Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 989: A Woman Very Like Weng Lan

At night, there was a slight breeze.

Qin An and Qiu Jinse walked side by side, going to see this woman from time to time.

Qiu Jinse now doesn't have the kind of alertness she had before, she is in a daze, she should still be thinking about the strange events before.

Qin An understood that the reason why he was interested in this woman was not only because of her bizarre murder, but also because of the feeling she gave Qin An, which resembled Weng Lan.

They are the kind of quiet people who don't talk to others when they have a problem, they just stay in a daze.

Qin An couldn't forget that Weng Lan stood alone on the balcony of his home, slowly tasting a glass of red wine, and then stared at the full moon outside the window in a daze.

At that time, she had already checked out the symptoms, but she didn't tell her, but kept hiding it.

The dumb girl looked like Weng Lan in a daze. From the outside, she seemed to be just in a daze, but Qin An knew that this woman must be thinking about many things at this time.

In addition to this point, the dumb girl and Weng Lan have the most similar temperaments.

In fact, every woman has a different temperament of every woman.

Xiaoyan is of Xiaojiabiyu's type, and she is a submissive young woman.

Liu Xia is a pure and fresh type. In fact, her temperament is somewhat similar to that of Weng Lan. She doesn't talk much, but she always touches people's hearts.

Lan Yue is a Little Princess type of woman. She has a feminine temperament. She can be coquettish, jealous, angry and cry.

Li Na is now the most mature. After several rebirths, and finally acquired all of Li Na's memories, Li Na now only wants to cherish possession, and has nothing else to ask for. And she already has enough, with her first love as a husband who was once heart-warming, and a lovely daughter, Qin Wenxin.

Except for the four wives.

Wang Yunzhi is a very ambitious woman. Her ambition is not to plan a career, but to obtain a man who can truly love each other. Wang Yunzhi was also very stupid. Before the end of the world, she wasted her time on her married husband Liu Dongfeng, and after the end of the world, she had been concerned about Qin An for so many years. In a sense, she is actually very infatuated, or she is infatuated, but it is a pity that Luo Hua deliberately flowed and ruthlessly, even if one day she really becomes Qin An's righteous woman, Qin An will not have too much true to her. Love.

Gong Xue is a neurotic woman. She probably read a lot of romance novels when she was young, so she was a bit stubborn, so stubborn that Qin An thought she was a fool. It can be said that Gong Xue has never talked about true love in the real world in her life, because she only has Qin An, and Qin An just accidentally passed by her body once. Such a role made Gong Xue look a little pitiful, a little humble, and a little sad.

Needless to say, Rongrong, the beauty on the outside, the old lady in the heart. In Qin An's mind, Rong Rong under the bed is his good friend, and Rong Rong under the bed is a hot and sexy temptress. Qin An can vent on her wantonly and pay the bill with friendship after getting out of bed. But Qin An had to admit that he couldn't do without Rongrong, because Rongrong was his shadow now.

Liu Ru, I have to say that because of her beauty, Qin An is somewhat tempted by her. After all, this is the most perfect woman Qin An has experienced in her life. Perfect enough that Qin An can forget responsibility, forget the world, and want to gallop and indulge on her. Liu Ru's character is actually very childish. She is not young, but she is not mature enough to do things. When she is with Qin An, she often needs Qin An to comfort her.

Then in Qin An's life, apart from Weng Lan, there were four other women who had had relations with him, Ling'er, Tang Yu, Guizi, and Wang Fang who died that year.

Needless to say, Wang Fang, Qin An didn't know her, although he still remembered it occasionally, it was only because of the regret that he could not save her back then.

There are feelings between Guizi and Guizi, but this feeling is more guilty. Qin An regrets that Yin Hanchao put that cute and cute girl into bed.

As for Tang Yu...Qin An is actually a little afraid of her, a pre-apocalyptic leader, a psychopath who secretly installed a camera in his home, isn't such a woman abnormal enough? Isn't it enough to scare men?

And Ling'er, although she has lived for many, many years, her soul is actually far simpler than many people. This may be due to the bloodline character of the god-machine clan girl.

Oh, by the way, in addition to these women, Qin An had a one-night stand in United States, and that night, he experienced as many as seven women.

In fact, although Qin An has many women so far, the emotional line is very clear.

Some rumors say that he is a stallion, Qin An does not deny it.

Qin An felt that since the heart was already dead, what did it matter who gave the body to him? Anyway, the kind of collision between meat and meat can bring him joy, and he can get different pleasures between different women, so let’s indulge. The last days are cold, why should I feel wronged? Lost myself.

If it were not for the conspiracy of the first sword god, I am afraid that he has already given the three sisters of Wuma "three kills" in order to obtain the ability of the sword god. They are the little sheep but even the women around him No matter how much, Qin An has never taken the initiative to pursue anyone.

In other words, his emotions are actually vacant, and apart from Weng Lan for so many years, he has no feeling of being deeply in love at all.

Because of this, when Qin An met some women, he would take the initiative to compare them with Weng Lan.

So now Qin An discovered that the dumb girl next to Weng Lan turned out to be the most like Weng Lan.

Of course, the so-called image does not refer to appearance. In fact, the dumb girl and Weng Lan are different in beauty. Weng Lan is like an orchid in the same valley, beautiful enough to be low-key. The dumb girl is like a white lotus on a snow-capped mountain, beautiful and lonely.

In Qin An's eyes, their feelings seemed indescribable.

After walking a full five kilometers, it was two o'clock in the middle of the night. An abandoned town appeared nearby. Qiao Feng chased up from behind, called the team members, and decided to rest in the town.

It is only two kilometers away from the Yahoo camp.

In addition to investigating everywhere, the squad is also responsible for guarding the periphery, so they do not need to return to the camp when it is dark.

The five people had been to the abandoned town before, and there was no one inside, and there were weeds everywhere, like a fairy valley of green fields.

Since they have been there, they should be safe, and the five of them lifted the front and back defensive formation of 221 and entered the town side by side.

Qin An frowned slightly, there were people in the town at this time.

A man and two women are playing a field battle of one dragon and two phoenixes in an abandoned square one kilometer away from the five of them.

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