The information collected by the sight was quickly reorganized in his mind, and the big tree that was blown off was restored by Qin An in his mind!

It is a dead tree, it looks like the trunk is decayed, and there are no leaves on the branches! There is a small tree hole in the center of the dead tree... So there should be a bomb with a remote control device in it?

When did the woman Qiu Jinse put the bomb in? How did she know that Jin Zexun would definitely go to where she planted the bomb?

No, she can't possibly know!

Qin An glanced quickly with perspective eyes.

Sure enough, among the big trees that Qiu Jinse had walked before during the warning, there were three big trees with bombs placed in the tree holes, and three were placed randomly on the ground.

Then, adding the one that exploded just now, Qiu Jinse unexpectedly placed seven bombs. They were in different directions and distributed in a triangular shape.

Damn, it turned out that just now, Qiu Jinse paused every time she moved quickly next to a big tree. Not only did she hide her figure and prevent black guns, she was also looking for a favorable location to place bombs!

I didn't turn on super vision just now, I just used my eyes to pay attention to Qiu Jinse herself, but didn't notice her little movements!

So why did Qiu Jinse plant a bomb? Does she still know that an enemy is coming?

Probably not, this is just a defensive method. She judged from Qiao Feng's words that the five-person team should stay nearby for surveillance, and then return to the camp when it is about to dawn.

So she made some arrangements. After all, this place is relatively close to the enemy's camp, so it is normal to place some measures, but Qiu Jinse's movements are too concealed, right? And it's too fast, right? She had finished the arrangement without realizing it as soon as they got here?

This shocked Qin An, but what made Qin An even more terrified were the two shots shot by Qiu Jinse!

The first shot penetrated the night and accurately shot at Jin Zexun's temple. This fully shows that Qiu Jinse's marksmanship is very strong, and she can absolutely afford the title of God-level sniper!

However, she obviously didn't have the confidence to hit Jin Zexun with this shot, so she fired the second shot!

There are some gods here, how did she know that Jin Zexun would hide from the big tree with the bomb? By luck? It should not be!

So... if you find yourself in danger of being attacked, what should be the first reaction of mankind?

Turn around and run to avoid danger!

In other words, in the human subconscious, most people actually think that behind them is safe, because behind them means that it is the way to come, the way you have just walked, since you have tried to walk once without danger, then of course it It's safe.

So after Kim Taek-hoon felt the crisis, did he backtrack?

Could it be that Qiu Jinse thought of this kind of heart? So predicting the direction of Jin Zexun's avoidance?

So if an ordinary person dodges bullets, at best, he falls backwards and crawls on the ground. However, Jin Zexun is different. As an upgraded, his explosive power is extremely strong, so he can use his full strength in a crisis to withdraw a few meters away and hit a big tree in one step.

It is often safer to escape farther. This is also a hint in my heart. Did Qiu Jinse also expect it? Otherwise, how could she use the remote control to detonate the bomb at the right moment?

After that, the big tree collapsed, and the two pressures of explosive energy made Jin Zexun continue to be attacked. In order to avoid the pressure from both sides, the space that Jin Zexun can avoid has become very small. Because he was disturbed by the energy of the explosion, his footsteps were unsteady, and he just stepped back a little.

It was at this time that the second bullet arrived, and it shot at Jin Zexun's temple without error.

This gun is really amazing. It only combines all the parameters of Jin Zexun’s retreat because of the first bullet, the speed of retreat, the time point of the explosion, the double pressure of the dumping of the tree and the explosion energy, Qiu Jin Seul can pre-determine Jin Zexun to a fixed position, and then fire a second shot ahead of time, hitting his vitals!

Jin Zexun’s footsteps were a bit imaginary, and the continuous movements made it difficult for him to stand firm. He could only move his head back quickly, and the second bullet hit Jin Nanzhu’s cheek directly and exploded into his mouth!

"Ah!" Some unclear screams came out from Jin Zexun's mouth.

In order to avoid this shot, Jin Zexun, who was originally unstable, used the force of leaning back, and after being shot, his body fell directly to the ground!

At this time, Jin Zexun was already in a panic. For him, there was almost no time difference between the arrival of the first bullet and the second bullet, because Qiu Jinse originally fired...three shots in succession!

Yes, there is a third shot!

Just when Qin An realized this, a line of blood had penetrated Jin Zexun's head, and a bullet shot from his temple into his brain and burst into it, exploding the temple on the other side of Jin Zexun!

A fifth-level upgrader who didn't even summon the upgraded beast was killed by an ordinary woman with no abilities with three most ordinary armor-piercing bullets... From Qiu Jinse's first shot to Jin Zexun's death , It only took a few seconds!

What kind of woman is this f*ck?

Qin An was a little mad, and then he quickly realized that the sniper rifle in the woman's hand was equipped with a silencer on the muzzle, which means that no one except Qin An should have heard the gunshot!

The remote-controlled bomb was placed in a tree hole, which was filled with dust and dry leaves, so the tree hole actually played a role in silencer.

So in the few seconds that Qiu Jinse killed Jin Nanzhu, she actually didn’t make much noise. At least people who are within a kilometer away may not find that a stunning performance has just been staged here. The assassination drama!

...Really...really strong! Did Qiu Jinse calculate all of this? Is this the ability of an outstanding soldier in the last days?

A fifth-level upgrader was killed by her headshot like this?

Qin An recalled the details just now, and couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat. If he hadn't had a teleportation ability, he would have been headshot if he had just experienced that kind of assassination, right?

The three bullets were 20 meters apart when they were flying, but when they shot the target, there was almost no time difference, as if they were originally located there.

Jin Zexun dodges the first bullet, and after avoiding the impact of the explosion energy and the smash of the big tree, the second bullet is already less than five centimeters away from his temple!

Jin Zexun pushed back and was shot in the face. This caused his body to completely lose balance and fall backwards. Just when Jin Zexun took his feet as the apex, the ground as the bottom, and the other side of his body formed an oblique angle of 30 degrees with the ground, the third bullet had already appeared at that position, and the distance from Jin Zexun’s temple was less than one centimeter...How about this? Avoid?

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