With a wry smile, Ling'er let her consciousness fly out of her mind and focused on Qin An's face again.

This man is her most intimate experience on earth, and she has lived for so many years, and apart from the greedy, the most male creature she has come into contact with.

In Ling'er's previous consciousness, in fact, all earth men are similar, because she has never regarded men as their own kind.

It's like people watching dogs. All dogs will bite things, they will pee when they see a big tree, and they will bark at strangers with the support of their owners.

But in fact, dogs also have different personalities. There are good dogs and bad dogs. Only those who love dogs will understand them.

Now, Ling'er seems to understand Qin An a little bit. This man actually has such a little charm, no wonder he can marry four women, and he has an ambiguous relationship with so many women.

What frightened Ling'er the most was that when she looked up at Qin An's face, she couldn't even feel a trace of hatred in her heart.

She felt that her heartbeat was slowly accelerating, and the blood seemed to flow faster. What was it like, and why was the body numb?

When Ling'er was hesitating, suddenly there was emptiness in front of her, Qin An's chest had already left. "Hey, how about Xiao Ling'er, do you think my proposal is good? I'll help you kill the greedy. How about you not hating me in the future? Of course, you can hate me or hate me! But now I am no longer alone. I have a daughter and become a father. Asking the heart is a lovely child, right? Even if you hate me I can't bother to ask my heart.

Also, you have to help me look after He Tianyu’s little Nizi. She is a dead brain. I’m really afraid that one day she can’t help but break out, and it will hurt my Wenxin baby, although the probability of this happening is very high. Low, but I have to guard! "

After listening to Qin An's words, looking at Qin An's somewhat flattering expression at this time, where there is the appearance of the best warm man just now, it is simply a dog!

Ling'er was so upset in her heart that she cursed Qin An in her heart.

No wonder this guy was so gentle to himself suddenly, because he was worried about Qin Wenxin's little girl!

Ling'er was really angry, and the negative emotions that had appeared because of the greed were completely wiped out.

However, Ling'er was only angry for a little while, and suddenly awakened.

Oh my god...what was her mentality just now? Since creating a human body and becoming a woman, Ling'er seems to have this feeling for the first time. She is actually jealous. What's wrong with the little girl Qin Wenxin's jealousy? Isn't she crazy...!

Two steps towards retreated subconsciously, Ling'er actually wanted to turn around and escape.

In fact, he didn't know whether Qin An was a good individual or a man of great wisdom as a fool.

Because in general, he has never planned anything before, but when doing things, he has a stronger desire to succeed than others, and often he can do his best or use unscrupulous means to achieve his goals.

However, Qin An had no purpose for Ling'er at this time. As he said, he only wanted this god of sword spirit wandering in the earth to find her own destination.

Seeing Ling'er's face had changed from pale to reddish, and looking at her panicked look, how could Qin An not know what Ling'er was thinking?

Perhaps his own purpose is about to be achieved, this woman who does not eat the fireworks in the world has finally returned to the mortal world.

At this time, Qin An couldn't let Ling'er retreat, because he still had a lot of questions to ask Ling'er.

Therefore, Qin An turned on the Teleportation Technique and appeared behind Ling'er. Ling'er was retreating quickly, and finally hit Qin An's arms again.

What a warm chest, so... a familiar taste.

Oh my God, it's crazy, just once lying in Qin An's arms, Ling'er actually felt that she was already familiar with Qin An's body fragrance.

Men are really terrible animals, and it seems that I still don't know them enough!

Ling'er is Ling'er after all, after all, he is a little fairy who has lived for many years.

After experiencing the shock, Ling'er's heart building has been successful, and at this time let her emotions stabilize.

She tried her best to make her body seem to be steady and took two steps forward, separated from Qin An's chest, and then secretly took a deep breath before turning around and speaking briskly:

"Okay, you go help me out of the city to find the greedy and kill him, then what you did to me before... is completely written off. But you shouldn't be killed by someone because you don't have the ability. He is different from the host of the sword god body like you and me. He is a true sword repairer and possesses a true god sword ability!"

Ling'er's face was still red, red and hot.

She cleverly figured out what she should say, but ignored Qin An's previous choice about the past and the future.

Qin An smiled, nodded and said:

"Recently, I have received some news that the power of the Moling Sect is getting stronger and stronger, so I blamed the Moling Sect on this alien invasion.

This cult appeared because of me, and it must end because of me, otherwise my heart will be very uncomfortable.

It is estimated that the sword's front side is having a meeting now. They can't leave the Moling Sect to ignore it, because the Moling Sect is to establish a country in the Northeast. How can our government watch the country lose its land?

Therefore, the chairman will definitely give an order to send troops, and then I will set off with the army, and if I find traces of the greedy after leaving the Hanging Sword City, I will definitely kill him.

My previous plan was to take the Iron Cavalry to go out alone to destroy the End Spirit Sect, but it seemed inappropriate to open it through intelligence. The End Spirit Sect was very strong, beyond my previous imagination.

If the battle with the end spirit is destined to be a bloody duel, more violent than the battle of blood, why should I let the brothers I care about follow to die?

Now there is another alien invasion, so I plan to leave the Iron Cavalry Camp led by Thirteen Wolf Cavaliers in Xuanjian City! If the time and space gates of alien races reappear, they can also protect the people in the city. At the beginning, I thought the Wranglers were not credible. After some investigations, I thought they could be trusted. This is why I am willing to keep the Iron Cavalry in Xuanjian City.

Ling'er, the woman in red said that the sword spirit star has a great relationship with the first sword god and the second sword god. Now that the first and second sword gods are both on the earth, the sword spirit star will slowly collapse , I understand the meaning of this collapse should be the collision between the intersection of the plane universe and the world of other planes. Perhaps in the near future, more time-space gates will randomly appear in any corner of the earth, and then all races on your sword spirit star will come.

The so-called blood bone clan is nothing more than a pioneer.

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