"The reason why Qin An did this is because he wanted an order from me. He must become famous as a teacher, so that he can have no worries!"

The old chairman has reached the age of retirement, and he is actually very strong today, but as a non-supernatural being, it is really difficult to control a country in today's era, and he has long been tired.

After listening to the old chairman's words, Sword's Edge City Lord Guo Jingda said:

"Speaking of Qin An, this person is really lucky. I recently investigated his related information, and it was really white as a piece of paper. When he just came back, I really didn't expect him to successfully recover the rights of Qin League! "

"Haha, what's the matter. If there is no Guo Shuai from Guo Qi's family, and our strong support, do you think he will succeed so easily? He is just taking advantage of the right time and place.

Okay, let's not talk about it today.

Now that Qin An has guided the public opinion and pushed the Moling Sect to the forefront, why did he do this? "

Wan Ziliang, who had just led an army of 100,000 from west Tibet to Jianzhifeng and was about to build a government base in the heart of Kowloon City, said: "I may be clear about the reason for this."

"Oh, tell me?" The old chairman looked very interested.

"Back when Qin An fought against a group of zombies in Ruyan City, he had the ability to transform himself into a child.

Then Qin An appeared in front of the people in the city at that time, like a child.

How can a child order everyone to follow his command?

The method he used is very nasty, that is, he myths himself, saying that he is the son of god in the last days, and he is called the soul boy of the last days.

Later, I took a ship from Blue Ocean City to Ruyan City and met Qin An and the people in the city.

After encountering wind and waves, all the people dispersed, and I finally returned to Western Tibet, but many people who withdrew from Ruyan City with me at that time disappeared.

In a few years, a shit Mo Ling sect will appear, and the so-called Lord God in their mouth is actually called the soul boy of the last days!

Hey, if what I expected is not bad, the backbone of the Mo Ling sect today should be the refugees who escaped from Ruyan City, but they were used by people with intentions and eventually fell into it.

Qin An returned to the Qin League with a high profile this time, and with our support, he successfully regained the rights of the Qin League and became the commander-in-chief of the one-million-strong division of the Jiulong City Defender. .

Nowadays, there is not much inside the Kowloon City Link. The defense construction Linger can be done by one person, and with the improvement of the infrastructure, her construction speed will be faster. Maybe it only takes a year to build the Kowloon City Link. A serpentine dragon generally appears in the Jiulong Mountains, so Qin An doesn't need to worry about it.

Qin An now has two generals, Weng Die and Guo Shuai.

Everyone knows Guo Shuai. He is the son of Dean Guo of our Academy of Sciences. This kid regarded himself as Qin An’s younger brother more than 20 years ago. He controlled the Qin League over the past few years. In fact, as long as he secretly joined forces with us in Tibet, he would have long been involved. Unified the Qin League. But he didn't do this, he should just be waiting for Qin An's return. He was extremely sincere to Qin An, and it was understandable to say that it was the man behind Qin An.

Then another person next to Qin An is called Weng Die. This woman chairperson may not be familiar with it. As far as I know, she was originally the lord of the big city named Dark Light in Russia. It is also a rare talent. Now the senior management staff of Qin League are resigned by Weng Die. Those people say that Weng Die's eyes can see through people's hearts. Who wants to do things well under Qin An? Who wants to fish in troubled waters? Want to create chaos, Wengdie can tell at a glance. So now that Qin Meng is able to quickly become so stable after Qin An is in power, it is actually the credit of Weng Die. A large number of cadres she promoted are all diehards of Qin An.

In other words, Qin An is actually very comfortable in Qincheng now, and basically has nothing to do.

The Sect Leader of the Heavenly Seal Sect had an appointment with Qin An for five years. Our intelligence department has inquired about and failed to understand the reason. However, we learned that the Heavenly Seal Sect is actually related to the Moling Sect, the Tianming Sect, and the gates of Europe. The Christian Associations are all in contact and have formed an alliance.

Perhaps Qin An also knew the news.

If this is the case, will Qin An wait for five years and be besieged in Jiulong Mountain by these people together?

Of course he would not do this, so he must take the initiative.

Therefore, the Moling Sect is obviously his first target. This is not only because this cult has a great relationship with Qin An, but also because it is the closest hostile force to Jiulong Mountain. .Tuihui or Tianyinzong far south of India. Even if he thought we would not allow the expeditionary force to go deep into the hinterland, Qin An understood this very well.

Chairman, as you said, the reason why Qin An created public opinion this time was actually an order from you.

I believe that as long as you call him soon and say that we have decided to send troops to eliminate the forces of the Mo Ling sect, Qin An will immediately be quiet, and all the news media of the Qin League will return to the correct public opinion orientation, but not always take turns. The horror video recordings of those who drink human blood and cannibalism are recorded by the sect of Mo Ling. "

Hearing Wan Ziliang's words, Guo Jingda asked incomprehensibly: "Then why didn't he come directly to apply for the chairman, but played this trick?"

Wan Ziliang smiled, and then said: "This is his cleverness. Now the guard army has just been established. It is in the period of running-in between the generals and the soldiers. They only clean up the small corpses in the area near Jiulong Mountain. Relatively speaking, the mission is not very dangerous. But the nature of wanting to send troops to defeat the Moring Sect is different.

There are many dark people in the Mo Ling sect, and the single combat ability is strong.

Moreover, they have an alliance with the Destiny Sect, and the Destiny Sect has a delicate relationship with the Russian government. It is said that the Destiny Sect today is actually controlled by the Russians.

Well, as a government of a large country left over from the end times, they are naturally very powerful. The Moling sect should have obtained a lot of high-tech weapons from Russia over the years.

Don't talk about traditional ammunition weapons, let's just talk about TC virus inhibitors, which were originally invented by the Russians and can temporarily lose their upgraded capabilities.

I heard that Qin Meng has also used this technology to develop a TC virus atomization bomb, which can be disturbed by the upgraded person's breathing.

I think that since Qinmeng can develop this kind of thing, then our scientific department in Tibet should not be behind, and Russia, as the research and development country of TC virus inhibitors, must have more advanced technology!

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