For the resources obtained, the homeless are equally divided, including women, food, clothes, firearms, and so on.

The reason for such a policy is also the tradition that has been deposited after more than two decades of development.

In the early stage homeless camp, once the resources are grabbed, the boss will take it for himself.

People are greedy, and the people in the Wanderers camp were originally a group of exiled criminals, and no one was willing to be a dog. Therefore, assassinating the leader, robbing resources, and eventually raging inside the camp happened from time to time.

Later, some bosses became smarter, and when they got the resources, they took out the ordinary, and when he wanted to get the resources, he would exploit them from his subordinates.

The advantage of this method is that everyone can share things, and they must take out a part of the filial piety to the king. In the middle, the needs of both parties are met, then the fights become less, and the wanderers gradually Learned to behave.

Qin An knew that the wanderer camp in front of him was already under the jurisdiction of the Moling Sect, and they were regarded as the frontier intelligence department.

The dozens of seven or eight-year-old children in the camp should all be dark people, right?

They stayed in a separate two-story building and did not show up. This was considered a hidden murderous intent, waiting for the fish to take the bait before they came forward to rush the fish.

And the so-called fish are of course their own scouts. If ordinary scouts sneak into this homeless camp, they will definitely be caught alive, and then interrogate to confess.

Squad leader Qiao Feng hung a dog and a handful of grass in his mouth. After watching for a long time, he waved his hand and made a retreat gesture.

The five cats crawled backwards in the grass and kept retreating for more than a hundred meters before they got up. Then they continued to lower themselves and walk in the grass, retreating for a full two kilometers into a small forest before stopping.

The green area of ​​the earth today is estimated to be several times that before the end of the world, and there are groves and wild grass everywhere.

Again, in the last days, the life space of mankind was squeezed, but nature was able to recuperate.

Throwing out the dog's tail grass from his mouth, Qiao Feng shook his hair that he thought was handsome, and then said:

"Lao Gu, what do you think?"

"I think let's retreat. It's just over 8 o'clock now. You can see that the camp is quiet, only human figures, no voices! I guess it's a trap. They must know that our vanguard has arrived nearby. , That’s why a Wanderer camp was set up. The purpose is to let us inquire about the news, and then help us catch it, and then get the troop’s intelligence from our mouth. Let’s just wait and see if they move . Then go back to report tomorrow morning. It is estimated that the other investigation teams should also go back by that time, and the team behind has also followed. At that time, we will gather the intelligence and then act. This is the safest! "The veteran Guge's tone was very calm, and after speaking, he looked straight at Qiao Feng, waiting for his decision.

Qin An nodded slightly. This old man really deserves to be an old fried dough stick for a seventeen-year soldier, and his ability to analyze the scene is still very strong.

Qiao Feng was sitting on the ground, leaning against the big tree for a moment. He frowned slightly, but his eyes fell on Qiu Jinse not far away.

At this time, Qiu Jinse was wearing a camouflage uniform, very sassy and heroic.

She did not sit on the ground to rest, but walked slowly nearby. She walked very regularly. When she came to a tree, she would pause for a while, listen around, and then move briskly to another. The tree stopped.

Qiao Feng could see that this beautiful dumb girl was on guard. At the same time, she was always alert when she walked among the trees. Not only did she use the trees to conceal her figure, but also to prevent someone from shooting her from the dark, so professional. !

Qin An certainly noticed what Qiu Jinse was doing at this time and couldn't help smiling.

This woman stayed alone in prison for five years. Even if Qin An wanted to come, she would behave abnormally after she was released.

It is a pity that Qin An is disappointed. Apart from not speaking, this woman is more normal than everyone else.

She will listen to some instructions from Qiao Feng, and then be able to complete various tasks well.

The feeling for Qin An is that Qiu Jinse does not refuse to communicate with her, but she does not want to have intersection with anyone, which is really a weird thing.

If she keeps not talking to people like this, how can she figure out the murder case five years ago?

With a light sigh, Qiao Feng moved his gaze away from Qiu Jinse and looked at Qin An and said:

"Xiao'an, what's your opinion?"

"Oh, I think Lao Gu is right. I came from Darklight City, and I encountered many Wanderer camps when I went south. Wanderers are races that wantonly indulge their desires. They are usually far away, so you can listen. In the camp, the roar of men gambling after drinking, and the hysterical moan of women!"

"Moaning hysterically?" Qiao Feng was a little surprised.

"Yes, hysterical! Because their moans are like howling wolfs, the women in the Wanderers camp like to indulge their desires more than men. When they bear the impact of men on them, they use roars to release their pleasure. That's one thing. This call to seek the opposite sex to find her, and then let her sink into the ocean of desire, is very distinctive."

"Wanderers? Huh, they were originally human beings. After all, they are all sins committed by humans. If these people's parents did not do many wrong things in the end times, they would not be abandoned; and if they were not abandoned, Maybe there will be no future war between our two sides." After a slight sigh, Qiao Feng looked at Meng Kaixuan again.

"Meng Kaixuan, although you are a prisoner, after coming in contact along the way, I found that you are not bad. The military ability is not as good as Qiu Jinse, but the degree of obedience is as high as her. You must behave well and return to the Qin League. , I must help you talk about luxury, so that you can release it in advance. Isn’t it just selling human flesh? This kind of business is not uncommon in the Qin League. Now that there are many customers who love to eat human flesh, naturally there will be your group of people selling human flesh. Merchants, so the fault is not with you, but with consumers. As the saying goes, there is no sale, there is no killing! Haha, I saw this sentence on TV a few days ago. I heard that it was an advertising slogan that existed before the end of the world. I feel very philosophical."

Meng Kaixuan was not tall, he was slightly fat, and his eyes were smaller than those of Qin An now after he transformed, and he looked a little funny.

Hearing Qiao Feng's praise, Meng Kaixuan hurriedly nodded and bowed his waist assures that he would do his best.

At this moment, Qiu Jinse, who had been detected a hundred meters away, quickly moved back and squatted on the ground after reaching the Qin An four. Then he made a silent gesture, and then pointed his finger to the south.

Before Qiao Feng and the others could understand, Qin An opened his mouth to help Qiu Jinse, who was unwilling to speak, translate: "Someone is coming over there!"

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