"In fact, I've been looking for the other half, the guy who is just as unlucky as me, because as long as you find the other half, you can achieve yin

With the old coordination, we can live better than normal.... I also want to have a good relationship like an ordinary young girl!

Not with girls, but with boys!"

As he spoke, Ji Zhibai seemed to be on fire, holding my hands and making a bright proposal.

"Why don't we go on a date now! Brother Jun!"

"Suddenly said... huh...- are you still awake, what is the situation now and you are still dating."

"But I've never had a relationship with a man in my life. They all treat me as a buddy, and they never thought of falling in love with me."

If you think about it, you will be surprised!

I'm afraid I won't be bent by you!

Maybe after knowing that you are a girl, you will be even more disappointed!

"Only brother Jun, you found out that I'm a girl! I feel like I like you!"

"Don't confess to me with a face more handsome than me!


...don't be so sad, don't you want to cry...

Damn it, what the **** is this!

"Okay, okay, I'm looking for someone, you can go with me too.


- It's so frustrating.

What the **** is this unfolding-



So, I started to search this empty and silent city with Ji Zhibai.

It felt like I was the protagonist of a legend wandering the streets of the apocalypse with a dog, but Ji Zhibai is obviously not connected.

Maybe it was because he never found anyone. When he met someone who could talk, he would be excited like a child, and he would never stop nagging.

"Speaking of which, Brother Jun, who are you looking for?"

"Find someone

"Are you looking for your girlfriend?

"Ah, almost."

"So you already have a girlfriend. Could it be Ji Lianbing?"

"No, it's not Lianbing, forget it, I can't explain it to you.

"What? Don't you have other girlfriends, Brother Jun? Also, remember that you seem to have a good relationship with other girls. Could it be that you are actually riding a boat?

"Yes, that's it."

"What, you said to me, Brother Jun, you are the real super scumbag."

so annoying.

I didn't want to know what you asked at all, so I answered directly without thinking about it. It gave me some insight.

"But it's nice to be liked by you, Brother Jun."

I suspect that you have a brain hole, is it a good thing to be liked by me?

No, even if you actually come into contact with it,

I know that this guy is a woman, but when I saw this handsome face that made me want to slap my face, I subconsciously regarded him as a man,

No, just from a woman's point of view, it's not a happy thing to be liked by a scumbag, right? It's better to complain that you are bad luck.

Ji Zhibai, uh, she doesn't seem to have the same thoughts as ordinary girls, she always feels a little distorted?

"Because, Brother Jun, you are the type that won't leave the other party as long as you decide, which means that as long as you are liked, you can always lead to your love.

"You're too short of love - you would think this kind of love is cheap.

"How can it be cheap? It's obviously sincere.

"It's just because 'it's okay for everyone' that it's cheap, every woman wants her man to love only her, this sheep will have a 'unique' feeling, and will feel that she is in the other's heart In the highest position, this kind of love will appear precious, and it is said that it is 'love to the death'.'

"Brother Jun, you are very clear, but you still choose to love so many people even though you know it so well?"


I knew it was so, but I chose to make love cheap.

To put it nicely, it is called fraternity, but to put it bluntly, it is promiscuity.

"So, don't imitate me, and don't look for a man like me. I'm not a good man, and I'm not worthy of my life, but there are some strange women who like me as if they are obsessed, so I I vowed not to abandon them."

Ji Zhibai seemed to understand what I meant, nodded again and again, and then - Vice Wu understood something, Hammer said.

"That's it, if you're looking for a man, you still have to find a man like you, Brother Jun."

"Huh? Are you listening to me?

"I know, but I don't think it's important. It's a very happy thing to be liked by a man like you, Brother Jun. I think it's too much to ask for anything."

"No, I think you must have been pretending to be a man for too long, and that's why you say things that are biased towards men. It's not fair.

"Huh? I think it's not equal. There is only one good man like you, Brother Jun, so those women with good eyes will haunt you. Since they take the initiative to haunt you, and you can't If you only choose one person, it would be amazing to be able to give everyone love. I think that for this reason, I am qualified to get them all--a bed."

"I think you have a problem.

This way of thinking is too masculine, even I feel a little too masculine.

No, what time is this, why am I teaching a tomboy emotionally here?

But it is true that there is nowhere to be found, and the whole city is empty.

It's not that I haven't experienced this kind of situation. It was like this in the black street back then, which means it's a similar situation this time.

Ji Zhibai and I probably entered the inner world by mistake, or maybe we were isolated.

Even I wonder if this is a 'dream world', after all, I am asleep, and when the dream is real to a certain extent, it is impossible to distinguish it from the five senses alone, just like it was constructed by Nana Spiral nightmare.

Can only passively wait for something to happen

Then just stay where you are.

I stopped and wandered around meaninglessly, went to the vending machine to buy two bottles of coffee, and threw them to Ji Zhibai--bottles.

"Didn't you find it?"

"Well, don't look for it anymore, just wait for them to come to me. Anyway, they all seem to have special abilities, no matter where I am, I can find my location,

"It's so scary, stalker?

"Almost, although I used to think it was scary, but after I got used to it, I found it to be quite convenient, although there is no personal privacy.

"Brother Jun, you're not normal. Ordinary people don't get used to stalkers.

"Well, I've been abnormal for a long time."

Boom, boom, he flicked the pull tab of the can twice, and then opened the pull tab a third time after loosening it. He took a sip to moisten his throat and said.

"Speaking of which, Ji Zhibai, why did you listen to the organization?

"The organization promised me that as long as I am willing to cooperate with you and become your destiny, the organization will guarantee my safety and help me find the yin of the other half. I think this condition is acceptable, so I came here. "

"That's it, in the end, when something really happened, the organization couldn't give any help at all, good food.

"But I met you, Brother Jun.

"Yes, I was quite lucky to meet me."

"Oh? Are you unlucky to meet me? 2KE-0CL

Turning around, he threw the finished coffee to the location of the voice. light" said

The coffee splashed out and hit the man's head accurately, but was easily caught by the man. The coffee liquid splashed in the air lingered in mid-air, and then gathered into the coffee can that the man caught.

This unreasonable scene made me frown, and the man's non-hostile affinity made me feel extremely disobedient.

"Seven nights.

I stepped forward and protected Ji Zhibai behind me, this guy came prepared.

Behind him stood other people, women he hadn't seen before. Well, the possibility of not being a sorceress should be very small.

Did he actually find his old witch?

The color is not good.

"What are you doing here? I should have rejected you already!"

"I think it's just an unwise idea under your excitement, so I'll give you another chance


So tough, I am impressed by you, Ji Zhibai.

Still pretty tough.

"Really? But 'he' has accepted it.

"Huh? Xu Jiaojiao!

Xu Jiaojiao gave me a complicated look, but did not speak.

On the contrary, Ji Zhibai's eyes widened and he looked at each other in disbelief, unable to speak.

"You should know very well who he is.

"Why. Why are you?

Xu Jiaojiao turned her face aside, not daring to face us.

"I'm only twenty and I want to live.

'That's right, don't you think about it for yourself? The fate of you and him is a kind of fate that is always activated, that is to say? 'Continuous consumption of fate', at this rate, neither of you can Live past twenty.

Don't live to be twenty years old!

How can there be such an unreasonable fate! Can't control it!

Wait, is this why Qiye took Xi'er away?

The real purpose is to use it to threaten Ji Zhibai and Xu Jiaojiao!

"Look, this guy here has already agreed, and so have you. Come to my side and I can let you live."

"Wait! You said you wanted to give them lifespan, where did that lifespan come from! You forced Xi'er to steal the lifespan of ordinary people, right?

After listening to my words, Ji Zhibai clenched his teeth and stared at Qiye without hesitation and shouted.

"I don't want that kind of life that is stolen from others! If you can't live frankly, then it's better to die!

"It's really saying superfluous things.

The atmosphere around Qiye has changed, it is full of dangerous smells, and its true shape is revealed!

"Why do you stand in front of me? I have told you before that there is no reason for us to fight.

"Just looking for a reason without a reason (Yu Ke? Don't you need a reason to find someone to fight? I just see that you are unhappy, serious!

"Oh, so if you say that, you really don't need a reason.

He smiled, but his eyes were not smiling, and the women behind him also exuded a terrifying aura, as if - the command would cut me into pieces.

"But now you can't do anything, can you?"

Tsk, does he know about this too?

"Even if you can use fate, I have a way to suppress you in a short time, not to mention that you can't use fate now.

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