Vajra nodded slightly, knowing that He Ke Liusu has the ability to evade zombies, so she should not encounter any danger when going to see the coalition fight against zombies, and if she could help at the critical moment, so she stopped. Talking a lot, and then continue to drink with Liu Yuanchao.

The two big men would also go out and walk around during the day to check the surrounding conditions and return to Tianju at night. If Qin An returns, no matter how late it is, he will find them for a drink. Today, Qin An is a real drunkard. For this reason, when they left Xuanjian City, they deliberately asked Cheng Gang to get a lot of wine into the heaven.

Both Vajra and Liu Yuanchao couldn't understand why Qin An was willing to go with the big army, and changed his appearance slightly. Claiming to be Qin Xiaoan mixed into the army's system to serve as a small soldier.

This behavior is really strange. The two people thought about it for a long time and didn't understand it. At this time, of course they took it out and discussed it.

When Gong Xue, Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi and others heard the two mention Qin An, they also came to drink with them, and then began to discuss Qin An's abnormal behavior together.

At this time, the guy with the pseudonym Qin Xiaoan was lying with four members of his team in a bush located seven kilometers away from the camp, observing a wanderer camp ahead.

Squad leader Qiao Feng is 28 years old this year, a six-year soldier. He originally belonged to Qin Juncheng and participated in many tasks to strangle upgraded beasts. His weapon was a miniature laser pistol.

The old man Google, forty-two years old, from the top of Hongluan, a 17-year soldier, has also performed many tasks, but this person is afraid of death and always rushes to the back when fighting, so he has always been an ordinary man for so many years. The big-headed soldier is quite miserable. The weapon is equipped with a light machine gun with penetrating shells.

Forty-year-old middle-aged man Meng Kaixuan, Qin Lancheng is a serious criminal, accused of trafficking in human flesh, of course, he is a meat seller of upside down, it is said that he has never killed anyone in his life, and now he is equipped with old-fashioned old-fashioned submachine guns.

Twenty-five-year-old Qiu Jinse has still not said a word from the day he was released from prison, so everyone in the team thought she was dumb. Her weapon was an old-fashioned sniper rifle that she had taken from her home. This gun was obviously modified, and the bullets she used were the newly developed armor-piercing bullets. I just don’t know how powerful this gun is, whether it can make the armor-piercing projectile work as it should be. In addition, Qiu Jinse also carried a machete for killing pigs across his waist, which looked very special. In addition to these four people, the remaining one is Qin Xiaoan. Today, Qin An has used her transformation ability to disguise herself for a while. His skin has become dark, his facial features have become ordinary, and his small nose and small eyes look like a dirt. Rustic hillbilly.

I am very satisfied with Qin An’s appearance, Lan Yue, and other women. There are many female soldiers in the army. Qin An’s appearance was superb before, and he has the ability to be the leader of the Qin League. It's messing with flowers again.

But now with this look, if there is any woman who can look at him, it is definitely blind.

Qin An didn't mind his inconspicuous appearance now. He is a child and his father, so what kind of bicycle do he need?

The reason why Qin An joined the army under the alias Qin Xiaoan was naturally to hide by Qiu Jinse's side. He really wanted to explore the secret of this woman.

Since the march, Qin An has actually been very busy.

In the name of going out to explore the road every day, Qin An does his own personal business, that is, looking for the greed of the blood and bones.

It's a pity that the greedy guy didn't know where he went. Even if Qin An deliberately looked for it, he couldn't find it.

But Qin An was not in a hurry, Ling'er's hatred had passed for so long, and he didn't care about this moment.

Two people who were originally on different time and space planets can finally meet. What a bad fate is this. Qin An believes that one day he will still meet a greedy, and then help Ling'er get rid of him.

Qin An was not afraid of the greedy returning to Qin League. Today's Qin League has been built by Linger with electronic eyes everywhere, Maya can monitor the entire area, if the greedy goes back, death will come.

No matter how strong he is, it is difficult to make a big difference in the Qin League. After all, the Qin League is still a place of masters. More importantly, the Qin League has a variety of advanced weapons. These weapons are all Developed by Ling'er, even on the Star of Sword Spirit, it was able to kill a sword repairer with two or three magic sword skills.

The five people did not speak at this time. They were lying three to four hundred meters away from the tramp camp. They wanted to hear the movement inside, but it was difficult to hear them clearly. Of course, except for Qin An. Qin An has already got a clear picture of the situation in this homeless camp.

There are probably more than 300 people inside. The oldest is estimated to be over 70, and the youngest is only eight or nine years old.

The wanderer camp is the same as the legend, the real wandering people, they have their own life method and social values.

Indulge in desire, The Weak are Prey to the Strong, mutual assistance between young and old, sharing resources!

Sixteen characters are enough to describe the concept of the wanderer family to the full.

The most capable person in a wanderer camp is the king of the camp, and the king of the camp has absolute rights!

He can make all the women in the camp stand in a row, and then make each other one by one.

He can also make all the men in the camp wash their butts, and then ask them to pick up soap.

Wanderers don't believe in the term human nature. In their eyes, there is no so-called shame, and some are just hysterical and unrestrained indulgence.

Then when another strong man appears, he can openly challenge the king of the camp. If he wins the War Practitioner, he can directly kill the king, become the new owner of the camp, and then obtain all the wealth of the camp.

It is not easy for the wanderers in the early stage life of the last days. They are a group of sinners exiled by mankind. In order to survive in the end times when resources are scarce and crises are everywhere, they must help each other and form a cooperative relationship. After more than two decades of precipitation of such a tradition, in the end, there are very few people who die due to infighting among the wanderers. Of course, except for the duel of kings.

In other words, even if you make a big mistake in the camp, as long as there is no murder, no one will come out to commit crimes.

Homeless people value life of the same kind. They know that it is not easy to survive. Therefore, whether it is for the elderly or children, the king of the homeless camp will not give up. If there is a crisis, everyone must act together and evacuate. Abandoning the weak during the flight, then he will be despised, and will eventually be driven out of the Wanderer camp, and the second strongest Wanderer will be the new king.

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