Repeat this process.

-At first I thought about why things have become long and complicated like plot missions in online games--now

Thinking about it, isn't it just to procrastinate?

After that, I will follow the guidance of Ariad's Wet Wire to find the location of Yata-kara -- and then I will 'recall everything' ●

Then, the thing to do is to transfer the Yatagara mirror again so that no one can find it.

However, now there is a Zihua, and the plan is all messed up.

After a long time, time stopped again, and then reversed-

No matter how many times hide and seek is repeated, Zihua will never let me go.

When the time rewind is over, this time I will sternly say to Zihua.

"You are obviously from the future, but don't you know where Yata Mirror is? Ah, that is to say, you were not told 'at that time'

What the **** happened. Hehe, to be excluded, how pitiful?"

"Hmph, stop talking.

At that time, because An Zi loved you and deceived everyone, no one knew the truth of the matter.

By the time of dawn, it was already "all over", but this time I won't make the same mistake again.

"Oh, aren't you just repeating the same mistakes now?"

The water polo was shot silently.

Of course, I was not stupid to dodge immediately, but because of the previous two experiences, Zihua predicted where I was hiding, and the water polo directly penetrated.

pierced my upper arm.


Although I was ready to get injured, I couldn't help but groan when my arm was penetrated.

Struggling to run to the corner, a water ball rubbed across my back, tore my shirt, and cut my skin.

Escaped to the side of the public toilet in the park, I took off my sports clothes, and used the nail clippers on the key ring I carried with me to make a T-shirt opener.

- Partially bandaging the wound.

I have to wait until the time goes back to... The wound will return to its original state by then.

But the next time Zihua's attack will be more precise.

But in order to find out where Yatagakura is, she should not kill—no matter what kind of injury she gets, she has to hold back.

Zihua doesn't seem to be able to use this ability at will.

Although she said that she would repeat it infinitely, she would never let me go no matter what, but there should be a limit to the number of times she can use this ability.

The first is the 'cooling time\', every time the time rewind is around the evening, if she really can rewind the time at will, then she should

The moment I escaped, go back in time and torture me repeatedly to force me to speak out.

Then there is the 'effect time'. There should be a limit to how long Zihua can go back. If it can go back a few days, why not?

When I let down my guard and went to Yata Mirror, I followed me to find out the location, but did I have to know it from my mouth? And she also said that she would

I \'imprisoned in the period of today', that is to say, she can only go back no more than one day.

In every respect, isn't this ability like magic?

Just like in the game, the use of magic needs to consume MP-, Zihua must also consume something when using this ability, although it is not.

You know what exactly is energy, but this energy must have an upper limit.

And it's still a terrifying ability to rewind time. - Its consumption will definitely not be too small.

Then as long as I endure to the limit of the number of uses, when Zihua can no longer go back in time, I will run away from her.

is my victory


"Until I can't go back... do you think so?"

My heart trembled! This voice came from above!

"Yes, you guessed right, to use \'Mercury Reverse Reincarnation\' is indeed to consume a lot of fate... But, you think I will

Give you a chance to hold on to the end? The first two are just used to 'record your choice direction'."


I forgot a fatal fact. She who used to be Lan Hua---

Zihua is also born (stalker) Ah!


Chapter 21 Precarious Day (2)

He left the place for the first time, but his shoulder was still bruised.

I covered my shoulders and ran forward reluctantly. Zihua's next shot hit the surrounding ground with such force that it broke up the sand.

Although the grit hurts my back, the dust is a good smoke for me to hide.

I took the opportunity to slip under the slide, over the seesaw, and threw myself into the bushes.

Immediately prostrate, but this time he can't escape casually.

Mixing with the crowd is the best way.

Then, try to escape to a place where there are no surveillance cameras, such as an alley or something, so that Zihua can't detect my trace.

After leaving the crowd, I burrowed into the narrow alley in the middle of the building and hid behind an old telephone pole.

I forgot, she "used to" is also Lan Hua, because she keeps track and surveillance of Jun Cheng around the clock, so surveillance cameras are all over the city.

The previous two times were recording the direction of my choice, as a speculation?

In that case, you can no longer go to the places you have been to before.

Damn, after all, I have limited feet, and I can't escape too far, but there is no point in taking a taxi. Zihua must know the direction of the taxi.

There is no place that is absolutely safe.

Can I just run around with my head around?

Going to find other people to help... It's impossible.

Although I did not know the truth of the matter before, but from the results, I really deceived Yu Hui and Xueqing and they were shameless to seek their help.

. A”or Mu Xiaowan

...Or, I can continue to deceive them.

As long as they don't tell them the truth, they won't know that I am the one who knows the location of Yata Mirror and Juncheng, and in their eyes, Zihua will become the one who obstructs Juncheng's resurrection.

But as long as this method fails one step and is preempted by Zihua, I will become completely helpless.

How to choose...

"To deceive them again...

The previous actions were all unconscious, so I didn't feel too much guilt, but this time, with all the information I know, I can really... harass them again...

I am still influenced by too much Juncheng.

What are you still hesitating about, An Ziai.

You are not An Juncheng, and you don't have to be as honest and honest as him, right?

As long as the goal can be achieved, whether it is cheating, cheating, or lying, all of them must be used.

After thinking of this, I'm going to call Lily.

The reason and lines have been thought out. Let her help to stop Zihua. It will definitely bring a lot of trouble to Zihua. It would be the best development if she can be exhausted to the point where she can no longer use time backtracking.

Taking out the phone from his pocket, the battery was only 2% left.

When I left the supermarket in the morning, I didn't fully charge my phone, and now that it's almost noon, it's normal for the battery to be low.

A little play

With only this amount of electricity left, there is no way to explain the matter, it seems that it can only last until the next reincarnation...

Suddenly, my neck became cold, and the water flow turned into tentacles and covered my neck!


I would be so foolish to take it for granted that Zihua can only condense water bombs... This kind of liquid can obviously change its shape at will!

And this liquid rope keeps cutting.. What should I do!

The water tentacles wrapping around my neck are still slowly increasing their strength, and they are dragging me out. I clung to the telephone pole with one hand.

To cut off. Find something to cut off this flow!

The water that Zihua manipulates can only be a ball, otherwise she will definitely use shotguns instead of firing them in bursts...

Then just cut this part and I can escape!

"Uh, ah ah ah ah ah..


It was as if my neck had been stabbed by countless needles, and there was an obvious burning pain. The whole person seemed to be eating a sap, almost making me faint.

There was a burning smell from the part where the bullets and scratches were made before, and for a moment I felt like I was going to die.

The heart is very uncomfortable, the chest is tight, the heart is flustered, it seems that someone is holding it tightly, and I don't even care to breathe...

Hydropower... It's really good enough, Zihua...

...where did it come from.


'Just in time' won't let me die?

SE right trivia

I cried out in pain, and... although it was embarrassing to say it, the bottom seemed to be a little wet... I was about to leak urine...



Suddenly, the light flashed, and before I couldn't help urinating, I struggled to take off my sweatpants, and even took off my panties. Then I lifted my thighs and put out my M legs. Pissed out...

Peeing next to a telephone pole is like a mother...

Fortunately, this alley is very remote and there are no people, but I still want to die ashamed...

But as long as 'that' doesn't get wet.

I tore the sanitary ware from my panties, and slowly wrapped the water-absorbing part around the thickness of two fingers. …

Then force-pinch!

Very good! Success! The water flow is cut off!

The water tentacles that wrapped around my neck turned back to normal water, and flowed down my neck into my collar. The cold feeling woke me up.

I gasped a few times, and I didn't even have time to lift my trousers, I even scrambled to escape from under the telephone pole.

The broken water tentacles didn't follow, probably because there was a distance limit, or there wasn't enough water.

Anyway, now is a good time to escape!

I didn't have time to wipe the bottom, - and lifted up my **** and sweatpants, and started running again.

Her body was still slightly paralyzed, and she could only run slowly against the wall.

Haha..haha..this time it is really dangerous

I didn't expect Zihua to be able to manipulate water so freely, and she must be able to do more detailed manipulations.

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