Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 941 A New Crisis Is Coming

Qin Wenxin obviously didn't know that the first test in her life had already begun.

As a child who has just been full moon, Qin Wenxin already has eyesight, hearing, and some small wisdom.

She was able to recognize who was her real mom and dad among the many godfathers and godmothers, which was a very powerful ability.

Such a fresh little life is naturally full of curiosity about the world.

Her eyesight has begun to recognize colors, so she prefers bright things, such as the red carpet under the butt on the platform of the lottery.

Qin Wenxin seemed to like the big red color, so she just sat there, poking her fingers on the carpet, and yelling in her mouth.

"Look at this kid, this is just the full moon to be able to sit down! Jia Yao can't even turn over when the full moon is full! What a child prodigy, haha, brother, what a blessing!" Cheng Gang sincerely praised Qin beside Qin An Ask your heart.

Cheng Jiayao's face was pale when she heard it.

what's the situation? Are the two fathers talking about their respective daughters?

This is obviously not a level, okay? Qin An's child has just been born, but he has matured. Why do you always remind yourself of the generation gap between Qin An and Qin An! Damn dad, what annoying! Cheng Jiayao couldn't help but start thinking about it in her heart, and then had an unknown fire towards Qin An, she only hoped that Qin Wenxin's little girl would catch something weird!

Qin An listened to the people nearby complimenting his own daughter for being smart and beautiful, laughing with a smile on his face.

But when he glanced around on the lottery platform, the smile on his face froze!

What's the situation with this mud horse? Who put so many jumbled things on the table?

Qin An saw some sanitary napkins among those objects at a glance, such as avoiding pregnancy, condoms, jumping eggs, ***** and other objects!

Fuck me, if Xiao Wenxin caught these things, wouldn't it be a shame? And the crux of the problem is who put these things on it? Now, do you want to cheat secretly and send all these things away?

After Qin An was frightened for a while, he almost hesitated for three seconds before doing something nasty.

When he was unprepared, he quickly used the control transfer ability to get rid of all the miscellaneous things.

What is the father? The roller for my daughter! Qin An must create a broad road for his daughter, otherwise what's the use of him?

On the other side of the lottery platform, Ling'er, He Tianyu, and Shi Lida gathered together.

"Have you put everything you put away?" Shi Lida still looks like a queen. Jinbao Jindou is no longer her follower. Now He Tianyu among the five little girls has become the successor and has been following Shi Li. Damn it.

"They are all next to the toys. The little girl can see those things as long as she can see the toys!" He Tianyu's voice was very low and her expression was very bad. I also like the little girl Qin Wenxin very much. Although the current practice can make Qin An Losing face, it seems that Qin Wenxin is not very good. He Tianyu's heart is really tossing and turning.

"He Tianyu, what's your expression? Why is it that you are dead? Qin An will be losing face soon, we should be happy." Ling'er ate the French fries and said with a smile. She has been so busy during this period of time, today with Qin Wenxin's full moon wine, she can be regarded as giving herself a vacation! If you can't entertain Qin An, isn't it a waste of vacation? Linger thought badly, and then continued to eat her French fries.

Dead mother?

He Tianyu's face is worse, isn't she just a dead mother? Although He Shanmei is not close to her, although she doesn't hate Qin An so much as time goes by, she still can't let it go! Ling'er spoke really heartily, He Tianyu pouted, feeling very depressed.

On the lottery stage, Qin Wenxin didn't know that he had become the focus of countless people around him, and still sat there on his own way, poking his fingers on the red carpet to play, not stage fright at all, there was really such a general style.

Li Na looked a little anxious when she saw her daughter sitting motionless, not crawling to find anything.

She walked to the side with more toys and began to clap and whistle at her daughter to attract her attention.

Qin Wenxin heard some familiar voices, looked up for a while in confusion, and finally found the figure of the mother in front of him.

"Ah! Ah!"

After screaming indiscriminately, Qin Wenxin shook his body because of excitement and lay directly on the stall.

Qin An was frightened in a cold sweat. Fortunately, her daughter was very strong. She didn't cry when she fell, but started to stand up hard.

After a full minute, she finally changed from lying down to lying on her stomach, and then started shaking her legs, trying to crawl towards her mother.

In fact, Qin Wenxin learned to climb a few days ago, but because of his lack of proficiency in business, he occasionally forgets how to get on the road.

Although her two short legs swayed vigorously, they did not touch the platform, because there was no point of borrowing force at all, and the body would naturally not move!

It looked ridiculous, as if it was a little turtle shaking its four legs back and forth.

Everyone thought the child was cute and laughed.

Qin An himself did not feel Losing face. To Liu Yuanchao, Cheng Gang and others said:

"Have you seen how regular our girl’s calf is shaking? She is learning to swim, and she must be a good swimmer when she grows up! I will teach her well in the future, haha!"

Liu Yuanchao nodded frequently, and didn't feel that Qin An was very ostentatious, he was just a little envious.

Now that he is married to Wu Yan, and his body is very young, with all kinds of functions, shouldn't he also have a child with Wu Yan?

Well, I really should. My original family members died in Ruyan City, and now only Liu Xia has a blood relationship with him in this world! Should I add something to Liu Xia...Grandpa, grandma?

Liu Yuanchao's face blushed when he thought of this, and he secretly said that the child he gave birth to is not Liu Xia's grandparents!

Hey, this world is really messy!

Xiao Wenxin on the lottery platform finally found the rhythm after swaying for two or three minutes, and her two short legs began to press hard against the lottery platform, and her body finally moved forward.

She yelled in her mouth, and rushed towards Li Na on her stomach. It was very majestic, like a female general on the battlefield.

Qin An was very excited when he saw his daughter finally moved, and he was already shouting to cheer.

The atmosphere on the scene also became enthusiastic. There were many objects between Qin Wenxin and Li Na. I don't know if this little girl will plunge into her mother's arms wholeheartedly, or will she stop to pick up other objects in the middle of the climb?

When everyone was watching, Qin Wenxin, who had already climbed to the middle of the platform, suddenly stopped, and the screams originally made from her mouth suddenly stopped.

Li Na looked at her daughter directly, and the smile on her face disappeared. This...what's going on?

At this time, the daughter still has a long mouth, she should be still yelling, why can't she hear it? And her hands and feet are still moving, but something seems to have appeared in front of her to block her way forward, as if she is already in a seal of enchantment, very weird!

Qin An's strength is much stronger than Li Na, so he knows what's going on better than Li Na at this time!

Right in the center of the lottery platform where Qin Wenxin was located, a huge energy fluctuation was rapidly appearing. They formed a transparent magnetic field, which fixed Qin Wenxin in place and could not move.

Suddenly, Qin An saw that a hairy hand stretched out from the ground less than half a meter away from his daughter. It looked like the palm of a chimpanzee.

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