And...that is the secret of the Sword God Body! No one of you sitting now doesn't know, right?

Qin An seems to be very good. It is said that in the afternoon, one person used the sword god skill to kill hundreds of alien invaders within ten seconds, and the average strength of those invaders has reached the fifth-level upgrade.

But what's the use even if this is the case?

Once the air was filled with chemical compounds containing medicinal ingredients, Qin An's sword god ability would be invalidated!

We know this secret, and the enemy will naturally not know it.

Therefore, it is not as difficult as imagined to deal with the sword god body ability.

I think Qin An should know this too, so he is not confident to deal with the Mo Ling Sect, Destiny Sect and the behemoths behind them by himself. In other words, he needs the support of the army.

Then the question is back to the original point, is the newly established guard army suitable for this kind of expedition mission?

The answer is of course only three words, not suitable.

Qin An should hope that we will come forward to solve this problem for him. After all, our army in western Tibet is absolutely on the right track. In recent years, in order to deal with the supernatural creatures in the apocalypse, many troops have fought in the north and the south, all of which have experienced hundreds of battles!

If we come forward and send troops to deal with the Moling Sect, then all problems will be solved.

However, it is not easy for him to directly ask us to send troops, after all, he does not have the authority to speak.

If he asked for it on the initiative, then the chairman swiped a big pen and went on instructing Qin An to take the defending army on the expedition. Wouldn't he be wasting his thoughts.

Now, Qin An first used the incident of alien invasion to throw the black pot to the Mo Ling sect, and then used the power of public opinion to put us on the oil pot.

It's a good plan. This two-and-one method is very clever. Even if we know this, there is no way to use him.

Of course, if the chairman gave him an order at this time to lead the newly formed garrison on an expedition, he could not refuse. But the problem is that the relationship between Qin An and us is now in the honeymoon period. We also hope that the Jiulong City Link System can be built quickly. Therefore, our attitude is not to offend Qin An, because the genius scientist named Ling'er is already Qin An’s person. It is known that they had a relationship between men and women.

Therefore, if we let him go out with the unintegrated army, it is obviously an unfriendly move!

Chairman, would you do this? "

Guo Jingda was silly while listening, but he found someone to investigate Qin An. He only felt that there was nothing special about this person except for having supernatural powers. But now that Wan Ziliang said that, this kid still knows how to do it. Scheming? And it turned out to be so scheming?

The old chairman nodded slightly, and then smiled:

"Haha, Qin An is indeed an individual talent. He belongs to the type of mentally weak and stupid. Although he has no qualifications and background, he has no great achievements, but he is a person who can do whatever it takes to achieve his goals! Such a person is terrible and he is not moved. Sometimes you think he is a rabbit, but once he moves, he becomes a cannibal tiger!

I also have a copy of Qin An's detailed information in my hand. It is not easy to be able to collect these things.

Let me just say one thing briefly for you to understand this person. After all, in the next few years, we will have to deal with him often.

Qin An's performance can be said to have been very ordinary.

When he was in school, his academic performance was average. After graduating from high school, he became a soldier, and his training in the army was also average.

Later, he recovered and went to Hanghai City and started a part-time job. At this time, he did a great job, which was to chase his wife, Weng Lan, who was then aliased to Li Ying.

I have also investigated the information of this woman, Weng Lan. Her family background is very good. Wan Ziliang mentioned Weng Die before. Actually, I also know this person, before the end of the world, is it a domestic first-line movie and TV star? For TV, I happened to watch some TV shows starring Weng Die.

Haha, since Weng Lan is Weng Die's Big sis, this one alone can show her extraordinary.

However, such a woman was caught by Qin An alive!

Qin An's approach is very monotonous, that is, naked Xiang Wenglan straps love, every morning and evening to meet with him, 365 days a year without interruption.

This is a bit silly and naive, but Qin An used practical actions to show Weng Lan what he meant.

In the social atmosphere before the end of the world, is there any man who can decisively pursue a woman like Qin An, probably not! Before the end of the world, we were all too impetuous. In short, Qin An succeeded and married Weng Lan back home, turning the impossible into reality. How do you say that?

Yes, it is the poor dick who successfully married Bai Fumei!

Haha, if Qin An doesn't have a firm belief, he may give up without a response after pursuing Weng Lan for a month or two, but in the end he persisted for a year!

The espionage personnel are very powerful. They found several people who lived in the same community as Weng Lan. Among them, an aunt in her eighties remembered Qin An and had a deep memory.

This aunt's home is in the same building as Weng Lan's rented house, upstairs and downstairs.Every morning, the aunt could see Qin An outside as long as she opened the window in the living room.

According to the aunt, Qin An was very energetic at that time, and the young man was physically strong. After arriving in the community, he had to jog around the building, and then he went to the open space downstairs to do exercises such as leg presses, push-ups, etc., knowing that he was sweating. At that time, Weng Lan went downstairs to prepare for work, and Qin An handed the breakfast prepared in advance to Weng Lan.

He was very careful at that time and would not let his own sweat drip onto the breakfast. Qin An did not talk to Weng Lan for the first two months, just sitting and repeating things like this.

Later, the aunt became interested in Qin An and went to chat with Qin An.

When Qin An faced the aunt, the topic changed. He would tell the aunt about his liking for Weng Lan and the fact that he came from a few kilometers away.

The aunt was naturally moved when she heard that, so she told Qin An's words to Weng Lan. In the end, Weng Lan was also moved and began to try to contact Qin An slowly.

The spy personnel believed that Qin An's seemingly stupid pursuit was actually very tactical.

First of all, as a dick, Qin An pursues Bai Fumei. If she talks smartly after meeting every day, it will definitely arouse Weng Lan's resentment. At first glance, Weng Lan is the kind of woman who has met the world, and she will never lack a man who talks smartly. Therefore, Qin An went to deliver breakfast to Weng Lan every day, but did not talk to Weng Lan. In fact, it was the wisest choice, but it seemed different. At least it gave Weng Lan the impression. He showed sincerity, the only purpose is to let Weng Lan not hate him.

Second, Qin An's home was a few kilometers away from Weng Lan's home, and running all the way from such a distance should be tired. However, he would still run a circle around the building where Weng Lan lived, and then continue to exercise in an open area with a good view downstairs. The purpose of this was nothing more than to attract the attention of Weng Lan upstairs, or the attention of Weng Lan's neighbors. From the perspective of the ending, Qin An's final plan succeeded, and he did arouse the curiosity of the aunt.

Third, the reason why the aunt still remembers Qin An after so many years is because Qin An was really able to say when facing the aunt at that time! He will tell all his stories to the aunt, and then secretly express his affection for Weng Lan to the aunt. Qin An should know that older people tend to be nosy, and the aunt and Weng Lan live upstairs and downstairs, so they are naturally the best matchmaker candidates. Haha, the result is very simple. The aunt did help Qin An to thread the needle. Through the aunt's narration, Weng Lan, who originally didn't know anything about Qin An, understood everything about Qin An. The most amazing thing is that the two people who meet every day have not spoken yet, which makes Weng Lan also curious about Qin An. She wants to talk to Qin An in person instead of always listening to the narration of the neighbor's aunt. So Qin An successfully seduce Weng Lan's desire to speak with him.

Fourth, when Weng Lan tried to communicate with Qin An, Qin An never gave Weng Lan too much opportunity to speak. Basically, I came to deliver breakfast in the morning, and I would leave after a few simple and sincere words. They will leave quickly when they come to deliver water at night. All these situations were observed by the aunt. At that time, the aunt felt that the young man Qin An was too honest and innocent. It is estimated that Weng Lan's impression of Qin An should be the same. But what about the facts? The spy personnel believed that the reason why Qin An didn't talk too much with Weng Lan should be deliberate! He understands the identity of own, and also knows that own experience is actually as simple as white paper. Therefore, he deliberately kept a distance from Weng Lan, which was considered a means of indulgence. He gave Weng Lan the impression of being shy, introverted, honest and reliable, and then dared to persevere for the love in his heart! I have to say that this is successful. Wasn't Weng Lan driven crazy in the end? I heard that aunt said, but Weng Lan took the initiative to confess to Qin An, because at that time Weng Lan recognized Qin An who had been with her for a year with hard work and diligence. Qin An turned boredom into mysterious romance, turned action into the most beautiful promise, and finally embraced the beauty.

In other words, Qin An's wisdom is actually very hidden, if you are not careful enough, you will not see his scheming!

This kid is a wolf in sheep's clothing all the time! "

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