On the tenth floor of the Golden Tower of Xuanjian City, the outer circle of the golden wall has extended a fan with a length of ten meters, forming a huge circular balcony.

The giantess Lu Ya dug up black rock and soil from the mountain and spread a thick layer on the balcony. Wang Hui invited craftsmen to divide the ring-shaped balcony, and built a bluestone wall outside each room, separating a room from the open air. In the courtyard, the rockery bonsai was transported to decorate it as a garden, and the scenery of each small garden is different, which is very delicate and unique.

At this moment, outside of Li Na's bedroom balcony, Qin An was pacing back and forth in the yard, his expression anxious, and the sweat on his forehead was streaming down.

Li Na was in labor and has been crying since last night.

People in the last days will hardly get sick even if they are not upgraded, so nowadays the only doctors who can still eat food are gynecologists.

In Li Na's bedroom, there were three professional obstetricians and gynecologists who gave birth to Li Na at this time, but Li Na gave birth all night, but still did not give birth to the baby, how could Qin An not be in a hurry.

According to Qin An's instructions, he wanted Li Na to have a caesarean section, but Li Na insisted on disagreeing.

The pregnant woman was already emotionally sensitive. When Li Na heard that the doctor was going to cut her stomach, she paled with fright and almost jumped off the bed and ran away.

What else could Qin An do? Only by relying on her and letting her go into childbirth, anyway, she possessed the healing skills of Purdue Sword God, Li Na would never die because of having a child.

There is another reason why this woman wants to have a smooth birth, that is, she stubbornly believes that a child who has a smooth birth will grow strong.

Qin An naturally disagrees with this statement. The own gene is super powerful, and the child born will be healthy no matter what, and this child has the energy of the Soul of the Time Sword God. So many worries.

It's a pity that Qin An, who was a new father, even understands in his mind, this kind of moment is not willing to go against the meaning of the mother-child, after all, it is not him who has worked hard.

"Qin An, your eyes are only as big as Sesame! There are so many women who have children, do you have to have your husband with you? Today is the foundation stone laying ceremony of the city of Kowloon, but you were not there as one of the three parties? Look at it, it doesn't work. How long will the people of the Qin League find the topic of slaying you again! Now that you are a slaughter, do you want to be afraid of your wife and slaughter in the future?"

In the yard, there are several sets of tables and chairs for drinking tea and sunbathing.

Shi Lida and He Tianyu sat opposite each other on the same table.

This girl Shi Lida seemed to be Qin An's enemy, and at such a moment, she still spoke to attack Qin An.

He Tianyu is a trivial and fearful woman, and she is very afraid of Qin An, saying that she is going to assassinate Qin An, but she has never done anything until now. He Tianyu immediately nodded in agreement with Shi Lida's voice against his big enemy, but did not dare to speak, but felt dark and refreshing in his heart, and finally understood the reason why he liked playing with Shi Lida. Because Shi Lida dared to fight against the evil forces and dared to speak ill of Qin An directly.

Qin An looked at Shi Lida with a little annoyance, and said in his heart: Why does this kid always trouble Own? It seems that I have time to communicate with Ba Tian and Guo Xiaomei.

"Where are your parents?" Qin An tried to make own look serious!

"Not you yet? Killed so many people in Eagle Eye City. Although they have surrendered on the surface now, the families of those who died don’t know how much they hate you! My mother, as the captain of the Thirteen Wolf Cavalry, takes My dad and other brothers are going to wipe your ass! The families of those deceased should be soothed and soothed, expelled, and killed directly, so as not to make trouble later. Although they can't touch you, they are right. You can still start with Li Na Big sis and other non-powers."

After listening to Shi Lida's words, Qin An was a little moved, and he really caused trouble for his brothers and sisters.

However, Qin An will not regret the killing in Eagle Eye City. The so-called war between the two countries will naturally win the brave if he meets on the battlefield. If his strength is not strong enough, he will be the one who died that night! Since the other party chose to do something when the contradiction occurred, the dead person naturally can't ask him to pay the bill! The people Qin An killed that night were all soldiers who took the initiative to shoot.

"You should be Li Na Aunt... why are you not big or small?"

"Okay, Qin An, I have seen your photos before the end of the world. At that time, you were a fat Uncle with a big belly. If you were still the same respectful face at the time, you might still be restrained by selling your old me in front of me. But look. Looking at you today, you are almost becoming a small meat, why should I be lower than you? I will not do it! I have already told my mother that we each have each other, and you are worthy of brothers and sisters. I don’t care, and you don’t want to participate in my affairs! If I am happy, I will call you to blame, and if I am not happy, I will call you Qin An. What can you do?"

Qin An is really going crazy, he already has the nickname of Ren Tu, why is this girl not afraid of himself?

After a long time, Qin An exhaled a long breath, calmed down his depressed mood, then raised his head to see that I was Li Na in the bedroom, in good condition, but the child had not yet been born! It's a pity that she is not an upgraded, otherwise...otherwise it should be fine to just reach in and pull the child out.

Thinking of this, Qin An's face turned red, and he felt embarrassed.

He turned his attention to Shi Lida again, changed the subject and asked:

"Don't you like to travel around? Why didn't you go to Eagle Eye City with Ba Tian Xiaomei and the others?" Qin An felt that speaking could relieve the pressure in his heart, otherwise he would not go to Marshall Lida.

The reason why Shi Lida likes to travel is because when he left Xuanjian City to go to Qinjun City a few days ago, he happened to meet Shi Lida, Jinbao, and Jindou who were traveling.

After hearing Qin An's question, Shi Lida frowned slightly, and the expression on her face became a little cold.

"Can you not talk to me about traveling?"

"Oh, why? Isn't it fun to go shopping? I heard that the seven major cities of Qin League have their own characteristics, and there are many beautiful scenery to watch!" Qin An is so smart, seeing that Shi Lida is unwilling to discuss travel Although I don't know why, I felt that it had caught her sore spot, so he asked, just wanting to make the dead child even more uncomfortable.

Shi Lida is naturally not stupid. She understood Qin An's intentions, so she stretched her brows and smiled slightly:

"Yes, I took Jinbao and Jindou when I went to Qinjuncheng, but when I came back, I was alone! Humph, the lord of Qinjuncheng Liu Gang invited us to dinner and invited many of your old brothers to accompany you. Do you remember ?"

"Remember? Everyone drank a lot of alcohol that day, and then we all stayed in that star hotel. What's wrong?"

"Hey, I, Jinbao, and Jindou all drank a lot of wine that night. And Liu Gang Uncle's daughter, that annoying Liu Danna, also drank a lot of wine! When you get up the next morning, you will be with Lanyue Big sis and Liu Xia Big sis is gone, do you know what happened the day before, the night we drank?"

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