Now that the veterans were all set up, the recruits naturally wanted to be lazy, so the two lit up a cigarette each and sat in the guard booth to chat.

Qin Le was overjoyed when he saw it. Now his Movement Technique is extremely fast. If there are more than a dozen people guarding him at the checkpoint, there may be no chance. Now there are only two people here. Qin Le knows that he should be able to do it!

He squeezed forward quietly, and then suddenly accelerated. The two smokers just looked at each other and said a word, did not look outside the guard pavilion. Qin Le had already stepped ten meters, breaking through the perimeter defense and entered a small forest. middle.

This forest is an artificial transplanted forest, mainly for viewing purposes. It has a span of about ten meters. After walking out of the forest, you are in front of the park outside the Golden Fort Square!

As the center of the city, the nature built here is extremely prosperous.

There are a total of nine parks in the outer circle of the central square, and the scenery in each park is different. The location of Xuanjian City was originally in the mountainous area of ​​Jiulong Mountain. Most of the city is still flat, so this garden is also very flat. .

Seeing that there were some pedestrians walking back and forth in the garden, Qin Le slowly slowed down. He knew that these people should be guests who came to the banquet, but this time the banquet was of a higher level. Almost all the dignitaries of the Qin League were here. , Then there are high and low levels among the nobles. Some low-level ones can’t reach Qin An after the banquet to see that precious lady of the sky. They can only either leave or be in the outer AD. Take a walk.

Walking forward with some tension in his heart, Qin Le tried his best not to attract other people's attention. .

It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people. Just after Qin Le left the woods and walked into more than ten meters AD, a figure in front of him stopped him.

"Hey, boy, what do you do? This girl doesn't look like a good person in your horror, does she want to come here to steal things?"

The voice of this speech turned softly, it should be from a woman's mouth.

Although Qin Le has good abilities now, he still has less experience as a little beggar, and has never been on a big stage.

Knowing that Own's whereabouts had been exposed, Qin Le felt nervous, and cold sweat came out on his forehead.

Raising his head slightly, Qin Le was immediately stunned. Standing opposite him turned out to be a very beautiful girl.

This little girl is estimated to be not much older than herself, but she has a white skin and a bright star, and her looks and development are much better than her.

How to do it? Do you want to escape? Qin Le hesitated in his heart.

The girl standing opposite Qin Le was also looking at Qin Le with her eyes. This person is Qin Xiaoyan's Little Sister, Liu Yuanchao's confidante, He Ke tassel!

It's not surprising that He Klisu will appear here. She is a very special parasitic beast. She is also a mutant herself, and she has a mutual parasitic relationship with Liu Yuanchao. When they are together, they can make Baili zombies retreat, and when they are separated, they can live independently without too much influence.

Since it is an independent individual, the grown-up He Ke tassel will naturally have a lot of girlish feelings.

After his big friend Liu Yuanchao had a wife, he cared less about He Ke tassel. After Big Si got married, he was busy taking care of her brother-in-law and other wives, and seemed to care less about her.

This made He Keliusu feel a little lonely. She has been with Liu Yuanchao all these years and has no friends except Liu Yuanchao.

Qin An took care of her very much, and did not arrange for her a job or position, so he kept her free. He did not realize that this made He Ke Liusu feel that Life was boring, wandering around like a lonely ghost every day, and she appeared almost everywhere. Figure, but no matter where she goes, she seems to be a shadow again.

Yes, she had always been a shadow, she was just a parasitic beast of Liu Yuanchao.

With this kind of thought, He Ke Liusu became a bit decadent as a whole, and couldn't get enough energy to do anything.

Today is so lively, she should have been there to watch the children grab lots, but she just can’t bear the beaming atmosphere, because she herself is not very happy, so why bother to share the happiness of others and make herself envious Are you jealous and even more unhappy?

With this weird idea, He Ke Liusu left the square where the banquet was being held, and walked alone in this park outside.

Admire the blooming flowers in the garden, and stop to see the unique dog's tail grass in the grass.

Just when she was bored, Qin Le appeared. Qin Le felt that he was walking in a very awkward and low-key manner, but He Ke Liusu, like him, was not paid attention to, and was always looking for a place with few people.

Then two people who want to avoid the crowd will naturally bump into each other.

He Ke Liusu found that this ordinary-looking, short black and thin boy looked like a thief and guessed that he was not a good person, and then he appeared to intercept him, intending to ask what happened!

He Kelausu's heart is still very excited, but he found something to do, otherwise this day will be a boring past again?

At this time, Qin Le still hesitated in his heart, should he run away?

It was at this moment that Qin Le raised his eyebrows abruptly, feeling that the blood in his body began to rush quickly, as if he was about to rush out of his veins.

And the sword soul in his body seemed to feel a kind of power of the same origin, and even shot the brilliance of the sword spirit out of his body, Qin Le suddenly emitted a golden shimmer, making him look a little mysterious and Sacred.

He Ke tassel, who was standing less than one meter in front of Qin Le, was frightened.

what's the situation? Why did this skinny monkey-like boy shine? Is this some kind of supernatural ability? Is he coming to attack himself?

Thinking of this, He Ke Tassel became nervous. She is also a sixth-level upgrader, and her combat effectiveness is naturally not weak.

But just when she was about to attack Qin Le first for Qiang, something even stranger happened!

A powerful bound energy appeared, more vividly speaking, behind her, as if a movable wall appeared, pushing her body closer.

This...what's the situation? He Keliusu panicked.

The same situation also appeared on Qin Le's side. He was also pushed forward by the mysterious force. After a second, two people who were originally very strange had been pushed and hugged by the mysterious energy, and their chests were pressed together. On the chest, what was even more frightening was that each other's lips also touched, "Oh my God, own first more!" This is He Ketaing's thoughts.

"A string of ellipsis is Qin Le's idea.

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