Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 957 Qin An's Thoughts

Wang Fang was called an aunt by Qin An and made a big red face. He was very awkward, but he didn't know what to say, and everyone around him was smiling.

"Old Qin, you have ignored our brother during this period. Vajra is not arguing. What can I say? Find time to come to the ninth floor and have a drink with us. Don't walk around your wife and children every day. This is the end of the world. Don’t you understand? Don’t think you’re just NB if you’re a big player. Nowadays, some of the big power’s high-tech weapons are very powerful. Climbing! The real war is that the number and technology determine everything, and the power of one person is just a flash in the pan!" Tyrant’s tone was boisterous. He and Qin An were colleagues at the time. Although he was not as good as Qin An for so many years, he still acquiesced. Qin An's position as the boss, but he never loses the battle, and speaks with Qin An always with momentum.

"Dage, look at your loud voice. If you want Qin An Dage to come and drink, you can just say it, really!" Batian's Little Sister Shi Jing laughed and reprimanded Big Brother. She was also not close to Qin An, because back then She was a little girl when she met Qin An, but now she is also a wife. Shi Jing’s husband, Zhao Junyu, is now a cadre of the Qin League’s Ministry of Finance. Of course, he went up through the back door. The life of the young couple can be considered comfortable on weekdays, and it is rare for Qin An. Have communication with the couple.

"That said, let's tonight, I will go to you for a drink tonight, not drunk or return!" Qin An said very boldly.

But Tyrant was stunned. He didn't expect Qin An's execution power to be so strong. He really did what he said.

Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi, and Wu Yan were walking in the farthest place from Qin An. They had all just rushed over from the lottery, wanting to see the fighting situation here.

When they found that the battle was over, they didn't come up to talk to Qin An, because the others were too enthusiastic, and the three considerate women could see that Qin An couldn't take care of it.

In this way, the group of people walked and talked, and returned to the Golden Fort Square, where the robots had almost planned.

Many of the surrounding guests had hid in the Golden Fort before, and they came out one after another at this time. It was really a shock. No one knew what happened.

Qin An immediately issued three orders as if there was nothing wrong with him.

First, the daughter's full moon wine will continue, and the lottery must be finished. Even if there are some twists and turns on the big day, the happy event must be carried through to the end.

Second, to guide the public opinion, there is no alien invasion at all today, it is just some supernaturalists of the end-spirit sect to make trouble. Now that the Kowloon Link City is the time for Vientiane to be renewed, the media must report on the premise of maintaining stability. So now that the pot was thrown to the Moling Sect, Qin An's attitude was also indicated, and the next step he had to do with the Moling Sect.

Then the third order is to hold a meeting of senior management cadres at night, and Qin An will guide and arrange the next step of work!

I have to say that Weng Die and Guo Shuai are really indispensable talents around Qin An, and Maya artificial intelligence is the most powerful maid.

It only took half an hour before they refurbished the square and put it on the banquet again. Qin An was also really calm. As if nothing happened, he continued to host his daughter’s full moon wine feast, at the lottery ceremony. Qin Wenxin grabbed a book with great enthusiasm, which made Li Na and Qin An laugh.

Then Qin Wenxin didn't have any tasks anymore. She just sat in her mother's arms and was praised by a group of women.

Qin An began to toast one by one at the table, of course, to promote his relationship with Qincheng's management personnel at all levels.

The banquet lasted more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone had a good time.

In private, Weng Die secretly sent someone to execute Qin An's second order just before the banquet restarted.

News and newspapers have reported and published the attack on Xuanjian City, and pointed the finger at the Mo Ling sect, saying that they are the cancer of the end times. This large-scale invasion of Xuanjian City is not only a provocation, but also a kind of war. Declaration.

Guo Shuai also arranged for the media of the entire Qin League to start reporting on this incident, and then began to broadcast some of the evil deeds of the end-of-spirit sect in the last days on a rolling basis, and all the information and information about the end-of-spirit sect accumulated over the years public.

The Moling sect is now headquartered in the border zone between China and North Korea. The exact location of their leaders has not yet been figured out.

The entire northeastern coast of China, as well as all areas in North Korea and South Korea, are currently ruled by the Moling sect. They control hundreds of vagrant fortresses of various sizes, with a population of over 10 million. West, the most populous place outside Jiulong Mountain.

And the people under the rule of the end-spirit sect really live a life that is not as good as death. They must admire the so-called end-time soul boy, and then they may be taken away by the superiors at any time, or trample on their dignity arbitrarily.

The Moling sect is also closely related to the Destiny sect in Russia. Recently, spies have returned news that the two sects have secretly formed an alliance and intend to establish a so-called independent state in the cities of the northern generation of China. Nowadays, the northern generation of China has gathered many zombies. However, there are many awakened people in the Destiny Sect and the Moling Sect. They can use the zombie parasitic beasts in their bodies to control the corpse group, so these two cults are definitely the largest in the Kowloon Alliance. Enemy.

The people are blind, and most people will think about things in accordance with the thinking of the media, so after many reports appeared, the people boiled over.

They didn't even pay attention to the gossip about Qin An's massacre of many masters in more than ten seconds, and no one believed the so-called alien invasion of the earth.

After the end of the world, government departments have weakened the control of news media, so most of the news broadcasts today are credible. This is the wishful thinking of ordinary people.

So everyone’s public opinion began to fall back to what Qin An hoped, that is, they began to question whether the Tibetan side should come forward and do something? They can claim to be China's orthodox authority. It's impossible to watch the Mo Ling sect dominate the land of China and create a country within a country, right?

As for the front of Zangxi Sword, he quickly received relevant information and immediately understood that Qin An had arranged all of this.

Jian Zhifeng immediately dispatched two personnel. One of them went to secretly investigate the true culprit of the attack on Xuanjian City, and the other was to contact Qin An’s representative Guo Shuai to understand Qin An’s true intentions.

Before dinner, in a small high-level conference room in the administrative center of the main city of Jianzhifeng, the top leaders of Western Tibet gathered to hold an emergency meeting.

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