After sending Xun'er to bed, I went out of the apartment on my own.

Let me save you.


Chapter 46 Falling into the Devil's Way

To find snow conditions as soon as possible!

I don't want this kind of regrettable situation to happen in the end.

So go back to Heijie first, I can't find Xun'er alone, I need help.

Now I don't have permission to enter the black street, so I have to go to the park first. If I guess correctly, there will be a 'guardian'.

I ran to the vicinity of Beishan Park, there were very few people in the afternoon, and most of the people still in the park at this time were the guards, and I didn't have time to go.

"[Give me the permission to enter and exit the black street.]\"

The third one, who seemed to be walking the bird, reacted after hearing my words, walked over uncontrollably and put his hand on my back. It seemed that he was the 'extras' who was in charge of guarding the side.

After I have permission, I can enter the black street from any entrance and exit of the city. I directly enter the black street, and then go straight to my lover without stopping.

Xueqing's house never locked the door, so I simply pushed the door in and shouted loudly.

"Snow! Is the snow there!"

There was no response, most of the snow conditions were now under siege.

Why didn't I find out sooner? I should have noticed this morning when I saw the snow situation and didn't come to school

Feeling more and more irritable, searching around Xueqing's house, she couldn't find any clues at all. She didn't know where Xueqing went.

At this time, I suddenly thought that there should be other people in this house.

"Hey! Men in black! I know you are here! Tell me where Xueqing has gone!"

There was no response.

These guys have never appeared in front of people, but now they can't help but keep silent.

"[Get out of here.]\'

I am a little angry, with more power of destiny entrained, and the coercion will be stronger.

A total of four beautiful young ladies in ladies' suits appeared from all kinds of weird places, which made me have to secretly sigh that women's bodies are really soft - oh, yes, I don't know if I used too much fate, they It really came out of 'get out', it seems that I have to think about the words in the future, otherwise I will be a bit of a ghost.

No, what the **** are you talking about? Hurry up and ask Xueqing's whereabouts.

"Do you guys know where Xue Qing went?"

The young lady at the front didn't even dare to lift her head, she lowered her head in a duck sitting posture, and said in a trembling voice.

"I, we are not very clear, our task is only to take care of the daily life of the snow, provide the necessary materials, and will not interfere with my actions.

I squatted down, put my index finger against her chin, forced her to look up at me, and continued to ask.

"Really? Do you know what's going to happen if you're playing tricks on me? Huh?"

Miss Sister looked desperate, her eyes were full of tears, her lips and voice were trembling.

"Really, really, I don't know

Well, you can move now.

no useful information


This cry brought me back to reality. I saw the four little sisters hugging each other and shivering, and the warm liquid spread out on the floor.

Some wondered, was I really that scary just now?

Forget it, since there is no information here, let's go back to Lesson 6.

After leaving a sentence of 'clean up by myself', I left Xueqing's house and ran to the building of Section 6 of the Search Department.

Take the elevator directly to the usual event hall, and call out when you enter the door.

"Miss Qiuzi! Miss Qiuzi, are you there!\'

After waiting for a while, Miss Akiko, who likes to scare people in a white nightdress, didn't come out through the wall.

Others are also absent, Eddie and Phil, and Ai-chan are not there. They are all in school at this time, so it is normal to be absent.

Damn, it happens at such a time.

Where else can I get information? Other classes?

But I don't even know where the other classes in the search department are and they won't be able to get information on the snow situation.

Things didn't go so well

I squeezed my chest, and the anger pouring out of it almost burned my brain and made me lose my mind.

On the verge of becoming insane, my strong reason told me to calm down, anger can't solve things, it will only be a waste of time.

I suddenly realized that I am now

's state is very wrong. I was not that irritable person before, and being able to calm down at any time is the magic weapon that I have always been able to solve. or Mu Xiaowan

But why is it so emotional now?

Yang Shifan, can he also be effective for me?

this juncture

"Stop making trouble!"

However, the feeling of swelling has slowed down a little, and sure enough, physical blows can still control emotions.

Huh, don't be in a hurry, since there's nothing here, go next.

The vision suddenly darkened. I thought the lights in the activity room were turned off, but the lights on the ceiling were still on—

Is this?.

I immediately straightened my upper body, and when I looked back, I saw a chubby shadow wearing a round hat. It was this abrupt shadow that blocked my face just now.

"Mr. Shadow!

By the way, Mr. Shadow is also good at gathering intelligence!

I heard that in many places that are difficult to sneak into, Mr. Shadow sneaks in and gets important information.

Now any clues are life-saving ropes, I lie on the ground excitedly and say to Mr. Shadow.

"Mr. Shadow! Do you know Xueqing? It's Jiang Xueqing, a very short girl with gray hair and a cute puppet-like appearance. She is an outside employee of the organization. I'm looking for her now!"

Mr. Shadow made a thoughtful gesture, then nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

Know! He knows!

"Great! Can you take me there!"

The shadow of the arm changed into the word followme\'.

very good!

God help me too!

"It's not too late, let's go!"

I got up in a hurry and saw that Mr. Shadow has changed two new words, one is \'wait\' and the other is \'light\'.

wait, light?

Do you need light?

Oh, there is no sun in the dark street, it's always cloudy, so the shadows can't move.

In other words, I have to carry a mobile light source with me. . 0ctzf

I turned on the flash of my mobile phone and walked out of the activity room, and saw Mr. Shadow moving within the range of the light—with a gesture of ok.

Then there is no problem!

With the help of Mr. Shadow to guide me, after exiting from a certain entrance and exit in the black street, I walked through a remote alley, and finally arrived at my destination.

Mr. Shadow moved under my feet and continued to move towards the corner of the alley within the range of the flash.

I have a very bad premonition, the laughter from the front seems to be telling me that I can't move on.

@Infinite boutique good text please search





Friends who like Wanben remember to recommend it to your book friends!

But I still stepped forward, and the pace was getting faster and faster, my mind was blank, and I was running away.

Finally, walking out of the alley, there is a very empty space, there is a high-end apartment in the center of the space, and the door is open.

I saw it before I entered

The snow is right there.

Her body was dyed red, covered with bruises and bruises, and she lay on the ground weakly.

The ghosts around were sneering, laughing, laughing wildly.

I continued to walk forward, and I couldn't tell what I was in the mood now. I was so angry that I laughed? No, I couldn't even laugh. I just felt that my face and expressions were frozen, and my brain felt a sense of expansion.

When I walked into the hall, a ghost had already spotted me, and I couldn't understand what they said, and I couldn't understand it. It was probably 'how did humans appear here' and so on.

In short, these guys definitely don't want someone to disturb their feast, so they want to exclude me, a human who suddenly broke in.

I didn't speak, I didn't want to say anything at all.

A second before the tip of the ugly ghost's fingernail touched me, it said by itself in words I could understand.

\"[I be damned.]"

Trash should look like trash, no, you don't even deserve to be trash.

The ghosts were horrified, and screamed at me to tear the silence, and then - Qi attacked me.

I still didn't say a word, I could only see the snow in my eyes, and the others.

[Let him die. ]

When I arrived at Xueqing, no ghost dared to approach me anymore, and no ghost dared to laugh anymore, because all ghosts who dared to do that were dead.

I picked up Xueqing and felt her heartbeat. Although it was very weak, it was still beating.

still alive

very good

catch up

If it's a little later, maybe the last thing I want to see will happen, and I don't even know what I will do.

I have to send Xueqing to the hospital quickly. Let's go back.

I turned around and was about to leave, but I heard someone call me.

"Wait a minute, young man.


At the same time as I turned around, many ghosts screamed, unable to even look at me, knelt on the ground and shivered.

But there are still some more backboned ones. The one who stopped me was a well-dressed old man, wearing black feather knitting, with a rather majestic appearance.

"You are so angry because of what happened to her? But do you know how many of our people this little girl has killed and how many of our compatriots? space."

"What does your reasoning have to do with me, I only know that you hurt my friends, and now I'm so angry that I want to run over you all to death.

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