The dog egg in front of the Eagle Eye City Civilian Hotel has now entered the Xuanjian City. The reason for coming here is naturally to find Qin An.

The woman in red gave him the name Qin Le, saying that he was asked to be Qin An's Little Brother.

Dog Dan is fourteen years old and has been begging since he was a child, so his development is not very good.

Skinny, short and dark, he didn't look like a fourteen-year-old child at all.

He is small but not stupid. Although he still doesn't understand who the woman in red is, he also knows that his own destiny is about to change.

From Gougan to Qin Le, listening to this name, the aura is different!

The mysterious woman said that the soul of the sword was condensed in his body. The dog egg also didn't know what the soul of the sword was, but he knew that the woman didn't lie to him, because now he can walk for ten meters, traverse the wall and punch the boulder. Cracked, the wall above the head is destroyed! Obviously he has become a true superpower.

Now that he has received the favor of the woman in red, Goudan feels that he must give back to others. No, he is now Qin Le.

The experience of begging from a young age made Qin Le deeply aware of Daoist’s warmth and coldness. He believed that his own status was low, so he was very shy. He didn’t know how to meet Qin An’s leader of the Qin League, let alone how to be a qualified Little. Brother, with such a high status, can you care about yourself?

The so-called shame and courage, Qin Le signed up to join the army in Xuanjian City, vowing to make more military merits and become a qualified little brother.

Now the entire Jiulong Mountain is recruiting new soldiers, and the national military service system has existed since the end of the world. This trend has continued to this day, no matter where it is.

Qin Le was fourteen years old, enough to serve as a soldier, and he had more than ten years of identity certification in the internal life of the Qin League, so he easily entered the army.

Qin'an's Nine Dragons Liancheng City Defender is known as one million people, and its organization is unified with other corps. The post-apocalyptic legion is slightly different from the structure of the army, division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon, and squad before the end of the world.

The most basic unit in the army today is a bit similar to the ancient "Wu", that is to say, there are only five people, called squads. Most squad leaders are composed of civilians, it is difficult to have Ascension space, because more advanced generals are basically supernaturalists. However, there are also people with super military talents who will be promoted.

Above the squad is a squadron with ten members.

Above the squadron is a squadron with 100 people, which means that ten squadrons and 20 squadrons are under the command of the squadron.

Then it's the clan on the top, the clan is composed of three hundred people, and there are three brigade under the head and deputy captains. A special squadron of superpowers is set up in the team, directly under the command of the team leader, and will be equipped with ten upgraded. When you reach the level of the standing team, you will be exposed to some external battles. Afterwards, you can get an independent number based on your battle achievements, have the authority to attack zombies in a certain area, can obtain high-tech weapons, and be equipped with a certain number of mechanical armor.

Then the three teams are united into a battalion, with 900 people, and they have the responsibility of leaving the station to find the small zombies in the vicinity. This is also a kind of training task.

The three battalions are combined into a regiment with 3,000 people, of which the additional 300 people are the guards of the head of the regiment. Then as a regiment, you can naturally get more resources, and you can also get independent titles, and you have the authority to apply for combat from farther places.

The three regiments are combined into one regiment with 10,000 people. The numbers of the regiments are arranged according to numbers, and there is no independent number. The additional 3,000 people are high-tech weapons teams.

Then the ten legions together are the real coalition. One coalition commander has 100,000 people under his jurisdiction. So far, the coalition commanders of the guards are all high-powered old guys in the Qin League, such as Qin Juncheng. Liu Gang, the lord of the city, is the commander of a coalition army, and his responsibility is to sit in the military command of Qinjun City, and then assign and mobilize ten subordinate legions to perform various tasks. Qin An wanted to eliminate the evil forces, but in fact, the city defense army has already moved, and their target is the zombie group near Jiulong Mountain!

The ten coalition forces together constituted all of the current Jiulong City Liancheng Guard Army, and the commander-in-chief was Qin An.

Going out to fight is exactly the meaning of the existence of the guards.

With the Mayan system, the various weapons distributed in the city and on the walls do not require human operation at all.

Therefore, the more flexible guard army has become the tentacles of the extension of the Kowloon City Link!

The battle between humans and zombies has started silently now.

The regiment-level units among millions have entered Guangnan Province in the south, dangerous beast jungles in Inner Mongolia in the north, Shandong Peninsula in the east, and the hinterland of Xinjiang in the west.

Now some recruits who have just joined are training, and after a short time they will also go out with their own organization.

In the first half of the year, with the Kowloon Link City as the center, a hundred legions scattered all over China, and a situation in which each responds to each other will be formed.

Then Qin Le at this time was the most insignificant member of the millions of city guards, an ordinary recruit.

Today, after a morning of arduous training, he and the team leader asked for a vacation at noon. The purpose was just to visit the Golden Fort.

The news that Qin An placed full moon wine for his baby girl has spread throughout Xuanjian City. Qin Le felt that although he could not participate in this banquet, it would be good to be able to look inside from a distance. It was for his little niece. A blessing.

It's a pity that the square near the Golden Fort has been under martial law. In addition to many ordinary soldiers standing guard, there are also many superstitious members of the iron cavalry roaming nearby.

This iron cavalry camp is now the most directly affiliated department of Qin An, and it is composed of the original Guo Xiaomei Hussar Camp, the Red Luan Wrangler, and all members of the Sword God Camp.

Hongluan gave every upgrader in the camp permanent ascension power. Today there are 500 upgraded upgraders in the iron cavalry camp. These people are the backbone of Qin An's plan to take out to sweep the world in the future.

After three or four laps around the square, Qin Le frowned slightly. He was so tightly guarded that he would not have watched it and returned directly to the barracks?

Just when he hesitated, he suddenly found that the soldiers at the checkpoint in front of him seemed to be leaving.

"Hey, what are you doing? So many people go to the bathroom together?"

"What are you afraid of? Just look at it for yourself. This is the center of Xuanjian City. What can happen? The city lord is so precious to his daughter. It is really speechless to do the security work so thoroughly."

"Have you forgotten the last incident? During the city lord's wedding, some strong sword gods came to make trouble."

"Stop it! Don't mention the strong sword gods! My calves are weak as soon as I hear them. If they do appear, we will have a bird use? Anyway, the iron cavalry campers and mecha warriors are there. , Lord Ling'er is also attending the banquet now, rice cooker robots are everywhere, the role we can play is very rare, don't take yourself so important!"

While they were talking, a dozen soldiers in a line had all left and went to the toilet collectively.

Only two recruits were still guarding at the checkpoint. After looking at each other, they smiled bitterly and shook their heads. At first sight, the group of people were just like soldiers, without any organizational discipline.

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