Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 986-Female God of War

At this time, the location where Qiu Jinse was located was a relatively empty place in the forest. A round moon hung high in the sky, and the moonlight was very bright.

When the pig-killing knife made of stainless steel and Han Xue's fist brushed head-on, Qiu Jinse suddenly turned the knife face up, and the brilliance of the moon shone on the shiny knife surface, giving rise to a burst of metal brilliance!

Qiu Jinse tilted her head to one side as quickly as possible. Her head actually began to tilt when Han Xue punched. This is also a kind of prediction of timing. If Qiu Jinse and Han Xue are at the same time She couldn't avoid the rapid punch of the fifth-level upgrader.

After turning his head to the side, Qiu Jinse's left hand was still raised at the same time, and that delicate hand was tightly clasped, as if he was about to throw out a punch that Han Xue was coming on!

Han Xue watched Qiu Jinse's head tilted to one side, but was stunned by the brilliance of the pig-killing knife, Han Xue's eyes blinked, before taking back his fist.

When she adjusted to the subtle light, she found that in front of own fist, it turned out to be this woman's fist.

At this time, Han Xue also thinks like this, what is this woman doing? Do you want to fight yourself after avoiding the vitals? It's so naive!

Thinking of this, Han Xue did not change the direction of her fist. In fact, just after the moment her eyes were shaken, it was already difficult for her to take back the punch she threw with all her strength!

At this moment, Qin An was standing on a tree only five meters away from the two women. Of course, he took advantage of Qiao Feng and the others inadvertently to transmit it.

In just a few seconds, Qin An tried to rescue Qiu Jinse from the crisis several times, but in the end he resisted it.

Because he can see all the actions of Qiu Jinse intuitively.

Just after shooting six shots, Qiu Jinse put the sniper rifle on the ground, but quickly took out a ten-centimeter long nail from his pocket and held it tightly in his hand.

What is she going to do?

Qin An was very curious, and opened her perspective to look at the small bag that straddled her waist. There were two bombs and a remote detonation device in it. In addition, there were three golden nails that were exactly the same as Qiu Jinse's hand.

Suddenly, Qin An remembered something.

Whether it is an upgraded or an awakened, the TC virus in the body has the characteristics of repairing the body and repelling foreign objects.

After Su Zhenmei became the awakened person, Qin An used the method of injecting bullets into her body to control her gluttony, and then brought her into Wu You City.

When Qin An was in the maze, he would drink and chat with Cheng Gang every day. After drinking, Cheng Gang talked a lot and talked about a wide range of topics. He once told Qin An.

The ability of TC virus to swallow different substances is different.

Take bullet shells, for example, this mixed metal TC virus is slow to swallow. A fifth-level upgraded person wants to swallow more than 20 bullet shells in his body, and it takes at least 20 minutes.

In fact, TC is not sensitive to the reaction to the cartridge case. Generally, after several cartridge cases enter the body of the upgraded person, it takes about a minute for the TC virus to converge, and then the dead upgraded person enters the TC virus silent state, and the upgraded ability begins to gradually fail. , Knowing that all the shells can be swallowed to restore the upgraded physique.

As for gold, the TC virus is very interested in it. If a small golden leaf is pierced into the body of the upgraded person, all the TC viruses in the upgraded person's body will gather within a few seconds, and then Swallow the golden leaf within ten seconds.

In other words, once the upgraded person enters the substance like gold, the upgraded person will quickly enter the silent state of the TC virus, thus temporarily losing the upgraded physique.

So at this moment, Qiu Jinse is holding a golden nail tightly in her fist. Does she want to silence the female upgraded TC virus on the opposite side, but what is she going to do?

It is obviously not feasible to stab the opponent directly with a nail. Compared with Qiu Jinse's strength, the fifth-level upgraded is too far apart.

No matter how fast Qiu Jinse shot, it was impossible for Qiu Jinse to stab the opponent's body.

Then, just as Qin An's thoughts were ever-changing, Han Xue's punch had already hit Qiu Jinse's fist.

The powerful force directly pushed Qiu Jinse's fist and hit the trunk behind.

When Qin An saw this situation, he immediately understood, and then he was shocked and admired. He had never seen such a smart and brave woman!

Han Xue's punch is more than a few thousand jins, just listening to the sound of clicking, the bones in Qiu Jinse's fist are shattered!

However, at this moment, there was a golden nail in Qiu Jinse's fist.

Han Xue's punch not only smashed Qiu Jinse's fist, but also hit a nail!

The sharp nail tip meets the unstoppable fist, with a big tree behind the nail as a support, the ending is obvious.


Han Xue cursed and retracted her fist, and saw that between her two finger bones, a golden object had crossed into her palm an inch deep, and she only felt that her arms were cramping in pain.

The next moment, her whole body suddenly became hot, and then all the heat was concentrated on the fist in almost a second.

Han Xue was shocked to find that the wound on that fist was no longer painful, indicating that the TC virus was helping her repair the damage and swallowing foreign substances.

It's just that her whole body loses strength all at once? Why did you enter the silent state of TC virus so quickly?

At this time, Qiu Jinse's left hand had been abolished, and the blood was surging violently.

Big beads of sweat dripped down her forehead, her face was as pale as a piece of paper!

However, she couldn't fall in such anguish, because she knew that she only had ten seconds. If she could not kill the enemy who was in the silent state of the TC virus in such a short time, then there would be no chance of turning over.

It hurts! It really hurts!

The whole body was trembling from this pain, Qiu Jinse suddenly bit her lips with her teeth, and then continued to bite until she bit off a piece of meat from her lips and swallowed it in her mouth.

The pain in the mouth distracted Qiu Jinse, and at the same time shared the pain in the left hand. As for the gunshot wound on the shoulder, it is nothing to the little mute today!

When she moved, her right hand was finally able to move, and she finally had some strength!

You know, in Qiu Jinse's right hand, he still holds a pig-killing knife!

This knife, Qiu Jinse has used it to kill zombies, killers, and dangerous upgraded beasts.

Then the only thirteen living humans killed were all her family members.

Now, it is going to be bloodied again, since it already has the name of a blood man, let this reputation become worthy of the name!

Qiu Jinse's eyes rounded fiercely, and then he slashed at Han Xue who was in a daze!

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