"Don't worry anymore, that's why I'm here with you.

"Do you have a solution?"

"Send Xun into the Yata Mirror.

Yata Mirror?

It is possible to do so, but

"It's not that you can enter the world in the mirror at will when you have a Yata Mirror in your hand."

"I know, but I can.

"Where does the confidence come from?

"The mirror world inside the Yata Mirror is also a spiritual world, so there is no difference between dreams."

"It doesn't seem right to say that.

"That's right.

"Don't forget, 'Succubus' is also called 'Dream Demon'."


Chapter 36: Dream and Reality Exchange Day (5)

"Is it really possible?"

"I can't fully guarantee it, but it is theoretically feasible. First, take the smoke into the dream, then put the Yata Mirror in her hand, connect her dream with the spiritual world in the mirror, and finally let me Take her to the dreamland.

"This is just a theory, there is absolutely no way to guarantee it.

The current Kazuki is in a super unstable state, isn't it? Wan-If he fails, he might annoy Kazuki, and then things will get out of hand.

"But this is the only way left now. Or do you have any other way?"

"Fortunately, Xun now is like a neutral monster in the game. As long as it doesn't violate her bottom line, that is to say, she doesn't show any intention of blood, she won't attack us.

Indeed, when she tried to communicate with Kazuki Kazuki before, she was even able to reach a dialogue with me.

Although the content is completely out of line, her reason is still in a state of collapse.

"I understand, but for the sake of safety, let's go and bring those two people here."

"Two maids who should be able to come in handy should be nearby. I'll go and find them. Principal, adjust the dog's posture here first, and I'll be back when I go.

Ignoring the headmaster's greeting, I left the room with a casual wave, and headed to the other--Bian Ji Lianbing's containment room.

Walking into the room, he found that Ji Lianbing was the only one, the head maid had not returned, and the other maids were not there either.

"Hahaha, you came back so soon, have you found the answer?

"Not yet, but I guess it will be soon. Lianbing, what about the other maids?"

"Because the new maid is clumsy, I let her go home. What, is there a place to use them?"

Ji Lianbing has a clear mind. Seeing that I asked about the maids, she knew that maybe I was going to use the maids.

I'm not polite, I just nodded and said.

"Well, I need to use Lin Bai and that cat ear, what's it called, Xiaoyu?"

"Okay, then I'll ask Shirley to bring the two of them back.'

Hmm? Come back?

Ji Lianbing snapped her fingers, and the space in front of her was cracked about a finger-long crack. The crack opened like a raised eye, and the eyeball inside was like an onion, with a pattern of circles and circles.

"Xue Li, bring Xiaobai and Xiaoyu here."

The order was conveyed to the head maid through the 'eye', and then the small eye closed, and then appeared in the air - a huge eye that was several times larger and opened horizontally.

As their eyes opened, the two maids thumped to the ground and screamed.

"Wow!" "Meow!"

Lin Bai seemed to have pressed Xiaoyu's tail, and the pain was so painful that Xiaoyu rolled and blew while hugging her, so much that tears came out of the corners of her eyes.

The ability to teleport the two maids in an instant is really convenient.

"What are you doing meow.

Eh, according to my past experience, this should be the biography of the head maid."

"Don't get up soon."

"Meow! Lord Lord! I'm so sorry meow! Xiaoyu will get up now meow!'

The cat-eared maid Xiaoyu seemed to be very afraid of Ji Lianbing's appearance, so she stood up in a panic, while Lin Bai stood up slowly.

"Then these two maids will be handed over to you, Zi Ai, there is no problem with 'using' them however you want, anyway, there are as many cat-eared maids as you want, hehehe~

"Hey hey?!"

"Don't use such misunderstood words, it's not too long to frighten the cat, it will be sent back later, you two, come with me.

Xiaoyu followed behind me tremblingly, as if she was about to set foot on the execution ground, her eyes were dead.

I saw that she was in a bad state, so I patted her on the shoulder and asked.

"I won't do anything to you, just use your abilities where necessary."

"Liar meow meow, I heard that people nowadays like 'cat-sucking' meows! It's so scary meow!"

"I don't think it's physical inhalation, right?

It would be better to say that there are many cat slaves in human beings, all of them treat cats as their masters, and they proudly call themselves **** shoveling officers.

Juncheng is the type who takes care of cats meticulously.

But just when I wanted to correct her misconception, Lin Bai with a relaxed expression put his hands behind his head and said casually,

"Miss Zi'ai, I think it's better that you don't tell her the truth. This silly cat is very easy to get carried away. If she dies in front of the eldest lady or the head maid, even Sister Yan won't be able to save her. "

"Hey, you seem to have become more relaxed.

I heard from Jun Cheng that Lin Bai should be the most unstable one in the maid troupe. When Jun Cheng said about her, he would call her a 'doing maid'.

Lin Bai proudly raised his barren chest, wiped his nose with his index finger, and said proudly.

"Hey, that's of course~ Now I'm not the youngest maid, and the head maid won't order me for everything!

"Uuuuu, they're all calling me meow.

"Of course, I'm your senior, do you have to listen to me! Be obedient & stand still!

It seems that with Xiaoyu, Lin Bai was freed from his long-term exploitation. This is just like the brothers and sisters in the family who always use the youngest one, Xiaoyu replaced Lin Bai's position.

"I really don't know what to be afraid of, the maid. It's better to say that the best thing for the maids is the maid, and the head maid is the most terrible, okay! You don't know how the head maid worked without you before. Mine, that's **** at all!"

Lin Bai seemed to have finally found an outlet, talking about her tragic experience without spit, but at this moment, a gap opened behind her.

"Ah, Lin.

"Seriously, that arrogant and domineering old woman has no idea how many years she has lived. Looking at her full head of white hair, it is estimated that she has already exceeded four digits.

A hand stretched out from the gap between the open eyes.

"Behind you

"Hahaha, don't scare me, Miss Zi'ai, the head maid doesn't really know everything, she doesn't have eyes around me, so she can't hear me!"

That hand grabbed Lin Bai's face from the front, and squeezed her face into a ball. I even doubted that the head maid could crush her brain just like this.

But of course the head maid couldn't do such a **** thing, she just retracted her hand and even brought Lin Bai's head into her eyes. Just looking at this scene, it was like a U-turn. Lin Bai's body struggled desperately, and in the end, he suddenly became stiff, his whole body was exhausted and trembling, and yellow liquid flowed from the maid's skirt.

"Ah, that, Miss Shirley, don't take her away, I'm still useful here."

Although he didn't get a response, after about ten seconds, Lin Bai fell to the ground again with a plop, his upper and lower mouths were dripping with fluid, and his expression was very dull.

"The eyes are dead.

What happened in this short period of time?

Taking Xiaoyu and Lin Bai trembling back to Xun'er's containment room, Nana asked with a frown when she saw them.

"What happened to these two?"

"Perhaps I saw the real horror - well, let's not mention this, let's talk about it now - assign the task. Xiaoyu, grab Nana's shoulder, and after you fall asleep, observe her expression, if the expression becomes very serious Ferocious, you immediately activate your ability and jump to the line of 'without entering the dream', you know?

"Forcibly get out?

"Well, and Lin Bai, hey, are you still awake?"

"Yes - please feel free to

Although she stayed for a while, she still seems to have the ability to think in action. The perfect head maid is really not going to make others numb.

"In case Kazuki attacked Nana's body, I'll ask you to treat it.

"Okay, but in order to complete the replacement, the damaged body part must be removed first, is it okay?" "Okay

Now instead of being more efficient, sound =

"Okay, then let's go in and meet her for a while.

Entering the isolation room, Nana, who was at the front, spoke first. "ticket

Kazuki and Nana used to be good friends who lived together, and they had a very kind attitude towards her, which is one of the reasons for Nana's confidence.

"Well, let's play a game.

"Playing games? Wow, what do you want to play?

"The eagle catches the chicken."

Wow, this person can actually say that the game will lower the IQ by three levels without changing his face.







"Okay, okay~ Then I'm going to be a mother chicken!

"Oh, then please love you to be an eagle.

I know, playing this game can make two maids touch her body logically, in a situation where they can activate their abilities at any time.

"Then let's start the game~"

Kazuki got out of the chair for the first time, eager to start the game.

And I, who volunteered to be an eagle, also pretended to catch Nana behind.

Xun opened her hands in a protective gesture, and the blood-colored dress on her body was like wings. This deterrent—she got serious!

But I didn't want to catch chickens at first. If I want to say something, I just need to meet you.

I stepped forward and grabbed Kazuki Kazuki's hands, and asked her to put her hands on the mirror surface of the Yatagara mirror that she had already taken out.



The next second, Xun and Nana collapsed to the ground together, and Jun Cheng's blood was scattered all over my body.

I've already fallen into a dream. I can't tell what will happen in the dream.

However, how are these blood collected? I forgot about it. I would have prepared the container in advance if I knew it earlier.

Go ask Lily if she has any unusual items that can be used.

"The two of you are watching here, and tell me something right away, do you know?"

The two maids nodded and stood by.

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