The burst of anger turned out to be made by a black-body person stepping on the ground.

I don't know how much strength his foot has. After touching the ground, he directly trampled the hard ground out of a pit. The pit was large in area, three meters in diameter, as if it had been impacted by a meteorite.

If the strength alone will not produce this effect, it should not produce the sound of air explosion, but when the floor of his feet is in contact with the ground, there is a wind breaking air from the soles of his feet. Those gases It swirls quickly and rubs the surrounding air. Although it is also an intangible object, its density is extremely high. It is completely incompatible with the concept of geophysics. When it comes into contact with the air, it is like cold water entering a boiling oil pan, releasing it. Has a huge potential energy.

With the force of that step, the body of the black body flew towards He Keliusu like an arrow from the string, and the person reached his feet.

He Ke Liusu is a sixth-level upgrader after all, and his physical skills are also very fast. However, she still couldn't completely avoid the opponent's attack, so she could only cross her hands and block her chest.


There was another muffled sound, and He Keluo Su was kicked and took a dozen steps back. Then he fell to the ground and began to roll, then rolled out more than 20 meters before stopping.

too frightening!

He Keliusu felt dizzy, his arms were broken, blood was flowing out of the corners of his mouth, and his internal organs began to roll.

She is a sixth-level upgrader! It's unimaginable that this ghost hurt her like this with one kick!

The black-body man was not idle when He Ke Liusu was rolling, and he set foot on the chase again, and when He Ke Liusu stopped, he had already reached her side.

The unforgettable panic of He Ke Liusu happened. The black man obviously did not want to take her life. He quickly unfastened the belt of the animal leather shorts, and pulled the pants down to reveal a half-meter long. Objects that look disgusting.

He Ke Liusu almost didn't have to think about it and understood that this kind of humanoid creature had exposed his body in front of him. What was he going to do?

The heart of fear rose, but He Ke tassel was seriously injured. Her broken hands made it difficult for her to stand up on the ground. The TC virus in her body was repairing the damage, which caused her upgraded ability to drop a lot, and her physical skills were also damaged. .

At the very end of his hair, a golden light and shadow blocked He Ke's tassel and the black man, and he slammed a punch directly on the opponent's chest.

This punch was powerful enough to make a rapid ringing sound in the belly of the black-body person, and then his body retreated three meters away, but he didn't suffer too much injury.

So the person here at this time was Qin Le.

Qin Le did an experiment. His own fist was strong enough to break the boulder, but he only knocked the black man back a few steps, and the feeling of hitting him in the chest was like hitting steel, and his hands were numb. There was a bloody crack in the tiger's mouth!

Qin Le didn't dare to stay any longer when he saw the same kind behind the black-body man also rushing here at this time.

It can be seen that the black-body person in front of him should be an elite at this time. The movement speed of the black-body people behind is obviously not as fast as this. However, after all, they are crowded, and his partner has been injured, and Qin Le has no combat experience. He really treats himself. no confidence.

As a result, Qin Le turned around and hugged the injured He Ke tassel in his arms, and quickly ran towards the Golden Fort Square.

There are a lot of people and masters over there. Qin Le's idea is very simple. If he can't beat him, he ran and called people to come back for a gang fight!

Qin Le ran forward for fifty or sixty meters, and his heart began to sink slowly, because within his sight, he saw two light ball time-space gates. At this time, he had walked out of the gates for more than a hundred times. The black people, these guys will attack the people around them involuntarily after they come out!

What makes people's heart trembling is that they just kill men, and when they meet women, they will take off their pants and perform terrible violence against women!

Qin Le also noticed that the size of the objects between the black-body people's legs was different. The guy who had just fought with him was half a meter long, while the other black-body people were smaller. Some are thirty centimeters, some are forty centimeters, and some are as small as ordinary humans!

Does this mean that the strength of their strength can be judged based on the length of their guys?

Forget it, don't have time to think too much, hurry up and run away!

In Qin Lehuai, He Ke Liusu's spirit was a little trance, the TC virus took effect, the body was not so painful, and the injuries to his arms were quickly recovering, and he was almost better now.

However, her body is still weak, perhaps because of the little monkey holding her at the moment.

This is a strange feeling. The little monkey is obviously so small and much shorter than himself.

But his arms seem to have infinite power, and the feeling of being held by him is very solid and at ease.

Yes...he is a supernatural power, and of course he has a lot of strength, but who is he? Why don't you know how powerful you are? Are they from Tibet? Or is it a supernatural player in other cities in the Qin League?

While thinking about it, He Ke Liusu looked around.

At this time, the park was in a mess. The three time-space gates had disappeared, and the number of black-body people who came out of them exceeded 500. They gathered in one place and were attacking people everywhere. The rice cooker robot had arrived, and the holographic image of the Maya system was in the sky. Moving in, directing the robot to attack these guys.

However, their physical defenses are strong. Although laser guns can break through their defenses, it is difficult to kill them completely.

He just attacked own and didn't chase him. He should be a boss, and he is organizing his tribe to fight with the many rice cooker robots that have just flown over!

He was too powerful, he could fly tens of meters high with his feet on the ground, and the rice cooker robots flying in the sky couldn't escape his attack, and they were destroyed by his punches one by one.

There are dozens of black-body people with similar abilities. They jumped up from the ground to attack the rice cooker robot, and the battle fell into a stalemate.

He Keliusu also noticed the feet of the black-body people...not so much the soles of the feet, let alone the palms. Their appearance is really similar to that of a human palm, but the whole is relatively large and rough, with black hair growing on them, just like the paws of a gorilla!

On the lottery platform built by the Golden Fort Square, the energy magnetic field that Qin Wenxin fell into was the same time-space gate. At this time, the light sphere had formed.

Qin An saw a big black hand with long hair sticking out from the ground. In fact, it was just the beginning of another world creature's journey.

The next moment, when the whole body of another world creature walked out of the void, Qin An realized that what he just saw was not a hand, but a foot!

After being stunned for less than a second, Qin An suddenly remembered what the mysterious woman in red had said.

The first sword god and the second sword god have a great relationship with the sword spirit star. Now that these two sword gods are on the earth, the sword spirit star has lost its source of power and will slowly collapse.

Some time and space gates will gradually appear on the earth, alien creatures will come to this world, and the second end of mankind will begin soon!

Could it be said that all this has become a reality? The zombies have not been solved yet? The creatures of another world are coming again? Can the sad earthlings persist?

"Save the child!"

Beside Qin An, Qin Xiaoyan yelled.

Qin An was already moving when she spoke, and her body flickered into the ball of light, and she hugged Qin Wenxin, who was lying on the red carpet, into her arms.

At this moment, a sharp scream sounded abruptly below the platform, overwhelming the panic screams of everyone else.

"Bone Clan! Natural enemies of the Divine Machine Clan! What is going on, they are the intelligent creatures of the Sword Spirit Star, how come they come to Earth?"

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