Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 946: Disgusting Male Creature

Qin An hugged Qin Wenxin to quickly withdraw from the time-space goal light ball whose energy had dissipated, and went to Qin Xiaoyan's side and handed the child to her.

Qin Xiaoyan left the game without hesitation. The child was Qin An's baby. Even if he suffered a little bit of damage, it is estimated that Qin An would die in pain. Perhaps it was frightened, Qin Wenxin was crying at this time, and the crying alone made Qin An's face pale.

Lanyue and Liu Xia quickly came to Li Na. No matter how they married, they and Li Na are now close sisters. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind when a danger occurs is to protect Li Na, who has no abilities. Li Qin'an's tutor did a good job, so that women have a sense of family.

At this time, the lottery platform was already crowded with black-body people, they were like scourges that broke the river bank, pouring out to the outside world.

It's a pity that this wave of black people is not a place where there are experts gathered nearby.

Cheng Gang was the first to attack. The name of the Golden King of Wings was not imaginary. His wings sprang from his shoulders and his clothes sprang from his shoulders. He slightly waved thousands of black feather arrows and shot them. Those black people were caught before they left the platform. attack. These Black Feather arrows of Cheng Gang were not shot randomly. They aimed at their heads. However, when Black Feather pierced the fist-sized heads of many black people, they did not fall to the ground and died, just because The pain of injury made various bells in the abdomen.

"Below, their weakness is between their legs!"

Ling'er's shout sounded again.

The wind sword god Lu Ya, who was sitting on the roof of the Golden Fort watching the show, has landed near the air, the eye of the storm is activated, and the six tornadoes are flying, wrapping up all the black people who have not yet rushed into the surrounding crowd.

After that, six groups of tornadoes cross each other and rotate at different frequencies at high speeds. In their central part, the strong torsion formed between the tornado and the tornado can destroy the stubborn rock. The black body is thick and the skin is thick, but there is nothing to do at this time, some strength. The nearly black-body person had been twisted into flesh and blood, and the thick bloody aura permeated from the storm, quickly filling the surrounding space.

Qin An saw that the situation here had been brought under control, and his heart was slightly settled, and at the same time his mood became depressed.

Is he violating this square?

How come disaster strikes every time there is the slightest thing here?

There was no time to be depressed, Qin An quickly came to Ling'er, and at the same time turned on the enhanced state of super hearing to check the surrounding situation.

"What the hell is going on?" Qin An asked Ling'er, and Super Hearing had already collected the information he wanted.

Within the range of about 18 kilometers that can be monitored, a total of five time-space gates have appeared.

There were about 1,500 black-body people rushing out of these time-space gates.

Now the black people on my side are expected to be quickly wiped out. The three waves of black people that appeared in the park were surrounded by the group of people led by Guo Xiaomei. The rice cooker robots are cooperating with Guo Xiaomei under the command of Maya. Combat.

The fifth gate of time and space is farther away from here, appearing in the Nancheng area 15 kilometers away.

The mecha troops stationed there have already begun to mobilize, surrounding the black-body people.

Generally speaking, the losses were not great. About 60 poor people were killed or injured. Some officials who came to the banquet also died in the park over there.

Ling'er's face was a little pale at this time, and when she heard Qin An's questioning, she said with a trembling voice:

"They are the blood bone clan, the natural enemies and nemesis of the Shenji clan!

The blood bones have a good IQ, have their own country, and have inherited civilization.

However, their so-called inherited civilization is actually killing, a poetry of bone and blood!

The physical defense of the blood bone clan is very powerful, and at the same time they are the free receptors of the sword spirit's qi, and the body will automatically absorb and store the sword spirit's qi.

The so-called sword spirit air is actually like the air of the earth, everywhere. However, it is far more complex than the composition of air. I don't know how many times.

The blood bones can absorb and store the energy of the sword spirit, and then take it for them, enhancing their physical skills.

There are many long, sharp and sharp bones in their bodies, and these bones are their swords, their Hidden Weapons, and they can extract any bone from their bodies anytime, anywhere. Even if all the bones are drained quickly, they will not turn into a pool of rotten flesh and limp on the ground, because the bones in the body can be regenerated, and they will grow back soon after being extracted.

In this clan, there are no female creatures, which is just the opposite of our divine machine clan.

We are a completely matrilineal society. Although we have to rely on male individuals who are not intelligent in our ethnic group to conceive spiritually, we do not regard them as ethnic members.

The blood bone tribe is a omnipotent male tribe, which means that they can intersect with any alien magnetic individual. This process is very short, usually over ten seconds, and after the end, his male representative organs will change from The original body is disconnected and burrows directly into the female body like a worm, turning it into a mother body.

In the same short time, the Damn it and ugly organs will devour the flesh and blood in the mother's body, as well as the amount of mental energy and sword spirit energy of the mother's body.

After ten minutes, the worm-like male corporal official will begin to change and merge with the mother to become a new bloodbone individual.

After this process, the strength of the new blood bone tribe individual will become stronger, which can be regarded as a kind of rebirth. It is through this rebirth method that the blood bone tribe allows themselves to gain immortality and continue to grow stronger.

In the long, long time ago, in the battle between the blood bone tribe and the god machine clan, we have always suffered. I don't know how many sisters of the god machine clan were defiled by this group of disgusting guys, and finally became the larvae of them. The carrier, including some of my family members!

At that time, the bloodbone race Elder who hated me the most was named "Asad Foya Curry Taki Muzi". This tone is the common language of the area where I live. If translated into the earth, it should be "a greedy ghost." ", so just call him a greedy!

Greedy is a soul sword god cultivator, and his great sword god skill is Wan Bone Dynasty Sect!

After I became a god, I originally wanted to destroy the greed and the bloodbone race, but their monarchs jumped out with the backbone of the race after getting the notice of my becoming a god! The Sword Spirit Star is very big, they used a collective teleportation spell of the Three Spirits, and I don’t know where they went randomly. Even if I became the Sword God, it would be a difficult task to find them!

I didn't expect that these guys actually came to Earth now! How did they come? I'm so familiar with these disgusting bugs. They don't have the ability to open the time-space gate at all, so who on earth released them from the Sword Spirit Star?

After listening to Ling'er's words, Qin An understood roughly, but Ling'er didn't seem to know much about it himself.

At least Qin An knew that the real reason these alien creatures came to earth was because of the first sword god and the second sword god.

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