyi curled up next to Ci'an's bed and sat on a small bench to guard her. When Ci'an called, she would immediately bring the urinal from outside. She did her best!

Seeing the little girl's dark circles getting more and more in her eyes because of her bad daily rest, Qin An really couldn't bear it.

Suddenly, Qin An had an idea, if we bring this pair of masters and servants to modern times, let them experience another social atmosphere, let the little girl understand that people should be equal, and let Ci An know her Privileges are gone, so what changes will happen to their relationship?

Thinking of this, Qin An couldn't help laughing, and then despised himself again. People in their fifties still have these evil tastes!

In the early morning of the third day, Qin An called the mysterious woman in red in his heart. He had adjusted his mood, so it was time to go back.

After a burst of light, the woman in red who heard Qin An Mental Energy's call appeared, she looked at Qin An with a smile on her face:

"I don't understand you! You really have been playing here for two days, but there is still a big battle waiting for you over there, you can put it down temporarily."

"Since you are so supernatural, you should know my experience. I have seen many life and death separations over the years, and I have long learned how to go with the situation. Okay, let’s not gossip, I want to go back now and bring Cixi and Jingyi together. , How can I do it?"

"You don’t need to do anything. I opened the tunnel through time and space, and naturally I also need me to take you back! These two people were originally going to die in Zhongcui Palace three days ago, so even if you take them to your time and space , There will be no difference or change in the future. But...I will disappear after I go back. I don’t know when I will be resurrected, Qin An, you can do it yourself in the future!"

Seeing the calm face of the woman in red, Qin An frowned slightly, feeling a little unbearable in his heart, as if he was about to lose something important.

What a hell, why do you have such an idea?

Just when Qin An was puzzled, his mind suddenly dizzy, and then he fainted! The body slowly disappeared in the space, and at this time, Ci'an and Jingyi were also experiencing the same thing as Qin An. They were about to be taken to the time and space where Qin An was, and started a journey of crossing with them as the protagonists.

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