"Even if you say that, I don't know where Yata Mirror is.

"At that time, it was the cunning soul who took the Yata Mirror, and you, as her spiritual reflection, can obtain her memory.

What Zihua said was probably true.

Just now I thought of memories that didn't exist before.


CR small story

Those are the "blank souls" that Zihua called, that is, the memories of my body. If Yata Mirror was taken by her, then I should also be able to 'remember' where Yata Mirror was...


For Juncheng, is it really a good thing to be resurrected and return to this world full of anomalies?

"What are you still hesitating about? Isn't your original intention to resurrect Juncheng? As long as you hand over the Yata Mirror, even if you have deceived others so far, you can still be forgiven."

Zihua stretched out her hand to me, the corners of her mouth turned upward, curved in a nervous arc, her squinted eyes were like a lazy fox, casual and dangerous, as if she was planning a ghostly plan.

I raised my head, looked her in the eyes, and said righteously.

"You're lying."

... what?"

"The things you said are basically true, but you lied about one thing. You said you wanted to resurrect Juncheng, but you didn't actually have that kind of plan."

"The realm in the mirror is also the most suitable environment for your 'spiritual body', right? That is to say, after handing the Yata Mirror to you, you may also hide the Yata Mirror and be alone. Zhan. Cheng.. In this case, why should I trust you?

Zihua's smile froze.

Then it was revealed.

....huhuhuhu, oops~ I've been discovered~ I thought that if I told you the truth in advance, you would fall into self-denial despair, so obediently hand over Yata Mirror.. But now, it seems that I You think too simple. Even if it is a fake, there is still a persistence in the fake

"Please correct me, my feelings for Juncheng are not fake, even if everything else is fake and borrowed, this feeling is the only one.

"Huh... so what! You have no chance of winning! An Zi'ai! Jun Cheng was locked in the inner space of the Yata Mirror by you, and I will lock you in this period of time today! Repeat infinitely, no matter if you escape It's no use going anywhere, there's no way you can escape from here!

Zihua hysterically reached out to grab my hand.

"Hand over Yata Mirror! An Haoai!"

I slapped her hand off with a slap and gave a vigorous reply.

"I reject!'


Chapter 20 Precarious Day (1)

Zihua's complexion changed, her smile disappeared, her pupils dilated, and her iris became dull.

"Then don't blame me for being rude...

The tone changed from the relaxed and calm before, with a terrible deterrent in the heavy! This made me feel once again that the person in front of me is definitely not Lan Hua!

If Lan Hua is a benign disease, Zihua is undoubtedly a malignant disease! He will do anything to achieve his goals!

Zihua raised her hand, and water condensed in the air around her.

Those water may have been condensed from the air, and the amount is not very large. It can only be condensed into a water ball the size of a projectile.

My intuition made my body react before I thought about it. I jumped forward and rolled, rubbing the skin on my elbow.

In the next second, I heard that the place where I was standing was penetrated by a small water ball, leaving impact marks on the asphalt.

She really has other abilities!

I quickly got up with my right hand on the ground and ran forward, trying my best to get in front of obstacles such as street lights or flower beds, and at the same time, I leaned down to prevent being sniped.

After running to the corner of the crossing, he immediately turned and fled into the building.

Adjust your breathing...


The ability to manipulate water? Also... It's good that there is no water source nearby. If there is a water source, I will be caught immediately.

What is the matter with Zihua's abilities?

Zihua is the future Lanhua, but Lanhua himself does not have these abnormal abilities

Will it be owned later?

Speaking of which, Ji Zhibing, the eldest lady, and Xueqing didn't have abnormal abilities from the beginning, they were all abilities acquired by awakening as "women of misfortune".

So, is Lan Hua also?

But there are only four witches of misfortune, and now they have all confirmed their identities. Right...

In other words, did she awaken her ability through other things? And she has such a powerful ability as time rewind, which is really unfathomable.

However, Zihua with such a powerful ability finally died.

What happened in the future, even Lan Hua, who has become so powerful, is listed. Since even Lan Hua is dead

, Then what about the others? What has Jun Cheng become?

Zihua once said that he was here to stop me, which means that another plan of mine succeeded.

, Juncheng has been living in the mirror realm in Bazhi Town in the end?

......No, it's useless to think about it now.

And, now that I'm still in crisis, what's the use of thinking about it?

If there is no escape from this \'locked time\', then there is no future.

Turning around and stopping, after changing a few hiding places, probably in the evening, the time started to go backwards again, and I returned to Zihua again.

"It's no use escaping anywhere.

"But I can only run away now, right? I'm not like you group of dangerous girls with abnormal physique, I have all kinds of abilities.

"Huh, you're an anomaly yourself, you're just a fictional being, used by the ontology to restrain other people's sacrifices.

Pin, don't you feel unwilling in your heart?"


Not reconciled.....

Of course there is.

After knowing everything from Zihua's mouth just now, there was an indescribable complex feeling in my heart.

It was as if something was stuffed in his chest, and he was about to faint.

That unwillingness...

The unwillingness of not being able to save Juncheng in the end.

At the moment before Jun Cheng's death, no one was by Jun Cheng's side. It looked like that. But it wasn't.

'so I

There, Jun Cheng's body was entangled by Xiangyuexun's hair, and his body was swallowed up, but there was nothing he could do.

Extremely dissatisfied.


"Want to convince me? It's a pity, I won't be recruited by you... Interrogation is also useless, so if you want to be serious, just cut it off.


"Anzi loves you-"

Get angry, then lose your mind and attack at will.

Attacks made in anger will have a lower hit rate.

The water bill didn't hit me, I ran away and mixed into the crowd, going to the last one.

I continued to evade the attack in the same way, and the water bombs fired indiscriminately

escaping in different directions.

Continuing to say, the unwillingness in my heart is not because I am a fake, but an illusion-like virtual existence.

This unwillingness was so strong that even I felt the same.

If 'I' had a body, if 'I' had strength, I would be able to help Juncheng, so that Juncheng would no longer have to sacrifice himself to save himself.

other people.

However, the 'I' at that time couldn't do it, so I could only lurking and waiting for an opportunity.

At the very end, at the moment when even Juncheng's soul will be swallowed up, I've taken away Juncheng's soul and sneaked into the Yata Mirror.

In the middle, he escaped to the realm of mirrors.

If it is in that world, 'I\' have the authority to change the world'. To be able to create a place where Juncheng can enjoy peace and tranquility

Ordinary world.

But the girls who depend on Juncheng will not allow him, even if Juncheng dies, they will pull Juncheng out of the underworld and from hell.

Come, use any means to revive Jun Cheng.

Even if he dies, he won't let him go.

Originally, I thought so too, no matter what method I use, I must be resurrected. But that's because I didn't know that I was

I am a spiritual reflection from the realm in the mirror.

But now I know that Juncheng went to 'my world'. I decided to change my mind.

For Juncheng, living in that world is also a kind of happiness.

Even if it's fake... so what if it's fake?

The spiritual reflection is not a completely fabricated guy, but a spiritual body copied from reality.

Originally, a mirror is an object that illuminates the body. Can you say that the self in the mirror is not yourself?

According to Juncheng

So there is nothing wrong with saying that the realm in the mirror is a parallel world, and there is another me by Juncheng's side,

's will to 'adjust' that world. Whatever Jun Cheng wants can be given to him.

Even if he reopens a harem, he can do whatever he wants. In that world, there are also girls with the exact same personality and appearance for him.

Playing around, you don't have to worry about the harem catching fire, it's a fantastic world.

But girls in the real world don't. Xu... Juncheng has been staying in the realm of the mirror means that girls in the real world

We can never see Juncheng again, so if they know about this, they will definitely bring Juncheng out of the mirror realm.

.It needs other people to attract them.... That person is me, and the task I am responsible for is to contain this.

some girls.

And in order for me to gain their trust, they sent me from the Mirror Realm to this world a few months ago, and they also fabricated a

This parallel world theory makes them mistakenly think that I am Juncheng from another world.

And because I incorporated Jun Cheng's spiritual reflection, I did play the set role without any flaws, and successfully played the role.

gain the trust of others.

In order to prevent the plan from going wrong and being noticed by the girls, I don't remember this fact.

\'That's what happened.

And don't have to tell.-I can 'remember' it myself.

Because that's how it was originally designed.

If Zihua doesn't appear, I will continue to look for Lanhua. Of course, Lanhua won't have a Yata Mirror in his hands, and then I will find another.

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