Zihua didn't tell me at that time, probably because he was afraid of affecting the progress of the plan, but now that the plan has been completed, let me know what happened in the future of the previous world line.

Anyway, that kind of thing won't happen again.

"Yes, in the original world, Juncheng, you died.

"After that, I was resurrected, but it wasn't a complete resurrection, it was considered a living dead? In short, it was just a pseudo-resurrection, so Juncheng, you still completed your sacrifice.

"Well, I remember Zihua said that I would finish the whole house and then?"

'Then, Juncheng, you continue to encounter all kinds of dangerous things as always. The witches around you wake up one after another, and you have collected all four misfortunes, three dilemmas and nine lodgings, which means you have successfully established a harem.

"Hey, it doesn't feel too bad.

Isn't this the development of HE? After building a harem and collecting nine fates, can't I change the world according to my liking?

This is simply the perfect ending to both money and beauty.

But looking at Lan's expression is not the case.

She lowered her head and looked straight at me, her eyes were wide open, and my appearance could not be reflected in her dark pupils.

"Of course

She still has a smile on her face, but that smile is no longer warm, a icy smile novel

"We were abandoned.

The future that was unwilling to be mentioned was finally revealed for the first time.

The cruelest truth about girls


"Yes, compared to being betrayed, we won't have any complaints about being killed. If you die for Juncheng, any of us can accept it, but the thing we are most afraid of is 'not being needed' or you Abandoned us face to face and never looked back at us

I gave up on them - but why would I do such a thing?

They are obviously the most important to me, and it is for them that I am willing to go through those hardships, so why would I abandon them?

Except I am not me anymore.

"Because at that time, Juncheng, you had already completed giving up, giving up your heart, giving up your feelings, giving up your body, and giving up your nature. You have lost your 'self', only your soul is left, and you have returned to the most pure and impurity-free state at the beginning. We are already unnecessary to you.

Sure enough, that's why Zihua wanted me to resurrect me with a body no matter what.

Prevents me from completing the fours, because once the fours are done, I lose myself and discard them.

And this is something more difficult for them to accept than death.

"With this, Juncheng, you have completed the 'Three Nothings' by abandoning us, no disasters, no disasters, no troubles. You have gone through the 'two calamities', killing the body. And the fallen demon calamity, the same is nine calamities. One, Juncheng, you have become the savior, the almighty wish machine, as the organization hopes.

"Yes, without self, you can do anything, and because disasters and catastrophe have been eliminated, there will be no pollution or mistakes, and it can satisfy everyone's wishes and allow everyone to be completely liberated.

"Juncheng, you have become a 'God'."

It turned out that this is the ending. Indeed, as Zihua said, it is not a bad ending. For everyone else, this is a perfect ending.

Is there anything better than a happy ending for all?

OFF Light Novel

But it wasn't so for them, it wasn't a happy ending, because they were the only ones left out.

"We can't make you, Juncheng, who has changed back like that, come back, and there is nothing we can do, so we came up with the idea of ​​going back to the past and changing everything from the beginning.

"That's it

This is the cause of the previous chain of events.

After saying all this, she looked at me uneasily and asked.

"Juncheng, do you blame us?"

"Me? Why do I blame you.

"Because the original world is not as bad as imagined, it is not the end of the world at all, it is better to say that we have ushered in the salvation of all mankind - but we have destroyed that future for our own selfish desires."

"Haha - the redemption of all mankind, can't be said, haven't you been redeemed? And I am no longer me when I became like that, it was you who rescued me."

I reached out and stroked Lan's cheek, and said with unwavering determination.

"How could I be willing to abandon you, I will definitely hold you firmly in my palm, and love you until I die.

Lan smiled again, covered my hands with both hands, kissed my palm and left a hickey, and then buried my hand in the soft chest.

"Juncheng, you have become more frank, huhu, I also love you to death~"

A flush of excitement appeared on the cheeks, which was the expression of blue's love.

"Always forever forever forever forever forever forever, love you!"

A heavy love that is so strong that you can't breathe.


Now I suddenly feel that this kind of morbid blue is also very cute.

Ah, sure enough, I was also broken. "


Chapter 77 As Always

"By the way, Lan, then what method did you use to prove your existence? Did you also use the paradox ability to find Shirley?\'

"Huh? I didn't prove my existence, okay?"

Lan's innocent answer made me frown. Aha?

Did you not prove your existence?

"Then how did you appear in front of me? According to your words, no one can discover your existence.

After all, the existence has been erased, and there is not even a trace.

"No, now only Juncheng can you see me?"

"What? Only I can see it? Could it be... Is there something wrong with me?

\"bingo~ That's it, it's Jun Cheng, you have become able to 'observe' things that shouldn't exist. And it's not just me, you should be able to see other things... well, those things that are denied by the world Come on.

After hearing Lan's words, I realized that there were indeed some strange things around.

It's like a three-dimensional shadow floating around, only the eyes are empty white, and the figure has been distorted and lost its human shape, very similar to Mr. Shadow, but those guys are not shadows. Mr. Shadow can only appear in places with light, but these guys appear in the dark, which is more turbid than the darkness. If the shadow is a 'trace of the existence of the body', these guys are nothing, not even the trace of existence. No.

It's not a ghost, it's not a ghost, 'nothing' huh? Why can I understand these things?

Uh, yes, how did I immediately understand what they were...

"Huhuhu, Juncheng, are you wondering why you can suddenly see and understand these things? In fact, it is precisely because you can understand that you can see these existences."

"Is it Seven Nights?"

"Well, the ability of that sick guy can still come in handy.

"What's your relationship with Qiye Lan?"

Actually, when I asked this sentence, I didn't have any special thoughts. If I didn't even have this level of trust in Lan, then I really lived in vain.

But Lan drew circles with her fingers on my chest with a playful face, and said in a flirtatious tone.

"Aiya~ Are you saying that Juncheng is jealous? Huhuhu, people won't like people other than Juncheng."

Well, just think I'm jealous, don't give a shit, tell me now.

"It's just to borrow his ability, and as a price, Juncheng, you will give him the horn in your hand.

"You just gave it to him? Isn't that a reason to threaten him...

"It's alright, we'll talk about that when the time comes, and we're not in a hurry now.

Lan seems to know a lot of things. She still has the same ability to control information as before.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't Lan who suddenly appeared in front of me, but I became able to see Lan, then she was always there during this time.

Actually, I don't need to say it, someone should have guessed it...

"Lan, shouldn't you have been with me all this time...

Lan suddenly flushed her cheeks and said excitedly.

"That's right! Compared to watching videos, the feeling of being around you is simply unbelievable! It's a more realistic experience than VR, and even if you do something to Juncheng, you won't realize it! Simply It is the most perfect tracking form! Everyone wants to keep this state all the time, huhuhuhu......


With a crazy smile, Lan, you really don't hide your perverted interest.

Sure enough, Lan is always by my side, no one will find her, nor will she leave any traces. This kind of state like sneaking is indeed the most suitable for Lan's natural vocation, that is, a stalker. now....

Don't ask what she did to me during this time, or I might cry when I learn the truth.

She has been looking at me all the time, she knows everything about me like the back of the hand, and maybe even understands my mental activities-. So, is that also a blue...

Thinking of this, I asked directly.

"And Lan, did you make that call?

It was the voice of the fan who told me that day that I could achieve any wish by collecting all nine fates. I suspect that it was Lan.

This time, Lan Dao admitted it directly, and then asked me incredulously.

"Huh? Juncheng, how did you guess, I should have changed my voice, and I also deliberately paid attention to not revealing any fetishes or habits.

"I also suddenly wanted to understand. Using the method of exclusion, you are the only one who will call me that phone call.

At that point in time when I didn't re-establish the fateful connection with any witches, the only one who knew about Lan's existence other than me... was Lan himself.

"Hoohoo~ As expected of Juncheng~ A reward for a kiss~"


"You really.... If you know that, I will definitely find a way to collect the nine fates, so I will tell me Ba."

As a result, the initiator of this series of messy missions was Lan himself.

It's a shame I'm so worried about you...

"It's blue, why haven't you become like them?

"Juncheng, you don't want me to become this kind of person who is not a ghost or a ghost... 嘤嘤嘤, I never expected your taste to become so unique, you don't like beautiful girls, you like it. Is the black ooze weird?

"Please don't make trouble



"Well, that's nice."

I touched Lan's head, if Lan really had ears and a tail, he would be swaying excitedly now.

"Answer my question well, Lan, you and the group of dark things over there are considered the same kind of existence... I can feel it.

"Well, yes, I just 'haven't' become like that, and if time passes, I will become like that.

"Sure enough...it's another mission with a time limit|...

Recently, I feel that I have taken on a lot of such tasks with very tight time constraints.

"And Nana, her existence has been erased just like you, right, what about Nana? She just disappeared in front of me.

"Because she didn't have the memory of the last world, but realized the ending of the last world, her existence itself was erased for the sake of rationality."

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"Then I should be able to see her now, where has she gone?"

"Well, Nana, she didn't come. Now we are all invisible, so there is nothing to stop us from going anywhere, so she said that she wants to investigate - the top secret in the organization.

"That's it....

Phew, fortunately, it seems that Nana didn't suddenly disappear at that time, but suddenly I couldn't see her anymore.

She must have been at a loss at the time. She was still talking well, but suddenly she found that everyone around her started to ignore her.

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