Chapter 48

Miss Shirley said that I must stabilize my own existence, so I need to retrieve the memories I have experienced in this world, and that memory is kept by my mother.

Although Lou Ling came to tell me later, in order to carry out the plan, the memory could not be retrieved, so this matter was shelved.

But no matter whether there is a reason or not, I always go to see her.

In this world, Li Nai didn't become a zombie and doesn't live underground, which means she lives alone...

It must be very lonely to live alone in that isolated underground.

Speaking of which, she will bear that kind of curse because of my relationship, can I ask the world to lift the curse given to her?

The light above the operating room changes from red to green, indicating that the operation is over.

I quickly got up and went to the door of the operating room to welcome the snow after the operation. Looking at the snow lying on the bed with a respirator, my heart is bleeding.

9. Love...

Xueqing was still awake, her eyes were half-open, and she made a faint sound.

During the operation, were you awake all the time... I held her little hand and said.

"You don't need to reply to me, you have a good rest and get well soon."

"Huh, great, finally willing to close her eyes and have a good rest. Although we have given her anesthesia, she just refuses to close her eyes, and her consciousness has remained semi-conscious all the time...

He followed the doctor who came out to take off his mask, saw Xueqing finally fell asleep peacefully, and said with a long exhalation-zero breath.

Nana glanced at Xue Qing and said to me.

"Maybe it's because someone finally held her hand.

I heard just now that when she found snow under the ruins, she held the --broken.-...for her, that was the object of hope for her young mind.

That's why Xueqing is so obsessed with incompleteness.

Because that remnant hand is her only 'family'

I stayed with Xueqing all the way, and only let go of her hand when I saw her on the hospital bed. When my hand left, the snowy expression in my sleep became disturbed, and my hand was struggling to move as if looking for something. I was really reluctant to part, so I held her hand again.

Forget... If you don't go, just stay here with her today.

"Aren't you going to go back?"

"Well, I won't go back today, I'm here to accompany her.


Nana didn't say anything more, nor did she persuade me to go back. The succubus, who understands people's hearts, must have sensed my mood at the moment.


An anxious voice came from the door, and it was Xun'er who came over.

Looking at Xun'er lying on the hospital bed, she almost exclaimed, and hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands, but some sound still leaked out.

I saw tears swirling in her eye sockets, her eyes were blinking, and the pea-sized eyeballs had flowed down her face. Xun'er and Xueqing are best friends. She cares more about Xueqing than anyone else, and she can entrust her soul to the other party... From this, you can see how much she trusts Xun'er. snow.

"How could it be that Xue'er was hurt so badly, it's all my fault...

"This has nothing to do with you. If you want to say it... no, let's not blame each other. In short, if Xueqing can survive now, it is already a misfortune.


Xun'er also looked very lost. Her original mental state was not very stable. It was really hard for me to worry that she would not be able to bear this kind of blow again.

The ward fell into silence for a while, everyone was very sad, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

"Sure enough, something similar happened... but we didn't help anything this time...

Xun'er wiped her tears, cheered up, and said suddenly.

"Nana, is this also designed by the organization?

Wait, the organization is designed? What do you mean?


"There are so many ghosts in this city because of the "Zombie Crisis" that happened before, which produced many living corpses, so many ghouls gathered here. Ghosts are creatures that will evolve for the sake of their own evolution. Devouring the weak... 'small fish' like ghouls gather in large numbers, naturally attracting other 'big fish'

So, ghosts will come to this city, in the final analysis, because of the zombie crisis?

And the zombie virus was spread by the organization. The current underground city, which was originally a newly developed city, was brought into the inner world after the incident and became a part of the inner world.

The purpose of spreading the zombie virus is to find the scourge of the plague, that is, Li Nai. After that, Lianbing was in the ground, surrounded by corpses and awakened to the scourge of death. The ghouls were lured by zombies, and Xun was therefore a taboo, and finally awakened to the scourge of famine. In the same process, Xue Qing also awakened to the scourge of slaughter.

Now one-thinking, it's all connected.

Could it be that... all of them were designed by the organization?

I feel a chill down my spine.

"What's going on? Nana? I need an explanation.

...I didn't know it would turn out like this.

Nana also frowned deeply... Is she really unaware? Or... Is it something she didn't expect...

Xun'er stared at Nana for a long time, then moved her eyes to Xueqing again, then looked at me and said.

"Forget it, I'll talk about those things later--Take this opportunity now, Juncheng, you and Xueer establish a fateful connection.

I almost choked to death on my own saliva.

What did you say all of a sudden...

Now is not the time to think about it.

The original serious atmosphere suddenly became strange. When it comes to establishing a fateful connection, I need to stick out my tongue to lick it...

Licking and licking the snow still lying on the hospital bed, this has gone beyond perversion and has reached the level of a ghost.

A ghost can do it!

"Let's wait until the snow gets up. It's not good to do that without her consent. -- Besides, she's still wearing bandages.

r Mu Xiaowan

"When Xue'er wakes up, she won't rush to say, Juncheng, do you know that Xue'er was originally a murderer?"

"Well, I heard Nana say it just now.

"Murderers need to kill within the specified time, but Xueer's current state should not be able to recover in a short period of time, even if we use saliva to help her heal.

"Ah, there is this question...

The main problem of Xueqing now is that he loses too much blood, and he doesn't know when he will wake up. During this time, he can't hunt and kill murderers.

Although this time is usually set by the possessed ghost, I don't think that ghost would be so kind to see that the snow is injured and then set the time...-. In the end, you can't count on the other party at all, God knows that Just what the **** was thinking.

"Otherwise, I'll go and catch the ghosts =

"Don't be so troublesome to say, there is another way - once and for all, as long as you establish a fateful connection with Xueer, Juncheng, Xueer will be able to get rid of the shackles.

Is it enough to establish a fateful connection?

"Because we have got rid of the rules of ghouls now, and if we establish a fateful connection with you, we will be able to return to the 'original state'. Originally, the awakening of the sorceress was bound to be accompanied by woes, but now we just skip it. said about that process.

I originally thought that after Xun'er re-established the fateful connection with me, it was only to restore the memory of the original world, but after listening to Nana today, I found out that it is not the case.

The soul is restored to integrity, no longer needs to eat corpses, and the most important thing is to lose a lot of blood. These are the characteristics of Xun'er after awakening as a witch.

Why is it blood? Mingming Xun's ability can choose other things.

Because in the original world, Xun'er chose liquid at the beginning of his awakening. That was to leave my blood behind.

In other words, re-establishing the fateful connection is not as simple as restoring memory. It will trace its origin and restore it to the state of awakening, skipping the middle process.

But nothing happened when Xue Qing woke up.

Xueqing was pierced in the chest by the irrational Xun'er. I used my destiny to save her life. The resurrected Xueqing awakened to the slaying witch and gained the ability to kill everything.

Speaking of which, I was able to do that kind of thing at the time... Even if I have such a huge power of destiny now, I can't be able to bring people back to life on the spot.

Does it really have anything to do with the method of use?

"Juncheng, don't you want Xueer to recover quickly? Returning to her original state means that her current injuries will also disappear.

Yes, according to this inference, it is true that the injury will also disappear......

"That is to say, this is the treatment of behavior.

"Therapeutic behavior?

There is a feeling of forcibly persuading myself, and a kind of rush to make excuses for my perverted behavior. …

"Isn't it okay to toss and hurt people like this, at least wait for the snow to get better, okay?"

"Don't linger any more", this is also for the good of Xueer, do you have the heart to watch her continue to look like this? And now Xueer can't be a ghost, but with Xueer's character, she will definitely be in the future. Continue to stubbornly hunt ghosts and say, can you stop her?'


"So, after awakening, Xueer can also gain power, so that she will not fall into this danger again. No matter from which perspective, now Juncheng, it is the best choice for you to establish a fateful connection with Xueer.


Oops, I feel like I'm about to be persuaded.

But there is another kind of thing that if you really do that, you will feel like you will become even more ghostly.

Speaking of which, why did this happen? It felt like a serious and heavy atmosphere spread across the ward just a few minutes ago, but now that sadness has disappeared somewhere.

"As Xueer's best friend and best friend, let's say it! Xueer will definitely forgive you for saying it!"

Indeed, with Xueqing's character, I probably wouldn't care about such a thing, so I would be forgiven.

"So, hurry up and say it!"

What does it feel like to be forced to lick another loli by one Ioli?

It's like wearing a father's suit and going to an informal bookstore to buy a little yellow book -- like...

There is a sense of guilt in the excitement.


Chapter 49

"So, where to start? The head?"

"It's not easy to talk, and Xueqing is still wearing a breathing mask, and some parts are out of reach.

"That's right, so it's better to start with the body, right?"

"Yes, but the body is basically wrapped in bandages, so we can't take off the bandages first."

"If it's relatively thin, it should be okay to say, but you have to try it to find out. If it doesn't work, then take it apart and come back -- it's good to say it again."

"Do you want to take off the bandage and lick it? But the sutures used for sutures are spiritual threads. Juncheng's spiritual power is too strong, and direct contact will break the sutures, and in that case, the wound may burst.

"So we have to make this process a therapeutic process, and we can say it with our saliva."

"Oh, and this is true, even if you can't find it, you can quickly heal the wound. Although other items will be rejected, it doesn't matter if you smoke your saliva.

"That's what it said.

"Then why don't you just take off the bandage from the beginning and lick it all over your body?"

"So is it? However, depending on the amount of saliva we secrete, it shouldn't be enough.

My ears automatically ignored the discussion of the two people around me, watching them analyze calmly over there, I sweated for myself and Xueqing.

The two bosses here have already started to study where is the best place to start, and even specifically analyze which factors will hinder this

I said, why are you two really able to have such a misunderstood discussion about the injury?

Qing, do you think it's better for me to escape now? I always feel that if I stay here, I'll have to tarnish your situation.

"So Juncheng, wait for us to spit out some saliva.

"Huh? What? Zero water?

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