Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 955 The Power of Technological Weapons

After listening to Rongrong's words, Qin An's nose was crooked with anger at the time.

He lay on Rong Rong's body, again covered Rong Rong's mouth with a hot kiss, never parting again, and then began to kill again and again until dawn.

Early in the morning, Rong Rong lay tiredly in Qin An's arms, really moving and not wanting to move.

Even if they are strong sword gods, it is impossible to activate the sword god skills when they are doing errands in bed. Isn't that going to shake the mountain?

So tossing for a night is naturally sleepy.

Fortunately, Qin An has the ability to save all sentient beings. After throwing it on himself and Rongrong, the tiredness disappeared immediately, his sleepiness disappeared, and he didn't need to eat breakfast anymore.

Naturally, this matter was carried out in secret, and Qin An did not intend to let Lan Yue and the others know.

He felt that he couldn't promise Rongrong for the time being, and maybe after a few years, if we stay together for a long time, everything will come naturally.

Slowly letting Lan Yue and the others understand their relationship with Rongrong, giving Rongrong a formal wedding and vows should be the best choice.

Rongrong actually didn't mind these things. Qin An's crusade against her this night made her re-experience the happiness of being a woman.

This is enough, to be able to stay with the man who cares, and to have the deepest communication with each other, isn't this all about love?

Rongrong is not sure whether she loves Qin An. When she knows that she can't do without this man, this is a habit that Rong Rong likes. It's good to be by Qin An's side. Rong Rong doesn't want to change.

Of course she would not be so stupid to value that marriage paper, who would care about it in the last days? Although there are still such things as a marriage certificate, the Civil Affairs Bureau is really a good one, and there are still a few people who will go to get the certificate. Qin An and Lan Yue's marriage is just a banquet.

That's it. After Qin An got up during the day, he began to work on his daughter's full moon wine, while Rong Rong ran to help, as if nothing had happened.

Qin An knew that he had absorbed and copied Rongrong's ability to change. He originally thought it was nothing more than that, but now it seems that the facts should not be so simple.

The sword soul is playing a subtle role in his body. While absorbing and replicating the power of Rongrong’s sword god, his combination with Xuantian or upgraded ability is also in Ascension, so he can break through the seventh- in one fell swoop. The level ability state enters eighth-level!

So if this is the case, if he had some close contact with Hongluan, the three sisters of Wuma... and, as well as the giantess Lu Ya, would he directly break through the Mortal Realm and enter the so-called strong Realm?

And by then, the degree of integration with the sword god Xuantian in the body should have broken through 100%. Will Xuantian be completely resurrected after being fully integrated? If he is resurrected, in what way will he appear?

Now Qin An doesn't fully believe what Xuantian said before, because Xuantian himself doesn't know what is right and what is wrong in his memory.

With a wry smile, Qin An knew that he was thinking a little dirty.

Relying on women to gain strength, isn't that the flower-picking thief of Cultivation Technique described in the novel?

The little male chauvinistic plot in Qin An's heart is really unwilling to let himself down to this point.

Hey, it's really hard to be a human being. It's not easy to ask for a clear conscience in the face of temptation. Now what Qin An can do is just to make himself feel at ease.

The so-called peace of mind means that you should feel at ease if you feel that you are right. For example, the way she treated Rongrong, and her responsibility towards Wang Yunzhi, Gong Xue, and even Ling'er.

Then the correct answer to the word "reasonable" in the following is that it is enough if it can be said to be more or less reasonable. You don't have to be truthful about anything, and you don't need to have trouble with yourself.

All these thoughts were flashes in Qin An's mind. After the battle, he first went to Yao Yue's corpse, and saw that the half-meter-long giant thing was still wriggling on the ground. It was extremely disgusting, Yao Yue. But his body was completely dead, lying there motionless.

Qin An raised the sword in his hand and cut the meat-like insect-like thing into several knots, then used the energy transmitted by the control object to clean up all the dirt on the sword, and then he retracted the sword into his body.

Then Qin An tried again to use the control teleport ability to fetch the black shimmering fragments from Yaoyue's chest.

This time it succeeded. The thing disappeared from Yaoyue's body and appeared in Qin An's hand.

Qin An raised his palm and looked at it carefully. There was nothing special. It was like a black stone the size of a thumb and was irregular, except that its surface was gleaming and it felt very textured.

Qin An didn't even think about adding it to the Interspatial Ring. Anyway, he didn't know what it was for, so let's put it away first. Qin An felt that this thing might be the so-called Soul Sword Fragment.

Suddenly thinking of something, he raised his head and looked at the vicinity of the lottery more than a thousand meters away again. There was no Ling'er there!

This guy had been here just now, and after a glance, he left, as if he was looking for someone.

By the way, Ling'er said before that the bloodbone greedy had killed many of her family members before she became a god, which meant that there was enmity between the two.

So is the greedy coming? I just heard Yaoyue's tone as if he should have come, so since he is not here, and he is not at the lottery, should he be at the third time-space gate teleportation point?

Qin An quickly turned on the Super Hearing Strengthening state, and then located a place ten kilometers away, and found that there was nothing unusual there.

The mecha warriors team cooperated with the rice cooker robots to kill all the invading aliens. Unfortunately, a few mechas were destroyed and the pilots inside were also sacrificed.

The good news is that it can now be seen that the strength of the technological weapon force is still very strong. In fact, Qin An paid attention to the movement there when the battle just started.

The time-space gate on the third teleportation point appeared three kilometers west of the mecha warrior legion camp. It happened to be an empty place with no people nearby.

Maya detected that the alien race that appeared in the time-space gate was a bloodbone tribe. Knowing that they were Ling'er's enemies, she immediately shot a missile that could explode within a fixed range from the long-range weapon base in the city.

The positioning of the super artificial intelligence was accurate to 0.01 mm. After thirteen seconds, the missile launched from the east of the city leaped a few kilometers to accurately focus on the target. The explosion range was centered on the explosion point and a diameter of 100 meters formed a circle. , Then the part inside the circle will withstand the tremendous power of the explosion, and even if there are civilians passing by outside the circle, it will not suffer any damage.

In this way, the more than three hundred blood bone tribes who just came to the earth were half killed without knowing what happened. After that, the mecha warriors and rice cooker robots arrived and fired laser ammunition, but they were not allowed to fight at all. It lasted too long to win.

It's a pity that Qin An himself was fighting at that time, so he didn't know the details of the battle that took place at the third teleportation point. He didn't even know how the sacrificed mecha fighters died.

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