So Qin An felt that if he didn't have the teleport ability, he really couldn't avoid these three shots! And if he didn't have the power of immortality, he would die completely after being shot!

The name of the blood disciple is indeed well-deserved, this little mute is simply a woman God of War!

Qiao Feng and the three people around Qin An were a little confused. They saw Jin Zexun's death, heard the dull explosion in the tree hole, and saw the whole process of Jin Zexun being shot in the face and his head exploded.

However, they don't know what happened, everything is too fast, they don't have Mental Energy as powerful as Qin An, and they can't think about it too much!

"Kim Ze Hoon!"

Han Xue no longer had that sullen air, and the shouts were rapid and tense. Within a second, after she confirmed Jin Zexun's death by visual observation, she moved quickly and ran to the location where Qiu Jinse was.

As a fifth-level upgrader, she can of course accurately determine where the bullet came from, and can quickly figure out some things.

This sniper is so strong, is he an upgraded? Otherwise, how could there be such a powerful accuracy and predictive ability?

Jin Zexun is dead, and Han Xue has no intention of fighting. The parasitic beast in her body is the fifth-level Thunder Leopard, so her upgraded attributes are the explosive power of the muscles and the attack ability of the beast's claws.

The 100-meter distance was stepped on by the woman in a flash. When she found Qiu Jinse, Qiu Jinse had just climbed down from the tree.

At this time, the little mute face was a little pale.

According to her idea, the two powers were finally killed by her with the cooperation of luck and strength.

But this kind of sneak attack can only be used once in the same time period, and it also takes the right time and place. Qiu Jinse knows that he can't shoot the second ability person.

She originally thought that when she reached the ground, she immediately changed her position and became concealed, but she didn't expect that her feet had just touched the ground and the female upgrader ran over!

What a fast speed! Qiu Jinse feels that Own's body is a little cold, what should she do?

"Woman? You are not a supernatural person?"

Han Xue looked at Qiu Jinse's Movement Technique. Although it was much faster than ordinary people, it was estimated that it was still no better than a first-level upgraded.

She is holding a sniper rifle in her hand, so from the distance, she should have killed Jin Zexun, but is this possible?

Han Xue hesitated, Qiu Jinse had run five or six meters away and hid behind a tree.

Facing an upgrader, Qiu Jinse knew that he would never leave his back to the opponent, and there was only a dead end to escape.

What to do? She can’t win in a face-to-face confrontation. This has nothing to do with luck and self-confidence, but the essential difference between the physical abilities of both parties.

In a head-on confrontation between an ant and an elephant, how do the ants win? Is the other person afraid of yourself? This is what Han Xue thought of after seeing Qiu Jinse's behavior.

She has killed her own companion Jin Zexun, why is she afraid? Is she really just an ordinary female soldier? The few shots that killed Jin Zexun just now were just blind cats and dead mice?

After hesitating for almost ten seconds, Han Xue took out the pistol from her waist and quickly went around to approach Qiu Jinse.

Han Xue didn't want to take risks, so she wanted to use long-range weapons to test.

Qiu Jinse had put his own sniper rifle on the ground, and then took out a pig-killing knife from his waist.

This knife was originally an exhibit at the police station, but Qiu Jinse used it to kill all 13 members of the family.

After being released from prison this time, Qiu Jinse used all the savings he had accumulated before the end of the world to buy out the physical evidence manager of the police station, and only then took back his most convenient melee weapon.

Qiu Jinse knew that he actually had another chance, but it was very difficult to do it.

She must be infinitely close to this female supernatural power, and then shot before being shredded by her powerful power!

Now that the sniper rifle is no longer useful, Qiu Jinse cannot use it to hit the vitals of an upgraded person at such a close distance.

What should I do?

At this moment, a gunshot sounded and Qiu Jinse knew that the other party had done it.

Relying on her familiarity with guns, Qiu Jinse didn't evade the fire from the opponent's muzzle, she just let her body crooked, and then she was hit on the shoulder, and blood flowed out.

Although it was dark, Han Xue possessed Cheetah Eyes and could almost see at night.

Seeing the blood rushing from Qiu Jinse's injured shoulder, Han Xue was surprised and delighted.

The joy is that this woman is not an upgrader, and it is impossible for an upgrader to shed so much blood after being injured.

Surprised to be the own companion, did a fifth-level upgrader be shot to death by her three times? Does she rely on luck, or does she have outstanding marksmanship?

Qiu Jinse bit her lip tightly, and she kept meditating in her chance, only one chance!

Almost suddenly, Qiu Jinse suddenly picked up the sniper rifle next to him, then pulled the trigger six times in a row, and six bullets flew out.

This modified sniper rifle can be loaded with twenty-four rounds and can fire continuously.

Of course, because of recoil, if it is a burst shot, the accuracy of every shot fired afterwards will decrease, except for the first shot.

However, the six shots fired by Qiu Jinse were different.

In addition to being accurate in her marksmanship, her strongest ability is anticipation.

Among the six shots, only one shot hit Han Xue's head, but the other five shots hit Han Xue's abdomen, both sides of his body, one meter above his head, and three meters above his head.

In other words, Han Xue could be hit no matter which direction he avoided.

What a weird marksmanship! Han Xue was slightly surprised, she was actually a little surprised.

Jin Zexun was shot to death by this woman three times just now?

Because of the nervousness, Han Xue's movements became hesitant and sluggish. In the end, she chose to escape to the right, and the bullet that Qiu Jinse shot to the right was rubbed by her ear.

Han Xue only felt a pain in her earlobe, which was obviously scratched by this bullet!

Damn, you can't let this woman shoot!

Han Xue had this idea in her mind.

Since the opponent is an ordinary person with no abilities, even the sharpshooter Han Xue is not afraid. As long as she is close to her blocking gun, Han Xue is confident that she can smash the opponent's head in one second.

Thinking of this, she moved her body quickly, walking forward in a snake-like posture, and she was in front of Qiu Jinse in an instant.

"Little lady, see if I can kill you!"

Han Xue gave a burst, then punched Qiu Jinse to the face.

After Qiu Jinse fired six shots, he immediately threw the blocking gun aside.

Having tried his best, Qiu Jinse was waiting for the moment when the other side moved closer.

Her right hand killing pig knife has been raised, avoiding Han Xue's fist and slowly pushing forward, seeming to want to chop Han Xue's stomach regardless of own safety.

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