"What a self, but this is also self-affirmation. If you have the desire to live, there is nothing more important than this.

"Ten seconds have passed, [Go to hell.]\"

"Ha, 'falling into the devil's way'.

"Leave only." After these words, the dust will return to dust, the earth will return to the earth, and it will never exist again.

Up to this point, no ghost dared to stop me again, so I left this place of right and wrong with Xue Qing in my arms.

On the way back, I suddenly remembered what Zihua once said to me and Zi'ai.

At the time, I thought her views were too biased, but now I suddenly feel that maybe she is right.

If you can't even protect important people, what's the point of the others?

Ah, actually, I should have done this earlier.

What about other people's life and death?

Those who hurt them will get in the way of my home

Just get rid of it all

Very simple truth.


Chapter 47

"It's out of danger, it's just too much blood loss, it may take a while to wake up.'.

"Very good milk.

In the hospital in Black Street, after waiting for several hours outside the operating room, the good news finally came.

I let out a sigh of relief, my back slipped off the seat, and even my shoulders took off.

The person who notified me that Xueqing was safe and sound was Nana. It was thanks to her help that Xueqing was able to receive treatment in the first time, otherwise the situation might have gotten worse.

"Thank you for being able to find her. That place is a multi-barrier. If you don't walk in the right direction, you will encounter a set of ghosts hitting the wall. Not to mention finding the end point, you can't even walk out."

"It was Mr. Shadow who brought me in."

"Mr. Shadow?

"No, nothing

I saw a chubby figure waving his hand behind Nana, probably signaling to me not to reveal his existence.

This time, I was able to find the snow, thanks to Mr. Shadow. It can be said that he is a great benefactor who has helped me a lot. I will never forget this kindness.

I remember that when I first joined the sixth lesson of the search department, I heard Miss Qiuzi say that Mr. Shadow was looking for his 'main body', so I'll help him find it too.

Nana noticed the direction of my eyes and looked back, but Mr. Shadow had already left.

"What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, but I have something I want to ask you. You know that Lei Qing has no Xun'er's soul and can't be transformed into a ghost, but you don't stop her and watch her go to death?"

"We didn't know where she was going in advance, and the ghosts set up such an obvious trap, but she still stepped in.

Even though she no longer has the power to transform into a ghost. She still went

I can't understand this, but I can probably think that the snow situation also has its own reasons. I have never understood this reason before, and now I have to understand it -- let's go.

"Can you tell me about Xueqing's past? I want to know why she is so obsessed with hunting ghosts. There is a reason why the organization will accept Xueqing as an outside employee. she was incorporated into the organization

After Nana was silent for a while with her arms crossed, she checked my eyes again, and after realizing that there was nothing she could do now, she began to slowly recount the past.

"Eight years ago, there was a plane crash that killed all 96 passengers and nine crew members, including four children. Jiang Xueqing was one of them."

"Plane crash? Did something go wrong?"

"Later, after inspection, it was found that the aircraft did not have any faults, so it was designated as a man-made accident caused by the inexperience of the captain.

Human-made accidents, if it is really that simple, there is no need to talk about it.

In other words, there must be an inside story here. Does this have something to do with Xue Qing's obsession with killing electricity?


Nana nodded solemnly.

"Well, it was a group of ghosts who attacked the plane. The reason is still unclear. The strength of this group of ghosts is extremely powerful. Each of them is a big ghost. If we divide it by the abnormal level of the organization, all of them have the strength of B-level.

That is already a level that requires a large number of people to suppress, and it is not one but a group that appears.

It doesn't matter why she attacked the plane, what matters is that the snow situation was in that plane at the time, and this may be the reason why she hunts ghosts now.

"The habits of ghosts" - I don't need to explain to you, and these ghosts eat very badly', you can't imagine what kind of field in the plane is more unsightly than the rice gnawed by locusts

Unlike Xun, who had to eat because of instinct, all the other ghosts can eat people.

Ghouls are relatively weak among ghosts. They only feed on carrion and do not take the initiative to attack humans, but other ghosts are not so environmentally friendly.

Was Xueqing in that kind of **** on earth at the time? Besides, she was still young at the time, so she definitely wouldn't be the one who took the plane alone, that is, her parents were persecuted by ghosts?

"At that time, Jiang Xueqing, her parents and sister were all killed, but she was only nine years old, but she survived, and was finally discovered and accepted by the organization.

Qing. How did she survive?"

SF Light Novel

While the thought of 'that's great' poured out in my heart, there were also doubts.

If it was just an ordinary plane crash, it is possible that he survived because of luck, but the truth is that the plane was attacked by a ghost, so why did the snow conditions go unnoticed?

"Ah, at that time we had the same doubts as you, let's not say why the group of human enemies didn't eat her, the most important thing was her 'why is she still alive'

"What's the meaning?

"Did you think she was found intact? No, that's not 'alive' anymore. When she was found, she was buried in the rubble holding - her mother's severed hand. Body Almost none of the bones in her are intact, broken bones, visceral removal are just one of them that can easily take people's lives, and these are all concentrated on her body, but she did not die.

"how can that be?!"

To be able to survive with that level of injury is no longer the level of tenacious vitality or strong willpower. Ordinary people would never be able to survive.

"Because at that time she had become a murderer."

"Before Xun gave her her soul, Jiang Xueqing was already a murderer, and that's why she can easily control ghosts.

"What did you say

Murderers are those who are possessed by ghosts and gain power at the cost of selling their bodies and souls, but at the cost of continuing to kill and sacrifice.

Killer ghosts can be said to be puppets. They have to work for their 'employers', that is, the ghosts attached to them. They kill people within the specified time to fill the ghosts' stomachs, or they will be eaten.

But how could the snow

"Yes, it's the kind of murderer you mentioned. After these people gained the power of ghosts, their bodies surpassed ordinary human beings, and they were between humans and ghosts. They took pleasure in killing people, so they were called murderers. Jiang Xueqing has always been She's been dealing with these murderers, but she's the same kind as them

"She is not Xueqing!"

Xueqing is definitely different from those scumbags

All in all, with the power of ghosts, she survived. What can be known is that the ghost that gave Jiang Xueqing power is quite powerful, and she can't die even if she is injured to that extent. However, her body was already broken, and it was no longer able to be cured by ordinary treatment methods.

Speaking of which, Nana looked back

The closed operating room said with a look of memory.

"Although the power of the ghost allowed Jiang Xueqing to save her life, it also rejected the use of other abnormal props to treat her, which can be said to make her 'better to die'. Perhaps the ghost did this simply out of bad taste. Bar.

"Why did the ghost do this?

"do not know.

"Perhaps it was a whim, the way of thinking of that group of aliens has never been understood by human beings.

@Infinite boutique good text please search





Friends who like Wanben remember to recommend it to your book friends!

I have mixed feelings in my heart,

"At that time, we were helpless and could only stare blankly. At this time, the group of lunatics in the R&D department unexpectedly proposed a solution to transform Jiang Xueqing's body and use Jiang Xueqing's own possibilities to heal her. \'Physical Growth' was transformed into 'Physical Growth', which is why she kept her nine-year-old appearance.

"I see

This is the reason why the snow situation doesn't grow much.

Replacing growth with growth. Although literally only one word has been changed, it is definitely not easy to do this kind of thing.

It's really a shame that those guys can come up with this method. Although the people in the R&D department have been secretly called blasting geniuses by the people in the organization, they still seem to be able to play a role at critical moments.

"Then, the reason why Xueqing has been hunting murderers is because

"You must kill people within the 'specified time', otherwise she will be 'backlashed' and die, but Jiang Xueqing, the ilrkiller she chose, hunts and kills murderers, this is also to find the ghost that has possessed her.

"That ghost is still alive now?

"Yeah, and it never appeared once, didn't even leave a trace, and never ate those murderers killed by Jiang Xueqing, probably to hide their whereabouts.

Why do you do this

"Jiang Xueqing went straight to hunt and kill the murderer just to find the ghost, but I didn't expect her to be so obsessed, she knew she couldn't use ghost humanization and still cast herself even if she wouldn't die easily. , it's too risky. If you don't arrive in time this time, she's probably doomed

Yes, even knowing that, she still went.

It shows that this matter is so important to Xueqing.

In what mood was she looking for that ghost?

For revenge?

Or is it for

This can only be known by asking her.

I decided to wait for Xueqing to wake up and ask her carefully.

But what is this unbearable feeling in my heart that I am jealous of?

jealous of that

Is this also because my underlying feelings are amplified?

"Speaking of which, you seem to have used fate?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, what's wrong?"

"You seem to have frightened the little girls in the chores department.

At that time, I was in a hurry and immediately gave the order. "

"It's a small thing, but you'd better not use it casually, some people are closely watching your actions.

Are you watching me?

But I didn't feel the sight, and I haven't seen a stalker smarter than Lan.

"I see."

"Speaking of which, aren't you going to meet her?

"Huh? Who?

"Who else could it be?" Nana said, nudging her chin towards her feet. "The one below, she's thinking about you so much."

Qing - not a little mother

Are you going to see her?


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