A few seconds later, the power of imprisonment was finally released. With Qin Le and He Keluo as the center, a faint and chaotic light mist rose in a five-meter radius space. They did not spread out, but finally condensed. A luminous sphere with a radius of five meters.

"Go away!"

He Keliusu roared like a lioness. After he got free, he kicked Qin Le away, and then began to wipe his mouth vigorously!

It's so disgusting, she...she was kissed forcibly!

What happened just now?

Feeling the energy fluctuations around him, He Ke Liusu was shocked in her heart. She moved her body quickly, freed from the luminous sphere formed by the faint mist, and then moved in the direction where Qin Le was flying out.

The kick of own just now exhausted all his strength, and I don't know if this little monkey is a supernatural person. If not, it would be his life if he kicked it! So was the strange energy emitted by the little monkey just now? His expression didn't seem to resemble it.

While thinking in his heart, He Ke Liusu had already ran ten meters away from where he stood just now to Qin Le's side.

And Qin Le just stood up embarrassed from the ground.

Although he was kicked so far, the body of Qin Le with sword soul has been rebuilt. Although he can't repair various injuries like an upgraded person, his defense is much stronger than an ordinary upgraded person. , Even the sixth-level upgraded He Ke tassel can't actually break the defense without using weapons.

"Hmph, I didn't die, then I'll send you on the road now!" He Keliusu, a little girl, is not a good kind, and she has not only killed many zombies, but also many people following Liu Yuanchao's journey north and south over the years.

Therefore, He Ke Tassel does not intend to let it go!

But just after her voice fell, the little skinny monkey had already stepped forward and stepped beside her. The speed was so fast that there was a faint golden phantom in the void while walking.

With the ability of the sixth-level upgrader of He Ketassel, he couldn't escape this speed. Qin Le held her waist with one hand, but pressed the other hand tightly on her chest!

He Keliusu only felt that the chest pressed by Qin Le was heating up quickly, and she was a little dizzy when it burned!

Oh my God, not only was she kissed forcibly, but she was also attacked on the chest. What kind of a ghost day is today?

Just when He Keliusu was at a loss, Qin Le already hugged her and jumped away. He Keliusu’s little head was lying on Qin Le’s shoulder, because Qin Le had already embraced her. middle.

"Swish. Swish. Swish!"

With three sounds of breaking through the air, He Ke Tassel saw three five-centimeter long bone spurs flying by at the position where he was just standing!

During the flight, the attached blood will drip quickly, and the smell of blood will be very strong, and it will soon be lost in the nearby space of tens of meters.

He Keliusu was stunned for a moment and then realized that the little skinny monkey was not taking advantage of her, but was just trying to save her.

He quickly raised his hand to remove the little skinny monkey's salted pig hand from her chest. He Ke Liusu's heart finally calmed down. She knew that something special had happened. Since the little skinny monkey could save herself, it means that he should not be a bad person. So now the first thing to find out is, who has launched a sudden attack on him? Is it related to their being imprisoned by the mysterious force just now?

He Keliusu was still lying in Qin Le's arms at this time, but she didn't care about this anymore, but moved her eyes to look at the luminous ball before!

I saw some humanoid creatures with a height of two meters and a black body and a head as big as a fist coming out of the ball of light!

And sending out bone spurs to attack own is one of these people!

He Ke Liusu was stunned in shock!

Is this ball of light a time-space portal? The reason why I and the little skinny monkey were imprisoned just now is because all the spaces in the portal have been distorted?

So where do these monsters come from?

No no no!

This may not be a monster! They are actually wearing clothing made of wild animal fur, which means that these guys should be...a life form with wisdom!

alien? Did aliens invade the earth?

He Kelausu only felt that this matter was too absurd, but she couldn't believe it when the facts were in front of her.

At this time, the number of "black people" who walked out of that space door was already forty or fifty people.

Unlike the blacks on the earth, they are stronger, and the color of their bodies is black with a metallic luster!

They don't have palms. The top of their arms is a black meat ball with a diameter of ten centimeters. There are wide gaps in the meat ball, and there is a sharp metal like black iron in the gap!

Could it be said that they use these two mouths on both hands to eat?

He Keliusu immediately raised his head to look at them as human-sized heads when he thought of this. There were no officials on it, only big round eyes, no noses, ears, and no mouths!

This thing must be an alien, otherwise it can't look so strange!

He Keliusu was thinking, only to feel light, and the little skinny monkey had already put her on the ground.

Qin Le didn't have time to think too much at this time.

Although he had just experienced the first close contact with a woman in his life, he couldn't get rid of the bloody feeling in his body!

How is this going? Why does own body have been entwined with a faint golden light?

The little beggar who had never seen the world was really frightened by this situation.

In a daze, the sound of breaking through the air sounded again, and Qin Le quickly turned his head to look at. In between, dozens of black-body people shot bone spurs from the fleshy ball of their palms, and they made a pleasant ringing sound from their abdomen. The pitch and low tone are different, it should be a language belonging to this kind of creature!

He Ke Liusu, who had been paying attention to the black body for a long time, didn't even think about it, and dodged the attack of flying bone spurs.

There is a lot of blood on these bone spurs, and Tassel does not want to be contaminated by blood.

Qin Le moved faster and moved slightly. The person was already ten meters away. This movement was very strange. Qin Le didn't know how to do it, as if the pale golden light around him was moving with him. Generally, as long as he wants, he can use Qinggong like Lingbo Weibu to change his position.


A muffled sound suddenly rose.

He Ke Liusu who had just escaped the attack of the bone spurs, Qin Le and Qin Le looked in the direction of the sound at the same time, and then immediately paled with fright, and their eyes rounded in shock.

What the hell are these black-body people?

How could there be such a terrible power!

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