"Xueqing! Are you alright! 4 times! Open the door! Xueqing fainted!"

Egg! You have to be persistent in such an inexplicable place, you are also influenced by that idiot Juncheng! You can't be in trouble! SMi-_

Otherwise, Juncheng's lo*ic*n will get mad at me when he comes back!


Chapter 35 Dream and Reality Exchange Day (4)

"The frostbite is very serious, and it needs to be sent to the emergency room immediately for treatment. One. Really, at this juncture, what internal conflicts are you having?

After finding the finger, Yuhui immediately asked Yuhui to open the door of the refrigerator and sent the snow to the medical institution of the organization in Heijie.

"It's not an internal conflict, it's just a special way of communication.

Although there were some conflicts, they didn't break out into an irresolvable conflict. If Xue Qing was serious and didn't want to hand over Jun Cheng's fingers, I'm afraid even all of us together would not be able to beat her.

"Is there such communication? Don't tell me it's physical communication.

Yang Nana showed an unbearable expression on her face. Various recent events have made her frown exponentially. As the leader of the organization branch, she has to worry about a mountain of things, and new troubles. She also appeared one after another, she must have been heartbroken. The skin that seemed to be well cared for at first can also be seen now - the slightest wrinkles, especially the crow's feet at the corners of the eyes.

Of course, these words can't be said in front of her, otherwise even a heartless succubus will definitely have a burst of emotions.

Age is a taboo issue for women, although I haven't reached the point where I need to be concerned about age.

I'm still a young, beautiful and beautiful girl. I'm only seventeen years old both in appearance and inwardly. That's when my value is the highest~

Although I won't sell it, hehe.

"Anyway, this brings us a new clue.

It's almost - it's almost done.

The thread of Ariadne's Thread has become very small. Judging from the current size, it is probably only necessary to find two more clues to get the 'answer'.

Now I have a butterfly necklace, a Yata Mirror, a succubus, Yuhui's memory and Juncheng's fingers.

Although most of the things in it are unclear how to use it, for example, where to use the Shaking M succubus—but the spool of thread should guide me.

When all the conditions are complete, maybe we will know the specific implementation method.

"Master Ziai, so you are here.

At this time, Yuhui also came back. When I sent Xueqing in just now, I asked her to do it by the way - do a memory search to see if I can find the memory I need.

"Well, do you know which memory it is?

"It's still not clear. Although the memories of previous lives have faded, there are still traces left. It's really hard to find a specific passage in the memory that is several times that of ordinary people, and it's not clear where the memory is needed-- part.

"That's it. Well, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work, I'll know for sure at that time, I just want to give it a try-try it to see if I can get to the bottom of it.

"I'm very sorry, I couldn't be of any help.

"What are you apologizing for? It's better to say that if you can grasp a clue, it has already helped a lot."

Yu Hui's mood was very low. Even though so many things happened, he didn't do anything and didn't help him, so he was very shocked.

She has always been close to Juncheng, but in the end, Juncheng died and she did nothing. Now that she wants to resurrect Juncheng, she can finally provide a little help, but she doesn't know how she can help. She must be very unhappy.

I can feel that feeling. Because the unwillingness that came from the main body is still occupied in my heart.

But this knot can only be solved by her own. No amount of words of encouragement I say are useless, but I can assign her some tasks to make her feel that 'she is also useful'

"Okay, then I'll go look for the next clue, I'll ask you to take care of it here, Yuhui.

"Master Ziai, you have also been in the refrigerator for so long, is it okay to be healthy?"

"No problem, the only thing about this body is that it is durable, you can play anything.

It can also release heat when it is about to die. It can really be released while it is 'hot', but it is very likely that it will melt directly in it and cannot be pulled out.

"Child love

It's just a dirty joke, don't look at me like that.

"Wait a minute, Lord Ziai, won't you change your clothes?

"Change clothes? Ah pfζMi-

I'm still wearing a maid's uniform, which is a bit conspicuous here.

"Should I change into a nurse's uniform?"

"My son loves adults!"

"Okay, just kidding, there's nothing wrong with wearing this outfit. It's a very suitable 'welcome' outfit, isn't it? After all, Juncheng is actually a maid.

"Huh? Also, is there such a thing?"

"Hey, that's right, so Yuxi, you should also change into a maid outfit. When the time comes, all of us will put on maid outfits and stand in two rows to welcome his return, and he will -- he will immediately cheer up. "

Maybe the following will also cheer up, that's all, there's no way

"Really, female+"."

FSF Light Novel

Huh? Are you really thinking about it?

Speaking of which, I was the one who fooled her into wearing cat underwear to give Juncheng chocolates. Yuhui unexpectedly listened to other people's opinions easily in this aspect.

As long as the banner of 'righteousness' such as 'for Juncheng' and 'Juncheng likes' is displayed, it seems that no matter what, he will agree to it.

Oh ho, then you can play a lot of special PLAY, and you can also admire her shy expression, which is really wonderful.

Hmm, just joking (half-laughter).

"Then I'll go first."

This is the end of the wrangling. I waved to Yuhui and Nana, and pulled a thread out of the thread, ready to continue the journey of finding clues.

But Yang Nana stopped me and said.

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you too.

"Hey? Principal, don't you still have a lot of things to deal with? Is it okay to follow me?

"It's alright, things on your side are more important, and I'm also a little wondering what the method to revive An Juncheng will be.

"If it goes well, the clues can be found quickly, but if it doesn't go well, the devil knows how long it will take.

I thought she wouldn't follow me if I said that, but I didn't expect that she would insist on following me this time.

"No problem, let's go, don't waste your time.

Because he was unfeeling, his face was expressionless, and he didn't show any emotion, so he couldn't see what this person was thinking.

Beware - let's go, although the organization is our backer now, but we can't completely believe it. Especially Zihua's attitude towards the organization can be said to be bad, but she was also a member of the organization when she was Lanhua, Even if there is no sense of belonging, it is not so annoying.

What happened, that's why you hate the organization so much.

Continuing to follow the thread, I didn't expect to reach the destination without leaving the black street.

"Why are you back here again?

This is the black and blue mansion again.

In the end, do you want Mi Gu to be famous for a few times?








"It's here

"Sure enough?"

Looking at Yang Nana's complicated expression, she must know something!

Being able to predict the location of the next clue, maybe she already knew the method of resurrecting Juncheng! It belongs to him

"Don't get me wrong, I just thought of another when you said that 'An Juncheng's finger' was one of the necessary clues.

Just the remnants of .

"Huh? What did you say?



degree’ to rank

"The clues of the Ariadne Line can only be provided one by one. According to the existing information, it seems to be based on the

In order, then you can understand what the clues of the fingers will be after thinking about it.

Because there is the leader Nana, I can go to the bottom directly. This time, it is her turn to lead me to the clue.

In fact, by the time we got here, the answer was already clear at a glance.

When he came to the room that contained her again, the thread pointed directly at her behind the glass.

Or rather, the blood-red dress she was wearing.

Nana glanced at the thread in my palm and said.

"Look, it really is.

The material of that blood-colored dress is 'Juncheng's blood'.

"Finger, and then blood, it seems that the final answer will be very close to the option of 'remodeling the body'.

"But didn't I remember saying that this method would not work?" The factor feature

"Yes, generally speaking, it is not possible, but blood also has many uses, not only carrying human genetics.

And inherited from parents, ancestors. Dong and that person's 'karma' can all be expressed in blood.

"Anyway, Juncheng's blood is one of the necessary conditions, that's right.

"Yes, there is nothing on Xiangyuexun's body except Juncheng's blood, so it can only be blood.

ah r5y

Rather than saying that it is a rare material that is extremely difficult to obtain, it is better to say that it is simply an "impossible dream material"

To forcibly take away Juncheng's blood from Xiangyuexun, she will definitely cut it into scum like chopping melons and vegetables. ' shock

Xiangyuexun's spirit is still very unstable. Although her body and soul are safe, she is affected by "Juncheng's death in front of her eyes".

Affected, now she has not returned to normal at all.

To put it too much, she is now a mental patient at all.

Want to communicate with her peacefully and let her give up Juncheng's blood?

That's impossible! Ice, but

Moreover, the snow situation that can compete with her is being treated due to frostbite, and the only person who can compete with the witch witch is Ji Lian

That eldest lady's ability is 'death', no matter how you think about it, it's too dangerous.

Then what—to release Zihua?

But will Zihua help us?

Rather, at the moment of release, she has the possibility to escape. some progress

And she also has the extremely dangerous ability to look back in time. If Wan- let her activate it, it will be completely over.

It will instantly go backwards to the origin, I can't take such a risk

what to do - things seem to be deadlocked

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