At this time, Ling'er was really on the way to there. It seemed that she wanted to see if the greedy had come into this world.

Qin An smiled bitterly and shook his head, and let Ling'er go. Today, he was looking for a chance to communicate with Ling'er, so she went to understand the details there, so she could report to herself.

I really don't understand the thoughts of this Shenji clan woman.

It stands to reason that Ling'er has been a god for hundreds of thousands of years, right? So she and the greedy formed an enemy before they became gods, so after so many years, they still couldn't let go of their hatred?

But this is actually normal when you think about it. Every nation-state on the earth has its own different ways of thinking and life habits. What's more, the earth and the star of the sword spirit are two planets on different planes, the thinking modes of two creatures. It's really not surprising that there is a huge difference.

Qin An continued to search, but still didn't find anything abnormal, so he didn't pay attention to the situation there.

At this time, the other abilities began to tidy up their appearances and take care of the wounded.

The job of cleaning up the battlefield was naturally undertaken by Maya and its rice cooker robots.

Guo Xiaomei Batian and others surrounded Qin An.

Qin An glanced at them, and first spoke to Guo Xiaomei:

"Xiaomei, the wound doesn't hurt anymore, and when my strength is restored, I will help you heal and see if I can completely heal the wound."

"It's okay. Fortunately, it was injured on the shoulder. Although it left scars, it was not very conspicuous. That's good, I think I am a real human being now. How many years have I not left a scar on my body? This, by the way, when did you become so strong, it surprised me! Are you still a human?"

Guo Xiaomei's beautiful eyes were bent into a line to look at Qin An, and there was a little worship in her eyes.

"Dage, let me just say, I'm the right person with you! Brothers originally thought that they would not be hungry in the last days, but now they are full!" Vajra had a simple face.

"Fuck, what are you talking about, can anyone understand it?" Liu Wenjuan joked her own husband with a smile.

"Don't run on our husband. His face is so dark, and if he blushes for a while, he will turn purple. What a shame!" Wu Zhen is obviously shorter than Liu Wenjuan.

Qin An smiled and patted Vajra on the shoulder. These people are really mature. They have just gone through such an abnormal change. Although they have finally won, this kind of sudden invasion by alien creatures is a bit scary. Everyone can do nothing. If it weren't for a mature mind, it wouldn't be possible.

Look at the young upgraded fighters on one side, aren't they talking about it right now? They were all guessing where the foreign race came from, but the Thirteen Wolf Cavaliers could still chat and laugh with themselves. If they were really people who had seen the world, they should have had a lot of experiences after leaving them in the past few years.

Just thinking about it, Qin Bing opened the mouth and said:

"Brother-in-law, I haven't caught you in the past few days. I have always wanted to ask you for advice on how to become stronger! Look at you now, really awesome!" Qin Bing, who has reached middle age, said Childishly, Qin Xiaoyan would arrange a blind date whenever he was free at this level, but Qin Bing was used to being single and free, and so far, there was no one to look forward to.

"Your kid is good enough now, and why do you want to be so good? Do you still want to charge and fight every day? Your Big sis is very hard, and it's a broken heart for the two of you, hurry up and find a suitable one to get married. "

As Qin An spoke, his eyes swept towards He Ke Liusu who was standing a few meters away. Qin Xiaoyan was not only busy introducing Little Brother Qin Bing, but also caring about Little Sister He Ke Liusu’s life events, but He Ke Liusu was a girl. She has a somewhat withdrawn personality, and Qin Xiaoyan has no control over her at all.

At this moment, He Keliusu's expression was a little weird. Her gaze had been on a person. Qin An followed her gaze and found the thin and dry young man.

When I first came here, it was this person who was undefeated in the battle with Yaoyue, and if Qin An felt it right, his body should contain the aura of sword spirit, and there was a faint light from his body during the previous fight. Golden light.

Qin An was slightly stunned when he found that the young man was also looking at him at this time, with a trace of eagerness in his eyes.

Do they know each other? It seems that I have never seen it before, so why does this kid look like a good friend in Own's eyes? Qin An couldn't help but feel a bit cold on his back. He didn't want to be admired by a strange man who was not very handsome.

But for this person, Qin An feels that he still needs to find time to get to know him. Is he a supernatural person like Li Guisan and Chu Xianghua? Is it also related to the Nine Sects, the Nine Lord Gods?

"Boss Qin, you are sweating on your forehead, do you want to go back and rest first?" Northern Dipper still looks calm. Although he admires Qin An very much, and has been grateful to Qin An for his saving grace for many years. He still couldn't get too close to Qin An. People's personalities and fate determine the relationship between each other. Maybe he can only be Qin An's soldier forever, and he can't be friends at all. Therefore, he was also the weakest person in the thirteen wolf riders who was affected by Qin'an's selfless symbiosis. Now he looks almost 30 years old, a bit older than the other members.

Qin An also kindly told Northern Dipper that it was okay, and then led Guo Xiaomei and others to the lottery. He Keliusu and the unknown boy were naturally called by Qin An to go with him.

"Master Qin Young, this time my son will probably give up completely. To be honest, he is really reluctant to give up his military power. At that time, I saw that he was still getting tired of me every day, saying everything was for me to avoid trouble. Now you have shown overwhelming strength, and I guess it scared him to death!" Wang Fang now looks like a beautiful Lanhua's reverse growth made her a girl too. As Fang Lei's mother, she did a lot for Zhao'an Fang Lei. While walking at this time, Wang Fang didn’t know what to say with Qin An, but everyone knew that the Thirteen Wolf Knights were the immediate guards next to Qin An, Qin An’s old team, and Wang Fang felt that he should still have something to say to the old man, Owner. communication. Even gossip

Qin An is actually still a shy person. He has known Wang Fang for many years, but the relationship is also not too close, and he can only be respectful.

"Brother Fang Lei is very good. After all, I have a reason to come back this time. Although he was a little bit of a neglect to me at the beginning, I am not a big man, so as long as everyone can stay together and have a good life in the future, I will not give He wears small shoes, so don't worry, Aunt Wang Fang!" Qin An's tone had a hint of ridicule.

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