Also...I am really interested, what is the identity of the person who can appear here in the middle of the night?

Qin An looked at the man, who looked really ugly, a little bit ugly.

He has a beard and pockmark on his face, his eyes are one big and one small, and his nose is full of nasal hairs. It's really ugly and disgusting.

Looking at the two women, they were pretty good. They were both 30-year-old wives. They were charming and young.

Looking at the end of their excitement, it was obviously not forced by men.

Although the man is ugly, his kung fu is good. Qin An only watched it for a minute, and he used several kung fu to make the two women breathless.

During the fierce movements, the man’s nails occasionally scratched the skin of two women. His movements were indeed too rude, so at this time there were faint bloodshot scratches on the skins of the two women, which shows that they are not supernaturalists. .

And there are so few scars on the man's chest, which proves that he is not a supernatural person either.

Three ordinary people do this kind of thing in the middle of the night, what are their identities?

It's not right, even if they are not supernatural beings, it can't be said that they are ordinary people.

Qin An, a believer of the Ninth Sword God Curse, a believer of the Eighth Sword God Demon Sky, and a believer of the Seventh Sword God Demon Commander, the Demon Whisperer Qin An have all seen them, and they will meet again when they can’t. The people of these nine great sword god races are more annoying than ordinary upgraded people, because Qin An doesn't understand them.

And Li Guisan, who was killed by himself before, should be a member of the nine god-tier tribe. Otherwise, how could he have a sword soul? His Lord of Sect must have a close relationship with one of the nine sword gods, just like the Heaven Seal Sect Leader.

"Dumb girl, now you can talk about how the two upgraded people died... Hey, I forgot, you can't speak." Qiao Feng shook his head bitterly, then lamented.

Google took out a pack of cigarettes called "ashes" from his pocket. This cigarette was put into production in the fifteenth year of the end of the world by the name of the top Tobacco Company. A pack of five blank tickets.

The so-called white ticket is actually a kind of currency. One gold coin can be exchanged for one hundred white tickets, so the value of five white tickets is equivalent to 50 cents before the end of the world.

Therefore, this is a very cheap cigarette.

He took one out of it and put it in his mouth, then took out another one and handed it to Qin An.

"Xiao'an, let's smoke a cigarette. Don't look at this old ashes for cheap, but it's so easy to smoke. It's so powerful that you won't be sleepy if you take a sip."

Qin An took it gratefully. It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, and he had forgotten it. As an ordinary person, he must be a little tired.

Meng Kaixuan walked at the end of the team, he was a little unable to join the group.

Although Qiu Jinse was also a prisoner, she was a beautiful female prisoner. Qiao Feng took good care of her, but he didn't have so much patience with Meng Kaixuan, and he didn't trust him.

Meng Kaixuan has never been alone. He always follows Google. He understands that Google does not exist to cooperate with him, but to monitor him at all times.

He raised his head and looked at Qiu Jinse who was walking in front.

Her camouflage suit fits well.

Meng Kaixuan is forty years old this year. He was only fifteen when the end of the world broke out. He has some memories of things before the end of the world.

Then the camouflage in the army today is a little different from before the end of the world.

Its material is integrated with the so-called T element compound, so it has some color-changing functions.

In the dark, it will appear black, and in the desert it will turn into yellowish yellow, just like the skin of a chameleon, so this kind of camouflage is also called a color changer.

If this dress is worn on someone else, it is just a military uniform. But wearing it on Qiu Jinse's body... Meng Kaixuan's eyes became slightly fascinated, and the blood flow in his body began to accelerate.

He thought of the models he saw on TV before the end of the world. Qiu Jinse's figure was so many times better than those models, so this uniform was worn by her like fashion, it was really beautiful!

If you can find a chance to put this little lady on, it would be sending him back to prison to sit and wear the old bottom, and he will also recognize it.

Meng Kaixuan swallowed fiercely, only to feel uncomfortable all over his body.

Qin An took a deep breath of the cigarette called ashes, and he was really energetic.

Without looking back, Qin An could hear Meng Kaixuan's unusually fluctuating heartbeat.

What's wrong? So emotional?

Looking sideways at the dumb girl, Qin An was relieved.

After that, he ignored Meng Kaixuan who was in heat, and continued to turn on his super vision, looking at the fragrant scenery.

Ten minutes later, Qiao Feng chose a fairly clean courtyard as a temporary residence, which was about 800 meters away from the location of a man and a woman.

"I'll go to the night watch to investigate, not sleepy." Qin An spoke to Qiao Feng.

"Well, go. If you are tired, come back and call me a replacement. I need to be alert tonight."

Qin An nodded and left, stomping out the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground.

Qiu Jinse nodded to Qiao Feng, and then left the courtyard with Qin An.

Isn't it hurt? Qiao Feng was a little puzzled. Seeing that Qiu Jinse's condition didn't look like an injury, where did the blood on her chest come from?

Since he wasn't injured, Qiao Feng didn't need to say anything. The five-person team was originally a group of two during the night watch, and he was not relieved to let Qin An go out by himself.

It's better to rest as soon as possible. At three o'clock in a while, it's when I'm tired, and I'm getting up to exchange Qiu Jinse back.

At this time, Qin An and Qiu Jinse walked out of the campus one after another, separated by five meters.

Twenty-five years ago, this place should be a very developed town. Although it occupies a small area, there are many tall buildings around it. The tallest one has 21 floors. Such a tall building should be rare in a small town of this size.

But now everything is old and can’t see its pre-apocalyptic appearance. The dilapidated walls are covered with vines and green moss. The original street concrete floor has long been broken and cracked, and countless grasses have grown. After the energy continues year after year, it now grows more than half a meter tall every midsummer.

The big trees on the street have become forests. They were sown by their parents twenty years ago and began to grow. They are trees in ten years and big trees in twenty years. They continue to rely on the power of nature to spread their own seeds.

Most species in this world regard the reproduction of their offspring as a mission, and it is only human beings that the process of giving birth is fun or business, right?

Qin An interspersed with the trees and walked in the sky, Qiu Jinse silently following behind.

Slowly, Qin An's pace slowed down, allowing Qiu Jinse to catch up with him, and then walk a few hundred meters forward. Qiu Jinse suddenly reached out and grabbed Qin An's shoulder, and then the two stopped.

A smile flashed in Qin An's eyes, but he was a little ashamed.

He really didn't deliberately want to bring Qiu Jinse to watch the restricted blockbuster, but now that there are outsiders in the town, he always has to check it out, right?

Qin An deliberately pretended to walk forward without knowing anything. Qiu Jinse was really alert. When she was more than 30 meters away from a man and a woman, she heard a strange sound, which prevented Qin An from continuing. Forward.

Speaking of it, this is the first time Qin An has acted alone with Qiu Jinse. In the past, Qiao Feng and Qiu Jinse had formed a group to travel together.

In fact, Qin An rarely communicates with Qiu Jinse, nor does his face and eyes communicate. He usually quietly observes Qiu Jinse when she is not paying attention.

Qin An never thought of getting into trouble. Although Qiu Jinse and Weng Lan have similar temperaments, and although the secrets of Qiu Jinse are very interesting, it is nothing more than that. Qin An does not want to be with Qiu Jinse for this reason. Go too close.

"There is a sound in front of you? Is there someone?" Qin Xian asked stupidly, knowingly.

The dumb girl nodded, but still did not speak, and then the cat stepped forward, obviously going to find out.

Qin An’s heartbeat accelerated for no apparent reason. He remembered the experience of seeing blockbuster movies with Weng Lan back then.

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