
Linger is silent, she naturally knows this sentence, but she would find it ridiculous before, and she has not studied its deep meaning, but only roughly knows the superficial meaning.

"On Earth, the reason why human beings are different from other creatures is because they have complex emotions.

Since men and women, magnetism and males are separated in this world, there must be his reason.

Just like the question you asked me before, why do the planets of the solar system keep rotating in the universe?

In fact, this question does not need an answer at all, because it is a truth, a law! These stars in the solar system are supposed to fly around in the sky. If one day they stop flying, like the Galaxy of Sword Spirit Star, maybe I should ask why.

So the same is true for humans on earth. Since men and women, males and females, two different life forms of the same nature, have appeared together, it should also be reasonable.

You should really study China's Yin & Yang theory. Maybe you can get something out of it.

In short, you can hate me, but you shouldn't hate all male creatures!

I don't care what you are like on the Sword Spirit Star, but I hope you can be a brand new yourself on Earth, and don't be affected by you and your past experiences on the Sword Spirit Star!

At this time, you are Ling'er, the scientific girl by my side, and the person whom Qin An values ​​very much!

Similarly, everyone in the Qin League respects you very much. In our eyes, you are not one of the forty-nine sword gods, but the only goddess we believe in, because you alone have the ability to help us build A city that never falls in the last days.

Forget some things from the past.

If you can't forget, then I...I borrow your shoulders and chest to use.

This chest is not too broad, but it is enough to be your world.

This shoulder is not tall and straight, but it is enough to support your future.

This man is not reliable, but he can also take you into another sky!

You racked your brains before to let me gain the abilities of you and other sword god hosts.

In fact, I have probably figured out your thoughts.

Perhaps one of the nine great sword gods has contacted you?

What is he doing? Wait for my body to be strong enough to occupy my soul?

And what did he promise you?

Will you return to the Sword Spirit Star to become a superior sword god?

Ling'er, after living for so many years, do you really like the feeling of being above all beings? Don’t you think that would be a bit lonely?

Don't think I ignored your existence during this time.

I know that He Tianyu and Shi Lida are now your best friends. As long as you are free, you will get together, licking melon seeds and talking bad things about me. When it's cool, you don’t laugh. Is it brilliant? So, don't you like this kind of life?

There are gods in the faith of the people on earth!

However, the people on earth believe that God should not fall into the mortal world, and he can only stand high above Fuze!

So I don't like gods. Being too high and cold is often synonymous with boring.

So you and I met now, I decided to pull you off the altar, and don't think of any sword spirit stars in the future. You have built yourself into an earth woman. Isn't this your choice?

If you have time to see my daughter Wenxin, half of her soul in her previous life belonged to the Sword God of Time.

Hehe, the Time Sword God is willing to rebirth and obtain a human body, why can't you be as free and easy as her.

So, I lend you both my shoulders and chest at this moment! And also give you the right to choose.

If you choose the sword god behind you, it is tantamount to choosing the past.

And if you choose me, then what I will give you is the future, a life completely different from the past.

So do you want the past or the future? Have you ever thought about it with your heart?

I did something wrong to you before, and I sincerely apologize again.

You said that the greedy is an enemy you can’t forgive, then wait, wait until I find it, and bring back the two meat balls in his hand to kick it for you. That thing should be equivalent to the face of a bloodbone tribe. Bar?

Linger, I never thought of asking you to forgive me, because I can't forgive myself.

I know exactly what kind of person Qin An is. His heart is evil, but he always wants to be a good person.

However, when he faced you, he still indulged the evil in his heart and even raped you. I can never forgive such Qin An.

Now I lend you my shoulders and chest, have you ever felt my heartbeat, have you ever heard the voice of a man on earth? Can you imagine your future? "

Qin An's tone has been low and flat, and finally he ended his own statement with three questions, leaving Ling'er with a choice to face the past and the future.

Ling'er quietly crawled on Qin An's warm chest for a long time, and finally raised her head, looking at Qin An's richly angular descent, her eyes were a little drunk.

This man is so smart, he already knew the trick of owning.

The choice between the past and the future? Ling'er was a little shocked, she had never thought about this problem.

Although her memory was messed up, she knew that she should have lived a long time!

So what does Life on the Sword Spirit Star look like?

The lonely road to swordsmanship! This is the only memory before becoming a god.

What about after becoming a god? She was also lonely, and the people respected her and did not dare to look up. Because of her godhead, she began to naturally become arrogant.

After leading the tribe to drive the bloodbone tribe out of the continent where she was originally in Life, she began to wander around. She was going to find her enemies and greed, but the Sword Spirit Star was really too big, and there were still there on that planet. Many dangerous energies existed, just like the behemoths of the law, if the god punishes the curse, so she wandered for many years and years, and she didn't know how to find the greedy.

Slowly, she also lost herself in the wandering. She has an inexhaustible lifespan. She has become a god and can't find the Realm above the god. She has become desperate and wantless.

When Ling'er recalled this issue in detail, she found that her memory began to be chaotic at this moment, and there seemed to be some experiences during the period, but she couldn't remember it, only remembered to be summoned by the energy of the first sword god, and then Forty-nine sword gods gathered and left the sword spirit star.

The head is dizzy, these things seem to be a forbidden zone, and I can't think about it carefully, as if the center of her brain that remembers this matter has been sealed.

Haha, I was too obsessed with disgusting Qin An, and even ignored the truth of the facts, her memory has indeed been altered! So who else can someone with this kind of strength have?

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