Quickly lowered his head, Qin An looked at the seven-color flower rune mark on his chest... it turned into an eight-color flower. He broke through 70% of the combination with Xuantian and became eighth- Level upgraded?

Qin An only felt that in a dream, this clay horse had the aura of sword spirit, so would it evolve so easily?

"Xuantian! Xuantian are you awake?"

He called out several times in his heart, but he didn't get Xuantian's response, nor could he feel his existence.

What's the matter, doesn't Xuantian wake up every time he breaks through the degree of integration? Why is it different this time?

The thoughts in his mind just swept away. Qin An’s body turned into eight phantoms of nothingness, and then activated the rapid phantom and teleport ability. Before the eight phantoms disappeared, he had replaced them all at once and used them. The Sword Breaking Eight Desolation skills have swung 64 swords with different trajectories!

This combination ability is terrible. Sixty-four rays of color light Sword Qi fly out. They fly faster than the light waves of the Sword God of Breaking Army Sweeping Thousand Army, and they also carry oppression when attacking the enemy. Strength, Mental Energy is much weaker than Qin An's blood bone tribe, as if entering a heavy energy swamp, their body trembled, unable to move quickly.

Moreover, these sixty-four rays of Sword Qi are indestructible, their attack power even surpasses Rongrong's ever-changing power of returning to the sect!

In an instant, more than 140 bloodbone tribesmen were beheaded, and more than a dozen guys with a lower body length of more than 30 centimeters escaped the fatal blow but left their organs, or were broken. With hands or broken feet, there are a few blood bone tribes who have forty centimeters as big as they are stronger, but they can’t dodge as much as they can be rubbed by Sword Qi, leaving deep wounds penetrates the bone, Caiguang Sword Spirit. The air lingered on the wound, and a faint flame of colored light rose up, causing several people to make sharp and piercing bells in the abdomen.

Yaoyue is also within Qin An's attack range. As the leader of this group, his strength has surpassed that of the eighth-level upgrader, so he is the only bloodbone who escaped the attack without damage.

However, although Yao Yuedao avoided, her whole body trembled violently in shock.

On the Sword Spirit Star, Sword God cultivation people are everywhere. Sword cultivators who can use a sword God skill are called one-soul cultivation people. There are also many so-called one-soul cultivation people. The boss of the demon moon is the greed. One.

Therefore, Yaoyue had seen true magic sword skills, and the coercion of taking over the world was enough to make him frightened.

At this time, although the pressure that Qin An carried with his shot seemed to be incomparable with the real Excalibur skill, it should not be much different!

Yaoyue didn't know whether the life forms in this place of the earth were generally strong, so he was not too surprised at Qin An's strength at this time, but was just afraid.

Because he knew that if he confronted Qin An with his own power, he might be beheaded soon!

Run away! When will you wait until you don't run away at this time?

As Qin An had guessed, the eyes of the Bone-blood tribe have some infrared functions. The objects they see are actually blood red, and they can see things at a long distance through the use of heat.

Yaoyue discovered that those companions who were more than a thousand meters away had been killed, and only the tribal leader "Stupid Biao" who was equivalent to her strength was still there.

The name of the Bone-Bone tribe is quite peculiar and cute to the people of the earth. After being translated into the earth language, it means this type. When used in the Bone-Bone tribe’s own language, it is a long string of syllables.

So this guy who can be called a silly biao, after being devastated by Lu Ya's eye of the storm for a while, is now extremely embarrassed. He has just come out of the storm and was host by the bloodbone sword god Hongluan, the host of the sword god Wannian Sword. Rongrong, the host of the Earth Seal Sword God Wang Yunzhi, the host of the Apocalypse Sword God Guo Shuai, and the host of the Wandering Soul Sword God Gong Xue were surrounded by five people, and they could not fight back.

The host of the Wind Sword God, Lu Ya, was too large to participate in close hand-to-hand combat. He could only support in the air. Seeing someone on his side was in distress, he immediately threw a wind fantasy creature over and formed a shield to protect it.

Cheng Gang, Liu Yuanchao and others did not come forward with upgraded players to watch the battle. If a group of fights one by one, if too many people go up, it is easy to accidentally injure their accomplices, and just now, when a few ordinary upgraded players tried to deal with the silly biao, they were caught. He was injured by the blood knife, and now the wound cannot heal.

Many upgraded people have palpitations when they see this situation. You must know that they have survived these last days, no matter how many battles they have experienced, how badly they have been injured, and they have not left scars on their bodies, but after being attacked by the black man on the opposite side, The self-repair ability has failed. This alien species is simply the nemesis of the upgraded. They don't know the reason, so they are afraid. Fortunately, they didn't have to use them anymore. Guo Shuai's several great swords and divine body abilities have already made the black body messy, and it is estimated that it will not take long to kill him.

After seeing this situation, Yaoyue knew that it was impossible to find Shabiao, so the fifth portal should have appeared randomly a little farther from here. Yaoyue decided to flee there and get it. It’s not good that the boss, the Greed, is there.

I took a quick look at the form in front of me. At this time, there were more than three hundred Owners. Almost 900 people who had been sent from the previous three portals had already died. However, there were no plane creatures that looked similar to those of the Divine Machine tribe. A dead person, this couldn't help making Yaoyue feel a little discouraged, and even more unwilling to fight.

After Qin An killed a group of people, he was also shocked.

This is definitely a new way of attacking yourself through breakthrough.

He was able to make the real body appear in the eight phantoms in an instant, and the rapid phantom with almost no time difference continuously teleported, turning all the eight phantoms into real existence, so this is actually no longer a phantom. Ability, but a kind of instant clone technique!

In an instant, eight identical Qin An would appear in different directions, and then issue mighty but completely different attacking sword moves. The scattered sword spirit energy can affect everyone in the range!

The attack range of this group killing ability is naturally not as wide as the Red Leaf Flying Daggers, and it does not have the ordinary sword breaking through the eight wilderness ability lasting, but it is a group attack aimed at the strong.

The weak of the ordinary blood bone tribe is equivalent to the ability of three fourth-level upgraded, the strong is the skill of the five sixth-level upgraded, but Qin An can kill more than 100 people after a single stroke of the sword. The strength of Qin An couldn't be described by the word "terror" at all, so how could Qin An not be scared by himself.

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