Is it a state of 'have to do this'?

Is it being controlled by someone, or is it that there is finally a problem with the relationship... Tsk, now is not the time for analysis!

. Now is not the time to analyze! It's better to solve this matter thoroughly before it becomes more difficult.

I picked up Lou Ling with one hand and Lan with the other, rolled out from under the bench, got up and sprinted, using a high concentration of energy to avoid those black snowflake-like viruses directly touching their skin, if there was really no way to dodge it, Block it with my body.

The pain of being pierced came from all over the body, and that part of the body lost its function.

It seems that I am no longer complete. I just entered the corridor for such a short distance, and I almost lost consciousness after running.

"Juncheng! Why are you so messed up!

..-.--..I...let's go, go find Xiao."

In Li Nai's house, my body came into contact with too many zombie viruses. Even if I was resistant, I was temporarily unable to move due to paralysis. Although I still opened my eyes, my vision was completely black. I feel that someone is talking, but I can't hear what they are saying, but my body is put down, so I should have returned to Li Nai's house.

"You can't fall asleep at such a critical time."

...Consciousness has become more and more blurred, no matter how hard I try to cheer up, it is useless, I understand that this is the body's self-protection mechanism activated, in order to eliminate these viruses that will turn me into a zombie - the field is life-and-death offensive and defensive warfare.

There is no other way, so I can only sleep for a while,

Come on, the cells in my body, let's kill all these **** viruses...

He slowly woke up and turned around, his head was a little dizzy, but fortunately his body regained consciousness.

I opened my eyes, the room was pitch black, and the lights were not turned on.

After I shook my head to make myself more awake, I got up and touched the wall and walked slowly, touched the bump, pressed the switch of the light, and the room suddenly lit up.

As for me, the sudden light hurt my eyes, I frowned and closed my eyes for a while before I recovered.

I thought it was so dark in the room because the curtains were drawn, but when I look back now, I found that the curtains were not drawn.

Have I slept all day?

Still at night, don't I think I slept for a short period of time, then it's only possible that I slept for a while

It was night when I fell, and when I woke up, it was still late, and Li Yuantian was empty.

This room looks like it should be Li Nai's own room, but it's unexpectedly girly - by the way, what about the others?

I opened the door of the room and walked out of the room. There was no one in the living room, no one was there.

Where have you all gone?

"Blue? Blue!"

There was no response, it was like he really wasn't there, maybe something went out, but what about the others?

Xiao An and Lou Ling were not there either.

They won't leave me alone, will they?

It should be no... Yes... Although it feels a bit arrogant to say that, but even if the end of the world comes, they probably won't

Abandon me.

I am confident that even if I die, they will take my body and leave.

At least one person will be left to guard me, but they didn't.

I always feel that it is the same as Li Nai, Lianbing and the others disappearing - what is going on?

With dark clouds in my heart, I hurriedly put on my clothes and hurried out the door.

, Anyway, look around now and look around.

When I went out, I found that there was no one on the street.

Also, after all, it is already late at night, and it is normal that no one is there. Even the street lights are turned off.

Is it late at night?

Because it was so dark, I had to take out my phone and turn on the flash to follow the road, and just when I turned on the flash

At that moment, everyone was stunned.

I suddenly realized one thing. Are the street lights around here...are they always on? They won't be turned off until morning.


However, on the screen of my NM's hand feud, when the upper left corner is displayed....


Twenty-four hour clock, that is, half past one in the afternoon?!


Why didn't the street lights turn on?

It's because it's 'daytime', so it's not open!

I suddenly realized that maybe something had 'happened', the whole city was shrouded in darkness, there was no one on the street,

Wouldn't this be a dark street?

r, should it be said that the whole city has been 'black streets'?

Why does this happen? I'm so obsessed 2 Polge

In a panic, I started running frantically and yelling at Zhou Guo, "Da Ming."


"Lan! Xiao An! Where are you! Just call me back if you're here!

Say it back to me-


The empty city can only hear my echo, but no other sound.

"Where have you all gone!"

"Come out! Stop joking!"


"Brother Jun?"

Someone patted me on the shoulder. I wasn't surprised this time. Instead, I was surprised. I turned around and grabbed the other person's hand and called out expectantly.


"...I'm really sorry that I'm not the blue you call me.

"Ji Zhibai?! Why are you here!"

Never thought that this kid would appear at this time.

Wait, could he have something to do with this incident too? It happened at this time, you are suspicious?

Since that's the case, let's have a good interrogation, eon?

"Ah, speaking of this...\"

"Give me an explanation of the status quo within five crosses.

"Uh, let me organize a-a-a-a-aaaaaaaaaaa met a man on the way home, he offered me to be his man,

I refused to walk away directly, and when I came back to my senses, I found that there was no...

It sounds like I was just picked up on a conversation, and then inexplicably encountered a sudden situation. Did you get involved in this incident like me?

No, I met a man, but let Ji Zhibai become his man?

It must be because the other party knows that Ji Zhibai is also a 'related person'!

Then this person said it wasn't for sure...

"Is that man you met wearing a black suit and wearing gloves?"

"That's right, how do you know? Could it be that you have met Brother Jun before? It's really weird. Could it be that the man is a devil and we are

To hell?\"

.. of course it was Qiye, his goal from the very beginning was to know the truth.

t Big sin, to achieve nine fates, two more are needed, and Ji Zhibai happens to be two ceremonies.

But why do you want to let Ji Zhibai go after you have caught Ji Zhibai? You can make Ji Zhibai become him if you directly threaten him and then train him.

's shape.

I can't figure it out, I don't quite understand what that Qiye wants to do.

"Brother Jun, do you know what happened? Why does it feel like the whole city has become like a black street? It's so gloomy."

Ji Zhibai tugged at the corner of my clothes and shrank back, still trembling.

Are you a man? Are you still afraid of ghosts?

Zhenbian just skipped it, and I was a little startled, while Ji Zhibai directly shouted loudly.

At this time, a dark shadow suddenly passed us by,

hugged my body from behind.


"Don't make a fuss, it's just a weave...--.-?'

Wait, these two soft **** behind the back.-.What are they?

Ji Zhibai, did you stuff cotton in your clothes?

No, but this feeling is too real, it's the same feeling that I'm familiar with...

Although the size and shape are different, this unique softness is unchanged, giving a warm feeling.

I grabbed the hand that was on my chest, dragged Ji Zhibai in front of me, and cried out in astonishment.

"You bastard! It's actually a woman!"

The soft part just now is definitely a part unique to women! That is to say, Ji Zhibai, no, this aunt-. turned out to be a woman.



"Huh? Yes, I never said I was a man, Brother Jun.

Even-face admitted it frankly!

I didn't feel flustered at all, as if I hadn't concealed this matter at all—yes!

He did not say once that he was a man, but generally speaking, looking at you like this, you will think you are a man!

"What the hell! Then why are you so handsome!"

"Only men are allowed to be pseudo-girls, and women are not allowed to be pseudo-masculine? My student file has written 'female' well."

"Only the devil knows that kind of thing!" oF Mu Xiaoting

How could there be such a masculine woman, this is even more ridiculous than mistyped hormones!

It's just that the soul is in the wrong place!

"Well, after all, I am the two yin. The yin and yang have no fate, and the two yin are free. This fate has no fate, Brother Jun,

Both parts are the main body and the secondary body, and I am the yang part. "

"Why did Yang choose a woman?"

Wait, could it be that the yin on the other side is Xu Jiaojiao?

That's why she became a heroine! Thinking about how similar the two are!

"Originally, yin and yang are like this. It's not black and 5 white that are completely isolated, but the realm where there is yang in the bright, and yin in the yang, right?

I think it might have something to do with this. "

There is also a woman who is obviously a woman, but it is all a man's plan.

Two instruments, fusion, yin and yang, so that's how it is!

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