"But you took her legs away from her.

"Ah, this is indeed true, after all, she is really in a bit of trouble, so I deprived her of her mobility.

"Then this reason is enough, [kneel down. or" Mu Xiaowan

With the sudden order, the other party's eyes widened and he took a step forward. The floor of the park fell three inches, and he forcibly endured it.

"Wow, it's really domineering, do you want to be hard?

"You are quite powerful, in fact, you are even more powerful than me.

Unlike Yang Shifan, who canceled my ability with fate, this person did not use any ability.

"Where, compared to you, I am insignificant at all. You are destined to replace and become the world. How can a small character like me dare to compare with you?"

Sure enough, he knew that Lou Ling was a matter of the world, and even knew of the world's plans.

But the world has no reason to tell him the plan. How on earth did he know about this plan that only the world and I know about?

"But that's also a matter of the other world. It's hard to say whether you will become a 'God' in this world.

I was really shocked!

"I don't have any conflict with you. Your woeful witch is not what I need, and my sinful witch is not what you need.

\"You are the master of the seven deadly sins?'

Isn't it said that the life master and the old witch are super scarce, and the probability of drawing five stars is even smaller than the probability of drawing five stars - ten thousand times?

But why are they appearing one by one as if they don't want money? How many life masters and witches are gathered in this city?

Are you going to fight a holy war here?

"Exactly, and you have nine fates yourself, and you don't need to rob me, so we can sit down and talk peacefully, and even help each other, right?'

Qiye held out his hand to me, with a kind smile on his face.

I slapped his hand off and said disdainfully.

@Infinite boutique good text please search





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"You are wearing gloves when you shake hands, you have no sincerity at all." h

"Oh, this is really rude." SF Light Novel

"It's too late to pick it now, I won't join forces with you, hand over Xi'er, or I'll kill you.

"It's really sad

The smile on Qiye's face disappeared, with pity in his eyes, he snapped his fingers, and a bunch of people appeared in the surrounding bushes.

Subordinates? Are you going to use the sea tactics?

But it's not the first time I've been outnumbered by myself.

Back then, when I was surrounded by dozens of killers, I still pretended to be a coercive calmly, but now you just want to deal with me with just a few of you little shrimps? I must have looked down on me too much.

Moreover, if you still needed to save your destiny at that time, there is absolutely no need for that now.

"[Fall down,

As soon as he finished speaking, the killer who ran towards me threw a dog and gnawed at the mud on the flat ground without any obstacles.

This is really underestimating me. Since Qiye knows my affairs so well, there is no reason why he doesn't know my abilities. Knowing my abilities, he uses this useless crowd tactics? I don't think he is so stupid guy

That is to say, this is just a pretense, and there are hidden tricks that have not been used!

Sure enough, Qiye appeared in front of me in the next instant, and teleported over! I wanted to insert my fingers into my stomach like a knife. It was very difficult to avoid this. I didn't have time to speak at all. , while letting the body step back, let Qiye speak by himself to start the disaster from the mouth-

Che last night, just when I was about to release the acceleration of my thinking, I saw Qi Ye's mouth move. I thought it was a slap in the face of speaking under my order, but the floating corner of the mouth told me that things were not so simple.

Oops, hit the plan!

I've already jumped backwards, and I can't change my posture. There must be a killer move waiting behind me. Is this the end?

After all his cards were revealed, he was finally deciphered by such a simple method. He has already calculated it! It is precisely because he knows my details that he can decipher it in the simplest way. I don't know what will be waiting for me behind my back, the dagger inserted into my chest? Or is it ready to press the trigger - the other way is, I can't hide, I have given up the struggle, ready to eat the attack from behind.

However, what was waiting for me behind my back was completely different from what I had guessed, and it was not something hard.

It is divided into two parts, soft and pleasant to the touch.

Huh? Could it be?

A girl's chest - and it feels very predictable. This size is a bit familiar. Unfortunately, I don't know how to recognize people with breasts.

Then I saw a pair of arms wrapped around my neck and hugged me. They wanted to strangle me.

Isn't this equal to giving me a chance? If you don't cut me off at once, I will have the time to use ventriloquism to unleash the disaster. It's impossible for the other party to not have thought of this.

Do you just want to hug me?

uh, no

However, the result was as I thought, the other party seemed to just want to hug me.

And the Seven Nights in front of me was under my command, saying that I would fall' and was pressed vertically to the ground.

The speed of thinking was released, and the back felt the feeling of the deformed and expanded puff, the other party hugged me tightly, and then he didn't let go.



Huh? What is this way of laughing?!

Could it be, shouldn't it?

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm about to die from loneliness, so good night.

Before I could call her name, I lost consciousness on the spot.

"Then as promised, he belongs to you, and the horn belongs to me.

"Well, the transaction is completed, you are very annoying, can you disappear quickly?

Yes, I hope I don't see you again in this life, terrible woman. "

"I don't want to be told by guys who want to be demons.

"I want to be a demon, and you are a real demon. I really sympathize with the person you hold in your arms."

Huhuhu, you won't understand, this is love, right~ Juncheng~"


Chapter 76 The Original Ending

He woke up suddenly, and his head regained consciousness immediately. Maybe it was because what happened before the coma was so shocking that I didn't even dream this time.

I remember the person who appeared behind me before I lost consciousness, the voice ringing in my ear was indeed she-

There's definitely nothing wrong, I won't admit it, it's definitely

"Ah, Jun Cheng~ you're awake~"

When she opened her eyes, she saw that familiar face. She looked down at me with a happy smile on her face.

Unlike Lan Ping's style, she was wearing a black Lolita dress.

All the fallen leaves nearby had fallen, and there was light snow falling in the sky. In the silent white, the disproportionate black was like mourning clothes, and it looked ominous.

But I don't care about this kind of thing. It's great to see Lan again.

"Huhu, you slept for a long time, haven't you had a good rest recently?"

I feel a little more at ease, it's not an illusion, I'm lying on her lap, this feeling is enough to prove that she really exists.

I have always believed that one day I will be able to see the disappearing blue again, and I have been trying my best to find it, in order to make everyone happy, in order to usher in a happy ending, so even if I feel empty and sad , I also moved on.

"You can surprise me every time.

"Huhuhu, in order to be able to see you again, Juncheng, I've lost a lot of strength.

"It turns out that it's not just me who is looking for you, you are also looking for me to work hard for you."

"No, I've always been by your side, it's just that you didn't find it or you can't find it.

"Huh? Can't find it? Speaking of which, everyone doesn't remember you. What's going on? I thought your existence was wiped out, so I started a lot of troublesome missions to save you. I didn't expect that. Blue, you actually appeared directly.

I originally thought it would lead to a perfect ending where everyone is there, but in the end I found that someone was missing, which is unacceptable to me.

"It's not that my existence has been erased, but the traces of my existence have been erased."

"So what's the difference?"

"Huhu, there is a difference, I haven't disappeared myself, but I can't leave any traces in this world, no one will notice me, they will treat me like air, um, if I want to say, it is Like Juncheng before, you have become a little transparent with no sense of existence, but on my side, it has become transparent in a conceptual sense." "U

I probably understand, that is to say, Lan herself did not disappear, but what she did and what she once did have become non-existent, so everyone will forget her,

"Then why does this happen?"

"I inherited my memory from Zihua, but I didn't use the 'brain in a vat' to prove my existence like you did, Juncheng. As the existence left over from the previous world, my existence cannot be proved, so I simply I'll be \'isolated'

"Uh, it's a bit complicated.

"Huhuhu, I knew that Juncheng, you little idiot, can't make you understand with such a conceptual explanation method.

Lan Xiaohe pointed my nose with her index finger and explained it in a pleasant tone.

"Then let's compare the whole world to a computer system first, and Juncheng, your death is equivalent to deleting a certain file by mistake, so the future me, Zihua and Zi'ai want to restore this file, But I found that no matter what method I use, I can't recover it. At this time, what will you do, Juncheng?\'

system restore?

If there is no way to restore it, it can only be restored! It turns out that, I understand!

So, will it be 'restored' to five years ago!

"Yes, we did that, and after the system was restored, Juncheng, your files were restored, and we even overwritten the new file with the original file. So Juncheng, your 'content' has not been changed, but I did. It's been 'quarantined' as a virus, and it's like a hidden file, so it becomes invisible.'

"I see, it's a good analogy, I understand what's going on.

"But with such a messy operation, the whole system went wrong.

Ai huh?

The system is wrong?! This means that the world is wrong!

But it's weird that you can't go wrong with such a mess. Speaking of which, it even appeared in front of me and said it would go wrong, that is, it would really go wrong.

"All of us know what the cost of doing this is, and we know that doing this will make the world 'hurt', but for Juncheng's sake, for our own selfish desires, we did it anyway. Planned and executed it all, Let the fate of the world deviate from the original track

o Mu novels

Crazy women. Really can do anything.

It feels almost like a sick girl who came back to kill her for the sake of a loved one.

So I'm also more curious. I've always wondered what happened to them before they came up with such a crazy plan in desperation.

"Anyway~ I won't talk about complicated topics. It's best if you are still alive now, Juncheng~ and you don't have to worry about things turning into the original way~"

"I'm more curious, what happened to me in the original world, it will make you despair to the point that you have to change the world, you now have the memory of Zihua, so you should know about it.

@Infinite boutique good text please search





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