According to the rumors, although Qin An also had some helpers named Wranglers by his side, he still relied on one person's power to slay two of the strongest Chu Xianghua brothers and sisters in Eagle Eye City while surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers. , And killed a real level ten upgraded person!

Level 10 upgraded! People have never heard of it. Haven’t the Internet been saying every day that a seventh-level upgraded beast has been found somewhere? But no one has seen the real picture at all, so people think that the upgraded level of creatures in the last days is only to the sixth-level.

But suddenly the tenth-level creature appeared, which was already a terrible thing.

Even more frightening is that the tenth-level creature was actually killed by Qin An with a sword?

It was definitely a one-sword second kill. That Chu Xianghua sister and brother were also killed by one sword. After that, Qin An shuttled like a ghost through the tens of thousands of troops and killed thousands of enemies. It only took ten minutes. !

Such a slaughter, such a strong person, who can not be afraid?

The above version is considered the most realistic, although it is still a lot more exaggerated than the actual situation.

In fact, Qin An can easily kill a few people, mainly because of the results of a sneak attack under the siege of the Wrangler. Moreover, the soldiers were later, only fifteen thousand at the beginning, and only a few hundred reached Qin An. The others were in all directions. After being stationed and surrounded, some of the later soldiers also appeared one after another, not at the same time. And the number is not that many, but 25,000 people.

However, the people don't care about these things. They seem to think that the more exaggerated Qin An's ability is, the more excitement they can watch.

Even some people have spread templates like fairy tales.

It is said that Qin An descended from the sky and entered the Eagle Eye City, performing a kung fu similar to the great movement of the universe, killing thousands of people instantly, including the upgraded and ordinary soldiers, the momentum has exploded, the earth shook the sun and the moon, and all the creatures were there. The statement that Qin An is only ants in front of it is of course nonsense, but the most shocking thing is that there are still many audiences who believe it, and they are spreading it to others.

People are afraid of Qin An because of his mortal reputation.

People also like to talk about Qin An, because most people are idle.

In short, because of all kinds of rumors, Qin An's prestige spread far and wide, shocking everyone, so that some forces that originally wanted to oppose Qin An died and turned to surrender.

These people naturally have first-hand information, and the information in their hands is more accurate.

Therefore, they knew that Qin An was indeed terrifying, and it was the Wrangler around him who was even more terrifying than Qin An!

Shentu Ganglie, the leader of Mountain Scar and Wang Sixi, the leader of Pingcheng County, both had their heads growing sad every day. Many of the Wranglers used to be important people in their cities and held high positions! They felt that Qin An's city mansion was really terrifying, and they didn't know when so many people were inserted into their power structure. Now that all the Wranglers have indeed been exposed, in addition to the Wranglers, has Qin An planted cowherds beside them? shepherd? Where's the shepherd?

If even the people around them can't be trusted, Shentu Ganglie and Wang Sixi really don't know why they can fight with Qin An, so they can only actively compromise, or they should sort out the people around them before talking about other things!

In any case, the ending was good, Qin An got what he wanted, and the turmoil in the seven cities of the Qin League was minimal.

On April 20th, the sword's front forces that belonged to Western Tibet announced their formal integration with the Qin League.

Jian Zhifeng is willing to hand over part of the army of the city defense system to Qin An's command, provided that Qin An must also plant some people from Western Tibet in the Qin League's sphere of influence. And Qin An must make it clear that there is only one China, and China's most orthodox governing organ should be the post-apocalyptic Tibetan government.

Qin An agreed with Guo Shuai and Weng Die after studying, and issued a statement of allegiance to Western Tibet.

On April 22, something shocked Tibet.

The Tang Dynasty organization issued a notice for the second time, willing to merge with the Qin League and Jian Zhi Feng, to give up the defense of the city wall and the right to garrison. Qin An could recruit troops within the Tang Dynasty's sphere of influence as a defender of the city, but the original troops of the Tang Dynasty remained. Some of them were turned into city patrols, and the other part was transferred from military status to reserve. In other words, the Tang Dynasty kept its own strength hidden, they just handed over the city wall to Qin An.

Qin An didn't even think about directly agreeing to the proposal of the Tang Dynasty organization. After all, trying to shake the roots of the Tang Dynasty power is definitely not something that can be solved in a day or two. It is a behemoth as big as the Qin League! I was able to unify Qin City because of Guo Shuai, Hongluan, Liu Gang, and Fang Lei. Four of the seven cities were willing to submit to own, so naturally they had an absolute advantage in the sphere of influence.

However, the Tang Dynasty was completely different. Qin An didn’t even know who were strong in the Tang Dynasty. According to Guo Shuai, some spies were sent to collect information in the Tang Dynasty before, but in the end there was no return. That is to say, in the Tang Dynasty. There must be some strong people hidden in the organization.

The so-called killings are all relative, and Qin An dare not do anything at will when he is not a last resort. Even if he is not afraid, he still has to think about his family. Today he already has a lot of concerns.

In addition, Tang Yu also once again extended an invitation to Qin An, wanting him to meet in Tangdu.

Qin An was a little afraid of seeing Tang Yu. There were already enough women around him, and he couldn't be too busy. Since it was only a one-night fate with Tang Yu, Qin An really didn't think it necessary to meet after two decades. At least before he made up his mind to completely resolve the issue of the rights of the Tang Dynasty, there should be no need to meet. Now he and Tang Yu are no longer separate individuals. They represent the two strongest strengths in Jiulong Mountain.

Therefore, Qin An only sent Guo Shuai and Weng Die to Tangdu on his behalf to discuss cooperation.

The two went there for three days before returning. After returning, they were very depressed and told Qin An that they did not see Tang Yu. They only discussed cooperation with some of her staff. Jian Zhifeng also sent a representative to negotiate. Explained to them the concept of building the Kowloon Link City.

In this way, time flies to May 1, 2040, and the Kowloon City Link Project is officially launched, and Sword's Edge City deliberately held a groundbreaking ceremony.

At the ceremony, the most powerful representative of Western Tibet, Xi, and Tang Yu from the Tang Dynasty also arrived, but Qin An did not. He still only sent Guo Shuai, Weng Die, and Ling'er as representatives to participate in the ceremony.

This can make everyone present a little unhappy, what kind of plane is Qin An doing? Jiulong Liancheng was led by him, but others did not come?

Guo Shuai felt embarrassed at the time and quickly explained the reason why Qin An hadn’t come. As soon as Xi Lao laughed, he forgave Qin An. Tang Yu was expressionless at the end. Her attitude was indifferent from the beginning to the end of the ceremony. He didn't even say a word.

Eight Trigrams reporters have a strong ability to inquire about news, and the inside story of Qin An's failure to attend the groundbreaking ceremony was quickly known to everyone.

Then at noon that day, newspaper headlines all over Jiulongshan carried a message like this:

"People who slaughtered Qin'an, rudely absent from the groundbreaking ceremony, the reason turned out to be that his wife had a difficult childbirth.

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