After they came to the earth, they had a strong influence on the people on the earth, causing some physical changes on the people on the earth, such as being less susceptible to illness, such as increased life expectancy, and increased capacity in the bed, then there will be one more black hole spot like this. . Linger once stubbornly believed that all this should be caused by the ancient Universe creature in the galaxy. Now she knows that her own memory has been altered and erased something, and she is not sure whether there is such an ancient Universe creature.

Ling'er gave this explanation for why the black hole dots disappeared after the heart was dissected.

Because the so-called energy matter is originally intangible, the concept of "energy" here is different from that of the earth. They are a kind of powerful potential energy, which can suddenly appear or disappear because of some insignificant parameter factors.

Black spots, they appear when humans are alive, and disappear when humans die. It's like the sun will rise and set. It is the most reasonable. Qin An feels that what Ling'er said is not the same. It's not considered science in the sense of self-understanding, because Ling'er's words are somewhat invisible and have no parameter structure.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west because the planet is moving, and Ling'er didn't explain why the black spots appeared.

At that time, Qin An naturally also asked Ling'er about his own.

Ling'er looked at Qin An very contemptuously, and then made such an excuse.

"Since you said that the sun's sunrise and sunset are due to the relative movement between the planets, then I ask you, why do the planets rotate in the Milky Way?"

Qin An was speechless, so anxious Shengzhi called Maya to answer the question.

Maya appeared with a smile, and said:

"I looked through some historical materials on the earth. The more rigorous record is that almost all the planets in the solar system are rotating, and this rotation includes autobiography, revolution, and irregular operation in the Universe system."

Please note that the two words ‘solar system’ and ‘almost’ are used here.

The reason why the earth people limited the scope to the solar system is because they are really too small and dare not speculate what a world that is too far away is like.

So the use of the word "almost" further shows that the people on earth cannot accurately prove the argument of own, but a small solar system has not been able to study and understand, let alone the Milky Way, let alone outside the Milky Way, let alone multi-planetary What about Universe?

Then Newton created Newtonian mechanics, trying to use force to explain this problem.

For example, put a brick on the table and pound it with a stick. If the pounding is wrong, the brick will rotate on the table. If the pounding is correct, the brick will move in a straight line and hardly rotate. From this case, the rotation of the planet may be caused by uneven forces on the planet.

For another example, in the flowing river water, you can see that the boat floating on the water flows almost in a straight line with the water in the middle of the river, while the boat on the bank is easy to spin. The reason for this is that the middle of the river flows more evenly. However, due to the friction between the river bank and the river bank, the flow speed of the river water is reduced, which is different from the speed of the water flow in the middle of the river. It is this difference in flow velocity that causes the boat to spin easily.

These two examples seem to make sense, but in fact, even Newton himself does not believe that the various stars in the universe rotate because of uneven forces.

Haha, if I had a chance to meet Newton, I would definitely help him.

I will tell him that, in fact, in some parts of the multiplane universe, there is a situation where static and rotating exist at the same time.

For example, Galaxy, where the Sword Spirit Star is located, has some planets hanging in the Universe. If the Universe is likened to a big flowing river, then many stars are fixed stones in the river. No matter the billowing river runs wildly, they also stand in the river. Do not move.

The topic is a bit far away, so let's talk about why the planets in the solar system are all moving.

According to some research data recorded on the Sword Spirit Star, I think it is the case.

First of all, we agree with the theory of the Universe Big Bang. At this point, I also have to admire the imagination and deduction ability of the people on earth.

But other than that, many theoretical studies after the Universe Big Bang actually entered misunderstandings. The so-called mechanics and the so-called science are actually one-sided and not in line with reality.

The Universe is huge, and what humans see on the earth is the reason. And when we look at the earth from the height of the universe, we can see more clearly

Next, Maya began to teach Qin An a lot of so-called real science, then listed many concepts and set many parameters.

Qin An felt that Maya was really good, but it was a pity that he didn't understand anything.

Ever since, why did the planets in the solar system rotate? Qin An didn't fucking figure it out in the end, but was even more confused.

No matter how complicated, the science in the universe is actually useless for Qin An.

The reason why Qin An met with Ling'er and Maya about the transformation of the Universe Nebula was due to the black spots in the final analysis.

After discussing with Maya for a long time, Ling'er summed up Qin An's sentence as before.

Black spots are there when people are alive, and they disappear when people die. If you want to know why, then first go to clarify the issue of Universe Nebula changes!

For such a reply, Qin An naturally had no temper, so he didn't care about it.

In any case, it is a fact that black spots exist in the human body, so Qin An can be sure that there are no other extra parts in his own body other than this black spot.

The blood bone tribe named Yaoyue said that he may contain so-called sword soul fragments in his body. Could it be that this thing is in the black spot?

Thinking of this, Qin An suddenly raised his head and looked at the group of blood bones who were about to escape!

It was easy for Yaoyue to think about it, but the reality was very cruel. Among the ability players in the nearby Iron Cavalry Camp, the warriors who originally belonged to the Hussar Camp were carefully selected by Guo Xiaomei, and there were many high-level ability players with king-level strength. The other part of the Wrangler is also very fierce, and the strength of the top few is not much worse than the golden king rated by Western Tibet.

Although the blood bones are not weak, it is really difficult to escape surrounded by these people!

Even if he was lucky enough to rush out, he was already injured, and there was a rice cooker robot waiting outside.

This group of little guys gathered thousands of people. Under Maya's control, they saw the blood and bones and rushed forward, bombarding them indiscriminately, without leaving a living.

Qin An's gaze swept across the blood and bones one by one, and found that there were similar "black spots" in their chests, but...there was also a special one, that is, Demon Moon!

There was no structure similar to black dots found anywhere on Yao Yue's body, but in his chest, the place where black dots should have grown was replaced by a black spar fragment!

Is this the Sword Soul fragment he just mentioned?

Qin An is not a fool, and has already figured out the reason, this sword soul fragment should be the crystallization of the energy of the sword spirit!

It seems that I have to ask Ling'er carefully when I look back, she must know something about the sword spirit fragments!

At the same time thinking of this, Qin Anren moved forward, teleporting forward, and then the phantom flashed forward and quickly reached Yaoyue's side.

With a slight movement in his mind, Qin An activated the ability to control object teleportation and wanted to take out the sword spirit fragments directly from his body, but unfortunately it did not have any effect.

Perhaps it was because of the resistance of the sword spirit's qi power in Demon Yue's body, so the own ability was invalid. After all, the sword soul fragments were probably formed by the sword spirit's qi gaze.

Since there is no shortcut, let's kill through all obstacles.

After this group of aliens appeared, they moved their hands involuntarily, obviously no longer needed to communicate.

Let the blood go to reason!

With a slight movement in his mind, Qin An's right hand exuded a dazzling light, and then a more dazzling giant broadsword quickly grew out of the palm of his hand, and finally clenched in Qin An's hand.

Three fires Yingyue asked the sky sword!

This sword is originally a gathering of energy, and it can be tangible or intangible.

The mysterious woman took a drop of Qin An's blood to feed the sword while refining the sword, and the sword was able to obey Qin An's orders and merge into Qin An's body when it was invisible.

As soon as the divine sword came out, Qin An immediately felt that his body was full of power. The sword soul that did not know where he was hiding released the infinite sword spirit energy, forming a dazzling light wave back and forth on the sword god of the giant broad sword. .

The wind blows through the blade, and immediately forms a tangible ripple of air gathering. The powerful divine sword breaks the wind without moving, but it cuts the thorns when it moves!

When the sword moved, people naturally moved as well, and Qin An quickly swung his sword forward.

Within ten meters of Fang Yuan, a faint trace of color rose up, and the five blood bone tribesmen surrounded by the sword spirit's energy were actually tumbling with suppressed qi and blood, dizzy and unable to move.

Qin An wielded the sword with Sword Qi, the sword did not penetrate into the flesh, but Sword Qi had penetrated the bone.

The five blood bone tribesmen did not even make a scream, but were directly amputated by the lazy waist, and all five died.

The words "momentum like a rainbow" are not enough to describe the power of Qin An's "blood spattering with a sword" at this time!

The nearby upgraded people were stunned to see this scene. Even those Wranglers who had seen Qin An’s sword-holding ability were shocked again. The strength of these black-body people is almost equivalent to the fourth-level upgraded people. The important thing is that their physical defenses are very strong, which is why they are more difficult to deal with.

Can Qin An raise his hand to kill five people in seconds? How abnormal is this?

Guo Xiaomei and the others were stunned. They had never seen Qin An holding a divine sword in combat. No one could understand what happened to Qin An at this time and why he seemed to have a kind of "this sword is in hand, the world is in my hands." What about the momentum?

Qin An himself was stunned, because he felt the scorching heat in his body, which seemed to scorch a person, even if Qin An was a Sword God upgraded dual power person, he couldn't fully tolerate it.

However, Qin An is very familiar with this kind of heat. He had only experienced it once in the night in Eagle Eye City. Why did he come back so soon?

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